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Small Mod compilation

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  • Seven returns!
    So I need to find the missing Enforcer skin in the "starter kit" and move it to my quake folder?


    • It is not THAT easy, because I do not know what skins you already have.
      You have to keep a naming convention for the multiskins if you add your own.

      Best thing in your case would be to contact splitterface.
      She likes it to bundle skins together.
      So she will be happy to help you with the enforcer issue.

      As you already found out, Quake (as well as all other games) is very sensitive when using multiple custom extension packs at once. If you are not completely sure what to do.
      Some do overwrite things and some break other things.

      So either delete all custom monster files and use the 'starter kit' alone or use splitterface´s packs.
      Whatever you do, be sure to adjust the cvars accordingly.
      So that Quake "knows" what monster skins you want to use.
      If you are sick of all that "skin-sh*t", set all multiskin cvars to "0".
      (this is the default setting)

      There are many friendly people here to help.
      Good luck metalseed.


      • ive already shared a copy of my complete darkplaces folder with metalseed, which has everything set correctly with multiskins and such

        if you just use that copy of darkplaces you got from me without changing anything to it and not adding or removing any stuff you wont have any problems at all metalseed

        but yeah, if you want a combination of specific models and skins for certain enemies, just let me know through a pm and ill be happy to whip you up an easy to use pk3 with those models/skins
        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


        • hmm seems i really should start learning qc, not? i keep having so much new ideas and such, would be nice if i didnt have to ask you every time but could do such stuff myself

          i tried looking at those 'spawn_tdeath ()' lines but i dun compleely understand it, and i have no clue which command id need to replace and with what to make it so that monsters will telefrag the player if they tp to a player position

          monster blood... pretty much same thing, i dont get it, lols. i know nothing of qc

          cant wait till you reimplent diffferent healths for corpses again. personally i only care about having it for shambler, since i have it set anyway so that monsters can only be gibbed with explosives and i like it that way, that every corpse can only be gibbed with explosives.

          about the water warp... meh it looks a bit nicer with higher, but still its a quite lame effect
          i wonder why the original totally awesome looking water effect from original quake was taken out in the first place in darkplaces, since it was a standard effect from quake. im curious as to why lordhavok decided to remove that awesome water-effect and replace it with that lame stretching instead?
          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


          • Originally posted by splitterface View Post
            hmm seems i really should start learning qc, not? i keep having so much new ideas and such, would be nice if i didnt have to ask you every time but could do such stuff myself
            Why not ?
            If I could learn the basic of QC, why not you too ?

            Originally posted by splitterface View Post
            i tried looking at those 'spawn_tdeath ()' lines but i dun compleely understand it, and i have no clue which command id need to replace and with what to make it so that monsters will telefrag the player if they tp to a player position
            As mentioned above, the function "spawn_tdeath ()" spawns a death zone.
            It declares a touch function for it: "tdeath_touch ()"
            Now you need to delete or comment out the lines that handles the monsters:
            if (self.owner.classname != "player")
            		{	// other monsters explode themselves
            			T_Damage (self.owner, self, self, 50000);
            That is it.

            Originally posted by splitterface View Post
            monster blood... pretty much same thing, i dont get it, lols. i know nothing of qc
            I admit, this is complex. What I wanted to say with:
            "Look at how I made the custom "blood" for ROGUE statues"
            is, that it is very possible. And custom blood for special monsters has already been done in "small mod compilation" for Rogue.
            It is complex though, due to all the death animations and gibbable corpses code has to be modified as well.
            I plan to implement it into V3.83 as said above.

            Originally posted by splitterface View Post
            about the water warp... meh it looks a bit nicer with higher, but still its a quite lame effect
            i wonder why the original totally awesome looking water effect from original quake was taken out in the first place in darkplaces, since it was a standard effect from quake. im curious as to why lordhavok decided to remove that awesome water-effect and replace it with that lame stretching instead?
            Dont do the same mistake that many others do.
            Every engine dev (and I really mean every) has a clear vision of how his engine shall be and look like.
            Calling something "lame" is just a personal taste, that is not valid for everyone.
            Maybe LH like it the way it is. Who knows ?
            You may call it "lame" that MH´s engine does not use the same particle system like DP. But it is meant that way. MH has a good reason for it.

            I must admit though, that LH has given his engine out of his hands somehow.
            Many other people develop "his" engine further. So a mixture of many people is visible and might be the reason for some features.

            But enough of this
            Thank you for your comments and feedback.
            I will try hard to implement them.

            Best regards,


            • Hello,

              Today I have tried something...
              Many different people wanted to bring some new blood effects into Quake.
              Regular Quake mainly spawns blood in various situations via SpawnBlood () function.
              It uses TE_BLOOD.

