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Small Mod compilation

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  • I've removed them. After your post I see that maybe wording was unfortunate indeed. These were of course from new release of webangels “reflecting” pack.

    I've just thought... lightbeams cannot be used without code from SMC, and animated, reflective textures have nothing to do with lightbeams, so it is more intuitive and user friendly to have them in smc. That was all I was thinking, when I was doing it, as a result I was called a thief
    Last edited by _Smith_; 12-20-2011, 08:14 AM.
    Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


    • Originally posted by _Smith_ View Post
      I've removed them. After your post I see that maybe wording was unfortunate indeed. These were of course from new release of webangels “reflecting” pack.

      I've just thought... lightbeams cannot be used without code from SMC, and animated, reflective textures have nothing to do with lightbeams, so it is more intuitive and user friendly to have them in smc. That was all I was thinking, when I was doing it, as a result I was called a thief
      the lightbeams was a Bluntz idea that I carried out in qc and seven added it in SMC, and is a very simple code! you do not need SMC, use my code when you want, i will not be angry!! you just need this In this early version i used bsp instead of models Personally I do not think you're a thief, since qc v 1.06 is licensed under the GPL!
      the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



      • Hi

        i agree that smith isnt a thief...but this is Sevens mod, and all his hard work.

        if you do make edits, be polite and maybe ask him to implement a change.

        if its something new and cool, youve added in, make a new thread.

        yes the source code is included...this mod is so deep, i love it.

        real quake masters like Seven have a hard time leaving this game alone because its beloved to them.




        • No, I was accused of stealing webangels textures and models not the code

          Thanks for your support, but everything is ok. That post wasn't meant to be completely serious

          Best Wishes to everyone

          The thing is, that were relatively unimportant things, so I do not wanted to bother Seven with them, or spam forum with a new thread.
          Last edited by _Smith_; 12-20-2011, 09:10 AM.
          Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


          • Hello,

            All the content here is uploaded to official webspace.
            Everybody can use them as long as the readmes are respected.
            For me it was always no question to include the source for QC things.
            Why should I not include them ?
            Many things inside the "small mod compilation" is code from other sources as well.

            So it is clear that noone is a thief.
            Just to point this out.

            I even said many times, that others should experiment with the source of smc.
            I always try to motivate people to look a little inside QC.
            God knows, that I am not a good coder.
            Just look over at inside3d and you will know...
            But I gain experience by simply try things, combine things and do own things.
            The things you can do with QC are much more powerful than with simple textures, shaders or effectinfos.

            What I didnt like is also obvious (I wrote about it in my post yesterday).
            Smith understood this and everything should be good now.
            It is simply the edit of my documentation + code and save it in a new bundle with my name on it. It think it is clear and obvious that nobody want these things happen.

            The last days have been trouble days for me.
            That may have lead to my post as well.
            As you know me, I am not that type of guy normaly.
            - A person from gearbox forum used smc and declared it as his own.
            - Xolve uses contents, that are strictly forbidden to be used (Tabuns Enforcer for example)
            - The thing with Smith´s "Seven-packs"

            I will (or have already) cooled down.
            But will take a break.

            In a few days is christmas. Thank you for the hint Nahuel
            I still need some presents for my family...

            There is still a huge new DP project going on at the moment.
            (I mentioned it several days ago)

            To bring a little humor in this topic again (as you know, I am a effect-monkey)

            Arent they exactly like us ?

            And this is for you and Tila

            And this

            I will go now and find my inner peace

            Sincerely, Seven
            Last edited by Seven; 12-20-2011, 12:39 PM.


            • Have a Merry Christmas Seven!

              Have a Merry Christmas everyone!


              • Damn it!
                I almost forgot it

                Have a Merry Christmas @all


                • Merry christmas!
                  If you see 427 playing Quake thats me.


                  • Hi Seven)
                    Need this mod without rain (+rain-thunder-sound) please
                    Sorry for my bad english


                    • I'm sorry - I know I'm a total newb, but I've gotten myself stuck in a rut here. I'd really like to get rid of those new death animations, and I've tried making an autoexec.cfg in the id1 folder as I've read here but the things are stubborn and just won't go away. It's rather vexing as pretty much everything else this compilation offers is golden.

                      The death animations are so irritating that I tossed the compilation from frustration. Regretting my decision, I redownloaded it and now I'm missing the weather effects. It's all got me pulling my hair out, and a little nudge in the right direction would be great.

                      One other thing, though. I can confirm an issue that was mentioned earlier. On E1M5, a lift sound begins and endlessly loops throughout the map. It only occurs with this compilation enabled. It's a save from before he mod was first installed, though, so maybe that's the source of the problem.


                      • Just read the readme.txt that is inside the zip file. It's called:

                        "00 Readme Compilation Ver.3.61 IMPORTANT !!!!.txt"

                        That's all you need, look inside, you could nearly switch on/off or customize everything.


                        • merry chritsmas i am so drunk
                          the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



                          • Merry Christmas nahuel!!


                            • You're right, Grave. I just pulled a massive derp, not knowing whether or not the autoexec file needed its extension in its name. Windows 7 seems so random about extensions sometimes. So I just made an autoexec with and without the extension. One of the two seems to have worked.

                              Thanks to those whose efforts led to this mod compilation. It's absolutely fantastic.


                              • Rapidshare links not working!
                                And Megaupload ones too!

