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Small Mod compilation

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  • Hi

    @OoPpEe thanks for the tip.

    i actaully got the skin file to work only after i named it

    this is what the skin file look like



    hehe i saw the rune effect last

    thanks for the help...i tried that out and it worked with my md3compiler.

    id like it if we could have multiple skins for md3 and mdl concurrently, so it would be six skins per monster=P




    • Originally posted by Seven View Post
      PS: The 50% transparent view weapon when picking up the ring
      cannot be done via QC change. This behaviour is engine driven.
      The third person view behaviour can be changed just the way you requested though.
      I might be wrong of course.
      This is triggered via QC of course, but the engine decides what to do. You need xxQC to manipulate it. And the "small mod compilation" is QC-only.
      really? the kleshik mod has this too, that weapons on hud become 50% transparent when the ring is picked up instead of becoming completely invisible

      thanx lots btw for the backback update, downloading it now and will try it right away
      EDIT: just tried it, neato, thanx seven. although strangely shooting it to make the backpack fly around only seems to work when you shoot the ground below the backpack instead of the backpack itself
      [ame] DOEgsToPDskKZ4GoZw75KDMuO0jn28t2K[/ame]

      oh, and another idea.... could you maybe make the backpack lay flat on the ground and not spin, it looks kinda strange to have a backpack spinning on the water surface imo

      the hellknight having a glowing corpse when being killed while glowing i noticed too myself.
      but i personally didnt see it as a bug, i actually thought it was kinda cool that the corpse continued to glow
      Last edited by talisa; 02-01-2012, 03:08 PM.
      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


      • Thank you Seven!
        I am happy with my DM2 stigmata particle addition thanks to your nice samples It was easy to apply the effect.
        May be too intense for some viewers.
        Stress Relief Device
        ....BANG HEAD HERE....


        • erm..... help please? last night i tried getting milkshape and try to figure out how to make the shambler model from andrew joll have different textures, but when i tried i first ended up with a completely invisible model first attempt, and second attempt i ended up with a completely white static shambler which had no animations

          i never used milkshape before and have no clue how it works, could you perhaps explain in a bit more detail exactly what id have to do to fix up a copy of a md3/mdl model to have diff textures so i can use it with your new multi-skin feature?

          EDIT: nvm i found a tool called 'Q3_MODEL_TOOL' somewhere which made it extremely easy and i managed to easily do it with that program
          so no more help is needed after all
          Last edited by talisa; 02-02-2012, 05:15 AM.
          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


          • just finished setting up both andrew jolls shambler and OePpEe's moo grunt both for use with the new SMC multi-skin feature
            for shams ive used seanstars texture and for the grunt ive used texture from OoPpEe's Wrack skin for player, which uses the exact same model so all i had to do to make it work was rename the textures

            its so cool to now have 2 diff versions of hi-poly grunts and shamblers as well

            cant wait till seanstar re-uploads his skins for the hi-poly fiend and vore again, so i can set those up too with a secondary skin option

            if anybody wants the hi-poly shams and grunt too tell me and ill upload them
            Last edited by talisa; 02-02-2012, 03:15 PM.
            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


            • Please up them splitterface!


              • sures

                they do require you to have the originals already, if you dont have the originals you'll just get old original ID1 model and new ones mixed.

                and if you already are using the starters-pack from seven for multi-skin, you'll have to open the pk3, and remove the shambler.mdl and shambler1.mdl, and the soldier.mdl and soldier1.mdl files from them, and also the H_shams and h_soldier mdl files from that pk3

                and to use them you need to add/change these lines to your auto-exec.cfg:
                set shamblermultiskin 2
                set soldiermultiskin 2

                shams - secondary skin
                grunt - secondary skin

                btw if you want, i can also upload a repacked pk3 for ya of the multi-skin pk3 which already has those files removed.
                ive fixed it up to be used with the hi-poly shams, fiend, vore, scrag, grunt and enforcer.
                removed all the files from it which arent needed and which would override the hi-poly models.

                EDIT: had accidentially made a mistake in the shams pk3, put some files in progs instead of textures folder inside the pk3 which made the gib of secondary shambler be texture-less.
                updated link to fixed version, so if you had already downloaded it please download the new fixed version
                Last edited by talisa; 02-02-2012, 07:25 AM.
                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                • Nope, I just now downloaded so no problems!!

                  Thank you so much. I'm going to experiment as well with variations!!



                  • welcome
                    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                    • Seven?...can you please explain a little better how to add the Tabun enforcer model to the multiskin starter kit.pk3? In the Tabun .pk3 I find the .mdl's in the "progs" folder. (see pic 1 below) Which do I put a "1" after?...all 3? Rename "enforcer.mdl" to enforcer1.mdl? and h_mega.mdl to h_mega1.mdl?. what about "enforcer.mdl.framegroups? Also..what about the Tabun "textures" folder? (see pic 2 below) Do I copy and paste all those to the textures folder in the starter kit.pk3? I really want to add this to your new and improved SMC. You and Jakub have amazed me yet again!


                      • Good question papamac! You beat me to it.

                        Would you mind uploading the repacked pk3 please??


                        • gdiddy I tried my own answer out and it worked. From the Tabun pk3 progs rename "enforcer.mdl" to "enforcer1.mdl" and "h_mega.mdl” to "h_mega1.mdl" and copy to starter kit pk3 progs folder. Also..copy the Tabun textures and paste to the textures folder in the starter kit.pk3..and then change the cvar "enforcermultiskin" to "3" in the autoexec.cfg. Its working for me. I now have 3 different enforcer skins in game. Don't bother with the "enforcer.mdl.framegroups? I copy/pasted it too but it caused a weird issue with the other enforcer models freezing in a standing position after being killed? I then deleted it and all was fine.


                          • Thanks for the tip papamac.


                            • Originally posted by splitterface View Post
                              really? the kleshik mod has this too, that weapons on hud become 50% transparent when the ring is picked up instead of becoming completely invisible

                              Hello Splitterface,
                              Do you really think that kleshik only uses QC changes ?
                              Well, then think again

                              Originally posted by bluntz View Post
                              Thank you Seven!
                              I am happy with my DM2 stigmata particle addition thanks to your nice samples It was easy to apply the effect.

                              Well done bluntz.
                              It is good to see you and others like to experiment with custom effects.
                              Hope to see more from you. And feel free to post your files here if you want.

                              Originally posted by papamac67 View Post
                              From the Tabun pk3 progs rename "enforcer.mdl" to "enforcer1.mdl" and "h_mega.mdl” to "h_mega1.mdl" and copy to starter kit pk3 progs folder. Also..copy the Tabun textures and paste to the textures folder in the starter kit.pk3..and then change the cvar "enforcermultiskin" to "3" in the autoexec.cfg.

                              Hello papamac,
                              That is what I tried to explain in the readme file of "small mod compilation".
                              But be sure to also include the renamed file in "progs" folder:
                              (pay attention to the "1")

                              @ all

                              Status of the V3.72 with bug fixes:
                              1.) Hellknight charge effect is fixed
                              2.) Backpack gyro is fixed (shooting behaviour + position in water)
                              3.) A new suprise will be included

                              Release date: soon

                              Best wishes,


                              • Originally posted by Seven View Post
                                @ all

                                Status of the V3.72 with bug fixes:
                                1.) Hellknight charge effect is fixed
                                2.) Backpack gyro is fixed (shooting behaviour + position in water)
                                3.) A new suprise will be included

                                Release date: soon

                                Best wishes,
                                Woah, that was fast
                                Ohh, surprises eh? Can't wait
                                Souvenirs d'un autre monde

