You write that you are using qr_quakebestiary_edited.
That file is included in the epsilon mod compilation.
If you are using the epsilon compilation as your base, it is understandable that you experience issues with recent SMC builds. The epsilon compilation uses a very old darkplaces build from 2011.
The SMC is a single player mod. I do not recommend it for multiplayer for known reasons.
Like all other mods, you can enable it with the -game [modfolder] command in your darkplaces shortcut.
The SMC uses the improved dog model by capnbubs.
Its uv-mapping is different to original dog model. That is why the dog texture from QR does not match the new dog model.
You need to remove the Reforged dog textures dog.mdl_0, dog.mdl_0_gloss, dog.mdl_0_luma from qr_quakebestiary_edited to see the full glory of capnbubs dog.
I use it myself as well. I am sure you will like it.

Make sure to use a recent darkplaces build together with the SMC. The readme.txt speaks about some more details.
You might notice a performance impact because the mod adds several particle effects.
That is why its important to use a darkplaces build it was made for.
If you find the performance impact too much you can reduce it by changing some particle features.
Main important is the flamestyle cvar. It changes the flames in Quake. Set it to flamestyle 0 to have the least performance impact.
The readme.txt describes how to edit SMC features in general.
Good luck.
@ Seven
Please send me your latest mod source. I have a new idea and am in the mood for modding.

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