              Many different people like Jakub, Smith and myself experimented in DarkPlaces with TE_BLOOD for a long time, to squeeze some new things out of it.
              But of course it has its limits, because you only have 1 effect for all situations.

              I thought about, why dont create different blood-effects, that suits different situations ?
              So I tried to create additional/new effects for these situations:
              - when shooting a monster
              - when shooting a corpse
              - when gibbing a monster
              - when gibbing a corpse

              It was always the idea I had, to bring blood-splashes into the game.
              Something like the game: "Blood" uses, but more 'realistic' and not that 'overdone'.
              In the end it still must/should remain "Quake".
              While experimenting with the custom animated megahealth and gib model I found out how it maybe could be done.

              Now you will have:
              1.) blood-splashes out of corpses, when you shoot them. In addition, there is also a blood-mist.
              2.) When you finaly gib a corpse, the body "breaks" into many different parts (=gibs). This sure must leave a lot of blood-splashes and even a small blood-fountain.
              So I added this extended effect when gibbing a corpse.
              3.) When gibbing living monsters (with explosives or Quad), I also added a quite similar blood-effect. Because also here, the body is torn into pieces, right ? And I think that a lot of blood would appear.
              4.) When simply shooting a living monster, I implemented the idea of Smith, who brought some blood-fog/haze into Quake.
              It looks good with or without the "fleshsplat" feature enabled.

              The game is "bloodier" now; there it no doubt about that !
              (which many people seem to like)
              But I think that I did not overdone it. That was my task.
              Of course these effects are freely adjustable inside the effectinfo if it should be too much.

              At least it is now much more fun to shoot and gib those corpses and to try to gib a living monster.
              I hope you like it a little bit...

              Best wishes,

              It is always difficult to show/present these dynamic effects.
              Even with a youtube clip. But that is all I have...

              Please be aware that I gave the corpse a very high health to better demonstrate the effects, that is why there are a lot of blood-decals on the floor ! Which is normaly not the case.

              [ame=]Quake extended blood - YouTube[/ame]
              Last edited by Seven; 07-20-2012, 02:12 PM.


              • looks awesome seven, i love it

                more blood is always better, and those added blood effects look kick-ass!
                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                • Hello Seven,
                  I have to say one thing about your blood effects:
                  I LOVE IT!!

                  Especially the blood fountain. Looks great and I think all the new blood effects would be a enrichment for the gameplay.


                  • EXCELLENT effect Seven!!


                    • An awesome bloody mess!


                      • A little splashes on the screen? Maybe like in or little bit less than in JSHexen engine???



                        • Much better,please show an under water sequence.
                          I am interested in the mix and view changes there as it can get very hectic there.
                          May be too intense for some viewers.
                          Stress Relief Device
                          ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                          • Thank you for your replies.

                            I decided to include a cvar to enable/disable the extended blood-effects.
                            If someone does not like it, it can be switched off to "normal".

                            Originally posted by Helloween View Post
                            A little splashes on the screen? Maybe like in or little bit less than in JSHexen engine???

                            Hello Helloween,

                            Jeank, the man who extended the jshexen2 engine code, implemented this feature engine sided. SSQC is not enough to do this. It must be done (if not via engine) via CSQC I guess. But I might be wrong.
                            The "small mod compilation" is SSQC-only.

                            Originally posted by bluntz View Post
                            Much better,please show an under water sequence.
                            I am interested in the mix and view changes there as it can get very hectic there.
                            Hello bluntz,

                            Yes, I totally understand your concerns.
                            But fortunately DP´s effect scripting gives the possibility to either
                            - use 2 different effect blocks (1 with "underwater" and 1 with "notunderwater" settings)
                            - use the params "airfriction" and "liquidfriction" in 1 effect block

                            I paid attention that the extended blood will not disturb your view underwater.
                            It spreads slowly and vanishes quite quickly.

                            Thank you again,


                            • Looks BLOODY awesome Seven! I can't wait until it's integrated
                              Regular One Man Slaughterhouse


                              • i know it might be a bit late, but i just encountered the funniest bug ever
                                i have no clue wtf happened and i never seen it before, and it was seriously funny as hell.

                                i was just playing some rogue, shooting with the lava-SNG, and suddenly after everything was dead in a room i noticed something kept moving, and i went like "what in the f "

                                i ran around a bit, and it seemed to still be there. so i decided to run around facing backwards, and i saw a had a burning nail following me around, which would keep zooming left to right if i stood still


                                i have no clue how this happened cuz i didnt do anything special and i never seen it before

                                also included my quicksave that it happened on so you can see it for yourself, you totally have to see it, its funny as hell XD

                                anyways, its beside funny also a bug. i have no clue how it happened and i never had it before, but i thought it was worth mentioning.
                                Attached Files
                                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

