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Small Mod compilation

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  • To talisa

    I saw your update of the arctic fiend skin and I would like to say it's really cool (no pun intended). It will fit great with snow weather mods.


    • thanx frost
      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


      • ?
        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by soosel View Post
          you must be new here..
          the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



          • Originally posted by nahuel View Post
            you must be new here..
            = /
            any ideas?

            files in ID1:
            smc4.15, smc4.25 pk3,
            autoexec.cfg (smc4.25), effectinfo.txt (smc4.25)
            folder "maps" with start.ent and start_effectinfo.txt files

            inGame options -> customize effects -> particles quality = 4 (max)
            geforce gtx 660

            dp build - mar 4 2013


            • Thank you all. I just downloaded Smith`s Quake HD and that's exactly what I wanted.


              • To Seven

                Seven, I need to know how to make to Small Mod Complimations work for rogue. I heard it fixes the plamsa gun bug, and elevator bug in ep. 1 in tomb of the overlord. I did download them and dropped them in the rogue folder and made sure the plasma gun bug fix from LambentHammerburst is removed in the rogue folder.

                But nothing works, I wonder if there is more to it to make it work.
                I noticed a zip file in the darkplaces engine file called, but it maybe a clue to my problems.

                Also, do I need to create an acount in rapidshare to download the files?


                • @soosel:
                  what was your problem? The lightning and fancy things didn´t work?
                  You have to copy and rename the .ent and effectinfo files from the
                  \00 custom particle effects samples ID1 folder to your ID1\maps folder.

                  I´m not Seven but I try to help.
                  At least you have to copy the file called
                  to your \Rogue folder.
                  Then you have to copy the files:
                  -autoexec ROGUE SAMPLE V4.15 !!!! .cfg (rename to autoexec.cfg)
                  - effectinfo.txt

                  If you want weather ent files or multimodel, do it the same way.
                  Copy the files
                  - Starter Kit - multiskin+multimodel ROGUE monsters Seven V4.15.pk3
                  - autoexec settings for multiskin+multimodel ROGUE V4.15.cfg
                  from the
                  00 Multiskin + Multimodel ROGUE files V4.15 !!!
                  to your rogue folder and rename the autoexec.

                  If you want costum particle effect you have to copy them from
                  \00 custom particle effects samples ROGUE folder to your Rogue\maps folder.

                  All Files are in Sevens .rar!

                  There is no need to register at RS. You can download it without.

                  I think both problems are described very well in Sevens readme files.

                  I havent mentioned yet that I love your adrenalin mod.
                  Last edited by webangel; 04-25-2013, 02:26 PM.


                  • Originally posted by webangel View Post
                    what was your problem? The lightning and fancy things didn´t work?
                    You have to copy and rename the .ent and effectinfo files from the
                    \00 custom particle effects samples ID1 folder to your ID1\maps folder.
                    it's not working for me.
                    Originally posted by soosel View Post
                    files in ID1:
                    smc4.15, smc4.25 pk3,
                    autoexec.cfg (smc4.25), effectinfo.txt (smc4.25)
                    folder "maps" with start.ent and start_effectinfo.txt files

                    inGame options -> customize effects -> particles quality = 4 (max)
                    geforce gtx 660
                    dp build - mar 4 2013


                    • You dont need to spoiler something in this thread.
                      I just want to help.

                      I see, please try this.
                      Just copy the pk3 to your ID1 folder and remove the maps folder.

                      You have to enable your DDS feature with:
                      "r_texture_dds_load" "1"
                      Last edited by webangel; 04-25-2013, 03:10 PM.


                      • Originally posted by webangel View Post
                        You dont need to spoiler something in this thread.
                        I just want to help.

                        I see, please try this.
                        Just copy the pk3 to your ID1 folder and remove the maps folder.
                        I tried this pack before.
                        all the same.
                        maybe it's a glitch in the SMC ? )

                        Thanks for the help!
                        I play the Smith`s Q HD.
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by soosel View Post
                          I tried this pack before.
                          all the same.
                          maybe it's a glitch in the SMC ? )

                          Thanks for the help!
                          I play the Smith`s Q HD.
                          Nope. SMC works fine for me.


                          • To webangel

                            I simply just wanted to fix the plasma gun without effecting the elevator and I,m afraid that my laptop cannot support the extra textures or effects.

                            But is there a way to change that?


                            • Originally posted by webangel View Post
                              At least you have to copy the file called
                              to your \Rogue folder.
                              Then you have to copy the files:
                              -autoexec ROGUE SAMPLE V4.15 !!!! .cfg (rename to autoexec.cfg)

                              I answered this question already. Do it this way and you have no extras.....


                              • @R17
                                if you edit the autoexec.cfg with notepad or such you can turn all the unwanted effects and features off
                                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

