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Player Model using Moo's model - 3 Skin Choices
Hey, I know this thread is old but I was wondering if there was an update to these models for MP1(Scourge of Armagon) when the player uses the hammer.
Originally posted by OoPpEe View PostNeed to do a MP1 version - when a player uses the Hammer -- model changes.
Would this be a update people would like to see?
right now it looks stupid that when you switch to the hammer suddenly the entire player model changes to the old blocky ID1 model.
so i would def love to have a model for when the player uses the hammer too <3
its something that always bugged me, but i never use the hammer much cuz imo its pretty much the most useless weapon ever in a game, so i didnt bother to ask really. but it would be great to have player model too for when player uses the hammer
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Originally posted by NightFright View Postalso works with MP2 after all. ^^
Need to do a MP1 version - when a player uses the Hammer -- model changes.
Would this be a update people would like to see?
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I prefer Reforged skins to available remodels too, but there is one more good reason to use this one in single player - your shadow looks much better from fpp view thanks to higher poly model and you don't have many occasions to see yourself in singleplayer anyway
But seriously, this model is nice.
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I am only playing singleplayer, so from my side, a modification is not exactly required. Call me crazy, but actually I would even prefer a Reforged player skin since I think the "origami" look of the original models is typical for Quake.But it's not available yet, so this model is the best solution for having a highres player char in Darkplaces & Co. Great that it also works with MP2 after all. ^^
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You can place this into the Rouge folder too and it will not cause ANY issues at all.
The reason Rouge has a new player.mdl is because they added sub-skins to the model that are only used for CTF. So unless you intend to play CTF in DoE - using this model will be fine.
I can easily add in CTF skins to the model (just red armor and blue armor) if it's needed/wanted.
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Ah, I see. ID1 folder only works as universal loading repository for as long as the same file isn't present again in any other dir you are loading (well, at least in this specific case it's like that). Makes sense, didn't think of that. I will put the player files again into "rogue" dir and see if it works then.
Another solution would probably be to use Reforged player skins (once they are available) - these wouldn't use an external model and could still be applied to the rogue player.mdl.
Anyway, thanks for the clearification!Last edited by NightFright; 01-06-2012, 04:56 AM.
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Who told you that ?
That is not correct.
External content will be used automagically from ID1, if there is NO such content in the mod folder.
1.) The famous start.ent file, that many people here give headaches.
There is no such file both addon .pak files.
So DP uses the one from your ID1 folder... --> and will lead to a "crash".
2.) The player.mdl is NOT inside the hipnotic .pak file, so hipnotic will use the replacement from ID1 folder.
But there is a player.mdl in the rogue .pak file !
So rogue will NOT use the replacement file from ID1.
If there are several files with the same name in a mod folder,
DP uses the loading sequence, that you can read in detail here:
click me softly
Hope that this will help a little.
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Hmm, remarkable. For me, it doesn't work. I have the model in my ID1 folder, though. Dunno if that matters, AFAIK ID1 stuff should always be loaded anyway, regardless which addon you want to play. For SoA, it works, too. Gotta investigate.
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Hello NightFright,
I just tested it in Rogue and it works fine !
Used this version: 'OoPpEe-Moo-Mykey-Player(Ranger).pk3'
I used "chase_active 1" to test it (in SP and MP), cause I dont connected to a multiplayer server.
And it looked good except one issue:
The normal texture from gun and axe has the alpha-channel issue that makes the borders black when enabling offsetmapping.
Maybe there is an issue on online multiplayer servers. I dont know.
But then there should be an issue with regular ID1 multiplayer servers as well.
So you should doublecheck your setup and try "chase_active 1" too.
Best wishes,
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I guess it is because of the different player.mdl model of ID1 and rogue.
If you compare them, you will see the difference.
Rogue´s player model is almost double the size, has a extra skin and maybe some more animations. Didnt look too deep into it.
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I found that this Ranger model apparently does not work with Dissolution of Eternity. Can anyone confirm this and/or does anyone know how to fix it?
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Haha, ah, it uses skeletal animation. Missed that part ;P. Though I like this model enough that I'll probably use it anyway!
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Hehe, I know
... and no, there is no skeletal animation system, that you could "copy" over to other models for .mdl.
That is why you have to make it all over again with the new model.
And that is the hard part...
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ah, I see. Could you not simply "copy" the animation from the original Quake player model to this new one? The axe standing animation looks almost exactly the same as in the original Quake model. Though I've never done anything with animation.
Hehe thanks for the link, but I'm afraid I don't like any of the monster models available now. I'm very picky on them being faithful to the original monsters.
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