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Small Mod compilation

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  • Thank all.
    I'm found another decision: smc v.3.8 (from quake epsilion).
    Seven, can you publish links to older releases (begining - version 3.5)?
    Sorry for my bad english


    • Originally posted by ATTACUE View Post
      Need [Nailposition + Weather effect]

      Hello ATTACUE,

      I am a little bit confused.
      2 days ago you asked webangel for the "Lightbeams only" QC code.
      Yesterday you asked for the "nails + weather only" QC code.
      What will you need tomorrow ?

      But just as you said:
      You can extract the functions you need from the complete "small mod compilation" QC folder yourself.
      So, here is the V4.25 source only.

      As you surely know, you also need these files for the weather too:
      - rain and thunder ambience sound files
      - weather map files

      The weather sound files can be found inside the SMC´s directly (since Ver. 2.71).
      Get the weather map files from this (tutorial) post directly.

      Regarding linking all versions:
      Since Version 3.7 the download size is approx. identical, so it makes no sense to link them all.
      Last Version with much smaller size was V3.61 (nail fix, lightbeams and weather code are already included in it).
      You can find it here.

      Have fun,


      • Hello Seven.
        You best!

        Originally posted by Seven
        What will you need tomorrow ?
        [Nailposition only] for mp1 & mp2
        Sorry for my bad english


        • Originally posted by ATTACUE View Post
          [Nailposition only] for mp1 & mp2
          i was actually gonna ask for the same myself

          i also got a special DP setup without any replacement content excepted fixed stuff like debugged models and Z-fixed maps,
          which i like to play sometimes just for old-times sake

          and it would be nice to have this little fix implented for both mission packs too, without anything else.
          (well except of coruse plasma-gun and elevator-fix too)
          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


          • Hello ATTACUE,

            You said, that you only need the source of the "small mod compilation" and you can extract the features you want yourself.
            The source is always in the downloads (also for the mission packs).
            So you do not need me anymore for this.

            Hello Splitterface,

            I wrote a detailed instruction how to correct the nail positions here.
            And as far as I know, you also wanted to learn QC. So this is a good opportunity.
            Take the original/vanilla QC source (included in the SMC´s as well) and do it.
            You will see it is really easy

            HIPNOTIC has no other nailguns, so the neccessary code-change in ID1 and HIPNOTIC is absolutely identical !
            ROGUE has 2 more Nailguns (the lava ones). So dont forget to correct their position too. It is done the exact same way, only difference is, that their code is inside lava_wpn.qc


            Dear all,

            There is more or less one more idea left in my mind for the "small mod compilation".
            Seeing, that you gave the spider a warm welcome and some people seem to use it, a second flying monster is desperately needed in Quake.
            The wizard is a lonely fellow and needs support in mid-air.
            So I want to add a new flying monster.

            Everybody knows, that I am a noob in modeling, I want to use John 'Psychikon' Jensen´s Afrit model for Hexen.
            It is a perfect start for this small addon.

            Tea Monster helped me converting this little fellow into a Quake format.
            Better said: He did everything, because I failed
            Thank you very much Tea Monster. First step is done

            I want to make this monster able to also replace walking monsters, with a small trick.
            Just like in Hexen, it will be in a burning cocoon, when it replaces walking monsters. And once the players comes into sight, it will start to raise and fly.
            If it replaces a wizard it is of course already flying in mid-air (just like the wizard itself).

            A special ability of it will maybe a temporary transparency of around 30% to make it harder to see.
            Attacks could be fireballs or something like this.
            Lets see what the future brings...

            Kind regards,


            • @Seven
              I have many reasons why i don't download and install latest SMC (small mod compilation)
              -spider (yeah, it's true, because i love original quake monsters)
              (for example: shambler, demon, hell knight, etc)
              -items (for example - axe, because i like another axe)
              -soldier & dog, etc (unlikely, because i have another collection of bestiary)
              -backpack (yeah, because changed them to rocket, shells, etc.)

              my offer:

              - small mod compilation full and lite version
              (for example - lite version: fire, nailgun position, footsteps, correct bugs, maybe "ghost effect", weather effect, bullet time, and other small features; full version - bestiary, items, textures, that is replacement: textures, items, ets)

              - or include source code
              Last edited by ATTACUE; 05-04-2013, 11:56 AM.
              Sorry for my bad english


              • Always love your ideas Seven. Looking forward to it!!


                • Hello ATTACUE,

                  You dont know what the "small mod compilation" is, do you ?
                  Did you ever read the readme ? I guess not...

                  It does not replace weapon packs.
                  It does not replace bestiary packs.
                  It does not replace textures.
                  It does include source code.

                  If it replaces something for you, then Jesus Christ disable it via cvar !

                  Please read the readme at least once, befor writing silly posts...
                  Do I ask too much ?


                  • seven i can not wate to gun down that new monster! this may be a cool option for it to with the nail gun Inside3d Forums &bull; View topic - How to make a rocket fly on a spiral trajectory?

                    but it may not be as cool with nails as it is with rockits


                    • Seven
                      I'm read readme file.

                      My question:
                      What do folder "progs" in your smc .pk3 file with backpack/axe/etc ?
                      Tell me.

                      Yes, now you understand me! [i hope for this]
                      I unpack all pak/pk3 files to "id1" folder and pack again to bigfile.pk3
                      Sorry for my bad english


                      • oooh awesome, i absolutely love psychikons afrit, its one of the most awesome models evah

                        im not so fond of the spider myself but id absolutely loooove that monster in quake, the afrit is an awesome monster

                        will you also be making it strafe-fly to dodge your attacks and do that spread rapid-fire attack just like in hexen?

                        it would be awesome if you'd make it act the same like in hexen, and it would be cool to have the monster do that strafing in an attempt to dodge your rockets


                        ill look into the QC myself and try and add the nailgun position fix myself
                        if i got any problems or questions ill let you know


                        oh, also, i got a request which ive had for a while.
                        i really love the demon & scrag tp-ing feature cuz it makes them more dangerous and challening, but could you perhaps add a cvar to be able to set how often they TP? cuz they seem to tp extremely much, especially the scrag. when playing on nightmare he keeps tp-ing every second or so, and its nearly impossible to try and hit a scrag cuz they keeps tp-ing all over the place and you dun even have enough time to readjust your aim before its already tp-ed to somewhere else again.

                        i really enjoy the tp-ing cuz it makes them more challenging, but the amount of teleporting they do is a bit to much as it is currently
                        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                        • @attacue
                          everything in the SMC CAN BE TURNED ON OR OFF. the smc does NOT include any replacement models for anything.

                          yes there is a feature implented which replaces the standard backpack model with different models for each enemy,
                          but this CAN BE TURNED OFF

                          the axe folder you see is for a special feature which makes the axe have a glowing symbol on it when aiming at a zombie,
                          but this feature is OFF BY STANDARD


                          the SMC does NOT replace anything by standard, and every of the additional features
                          CAN BE TURNED ON AND OFF
                          by simply editing the autoexec.cfg with notepad.

                          you are here doing the same thing you also did with my multi-skin stuff...
                          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                          • Originally posted by ATTACUE View Post
                            I'm read readme file.

                            My question:
                            What do folder "progs" in your smc .pk3 file with backpack/axe/etc ?
                            Tell me.

                            Yes, now you understand me! [i hope for this]
                            I unpack all pak/pk3 files to "id1" folder and pack again to bigfile.pk3

                            Talisa is right. You can enable/disable almost everything.

                            Last edited by webangel; 05-04-2013, 02:02 PM.


                            • Originally posted by gdiddy62 View Post
                              Always love your ideas Seven. Looking forward to it!!
                              Hello Jeff,
                              It is good to see you online again.
                              I hope you are fine and things have settled a bit...

                              Yes, ideas are good, but realization is more important, hehe.
                              Lets see...

                              Originally posted by JDSTONER View Post
                              seven i can not wate to gun down that new monster!
                              New things are always good and interesting. And I know, that you are here to kill and not to chat
                              But there is still a little work ahead of us.

                              Originally posted by ATTACUE View Post
                              I unpack all pak/pk3 files to "id1" folder and pack again to bigfile.pk3
                              That is not always a good idea. Some things have to kept seperated.
                              And some things have to keep their original names.
                              The naming and seperate files have a reason.
                              Otherwise the V4.25 update would not work.
                              .pk3 files are used according their alphabetical order for example.

                              Regarding the "replacement" files in the "small mod compilation":
                              If you look closer, you will see that the naming is not the original naming.
                              Quake uses: v_axe.mdl
                              SMC uses: v_axe_zombie00.mdl
                              Quake uses: dog.mdl
                              SMC uses: dog_extended.mdl

                              They are all optional and it all depends on your decision to use them or not.
                              Please excuse my harsh words in my last post, but I spend a lot of time in creating the readme´s. And I thought that they explain these things good enough.

                              Originally posted by talisa View Post
                              will you also be making it strafe-fly to dodge your attacks and do that spread rapid-fire attack just like in hexen?
                              First thing is to bring it into the game. The details will then come automatically. Dodging is not as easy as you might think. Nehahra showed us how it *can* be done, but that needs special animations. Animations that do not exist at the moment, and a good looking flying + dodging creature is hard to do I guess.
                              Rapid-fire is much easier. So this will most probably be the case.

                              Originally posted by talisa View Post
                              ill look into the QC myself and try and add the nailgun position fix myself
                              Very good. I am sure you will succeed.

                              Originally posted by talisa View Post
                              oh, also, i got a request which ive had for a while.
                              i really love the demon & scrag tp-ing feature cuz it makes them more dangerous and challening, but could you perhaps add a cvar to be able to set how often they TP?
                              i really enjoy the tp-ing cuz it makes them more challenging, but the amount of teleporting they do is a bit to much as it is currently
                              Hehe, there is a saying in Germany: "Is it too tough, you are too weak"
                              But yes, that is a good suggestion. It should be adjustable. Yes.

                              Best regards,


                              • to Seven

                                I like your ammo boxes, I said in that thread that they were awsome.

