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"DP Pretty Water" Update

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  • "DP Pretty Water" Update


    I think everybody knows Urre´s and Zombie´s beautiful "DP Pretty Water". Their latest version is V0.2.
    My-Key made an update (V0.21) in august 2009.

    From time to time I worked on it as well to get the best visuals, and causing the smallest FPS drop when using it.

    Today I want to release V0.51 (this replaces several prior versions which I had released).
    Updated to V0.55

    This is the revision history:
    Update 16/5/2008: Updated to use the latest shader parameters in DP, so the pack works again!
    Update 12/8/2009: Now you can see differences between water, muddy water and slime
    Update 15/6/2010: My-Key´s water looked a bit like plastic, without movement. So I mixed Urres Textures
    with My-Keys Shader to get the best out of both: Water movement + different color between water,
    muddy water and slime !
    Update 16/7/2010: Modified the "water.shader" so that "slime0" and "slime1" look more green. Now its easier to separate it.
    Update 24/10/2010: Modified textures "water0", "water1" and "water2" so that different colours are again easier to separate and less transparent.
    Update 10/07/2011: Modified texture "water0", corrected shader to be able to work with DarkPlaces versions from may/june 2011 and newer (but still works for older version too !).
    Update 24/05/2012: Modified shader (mainly increased texture/wave scale, and increased transparency). Thank you Smith for the tip.

    Special thanks and Credits of course to: Urre, Zombie and My-Key

    Some impressions of different water types with this mod:

    - To have less FPS drop use the cvar: "r_water_resolutionmultiplier" (default is 0.5)
    I highly recommend: "0.4" (or even less)
    - To avoid seeing your own reflection in the water use the cvar: "r_water_hideplayer" (default is 0)

    Kind Regards,

    Download V0.55

    Be sure to also try Webangel´s and Moon[Drunk]´s beautiful water packs and pick the one you like the most. I am sure you will find the right one for you.
    - Webangel´s pack with dp_waterscroll usage
    - Moon[Drunk]´s pack with animation textures

    VISed maps for ID1 + MP1 + MP2 (needed for "DP pretty water" !)
    Last edited by Seven; 05-11-2018, 05:21 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks it looks great.


    • #3
      Seven, you LEGEND!
      This is fantastic!
      (I lost hope anyone could possibly fix the slime)
      Trying it out...
      Check out my awesome Deviant art page!
      Quake fanart (obviously included)!


      • #4
        Attack of the technologically illiterate Hazza!

        I seem to be having some technical difficulties installing this- I dropped the PrettyWater file into my ID1 (in the plain Quake folder, then the Darkplaces ID1 folder after), either way the result was the same- the water file is different (it shows the same sky/noclip surface till you get close), otherwise it's just a water texture.

        Pleeze help!!!
        Check out my awesome Deviant art page!
        Quake fanart (obviously included)!


        • #5
          edit: direct link removed on request
          Last edited by Spirit; 10-25-2010, 01:11 PM.
          Quake 1 Singleplayer Maps and Mods


          • #6
            Seven you are great !

            This is an interesting release, because the DPwater is perfecly mixed with the texture, making water more "dirty" and slime more "greeny"

            my texture mix, for the other thread, is ready to be uploaded... i'll send you soon the link

            (and i'll change the DPwater link with the new in that thread)
            Ia! Ia! Shubb Niggurath!

            "Not dead is what forever can wait" (HPL)


            • #7
              Hello King,

              1.) Be sure to use a newer DP build. I recommend this one.
              2.) Delete all previous versions of "DP pretty water".
              3.) Extract the .pk3 file only into your Quake/ID1 folder.
              4.) Because of the fact, that noone else had issues yet, the problem seems to be on your side.

              Hopefully this could help you set it up.

              @ Spirit
              please check your inbox

              Thank you for your all your feedback. I am really happy that you like it.
              I am totally new to shaders, but try and error many times, showed me the path finally.

              Kind Regards,


              • #8
                Cool, I'll try it out!
                Check out my awesome Deviant art page!
                Quake fanart (obviously included)!



                • #9
                  Dear all,

                  Due to the fact, that people requested an even dirtier water, I made this version.

                  Slime is not effected, because its perfect as it is.
                  Water is now dirty.

                  Have fun with it.


                  • #10
                    Hmm, my first post here on the forums.

                    Well, i have the same issue then King Hazza, here are some screens form E1M1:

                    Seven i have used the DP beta you linked above and i have put the pk3 file into my id1 directory. Any suggestions how to solve this?

                    [sorry for my bad english ]


                    • #11
                      did you type:
                      exec water.cfg
                      in the console yet?


                      • #12
                        Not really, it also was not mentioned inside this thread. I'll try that later when i got back to my " big machine". I'm typing right now from my surf and download computer which has no quake on it. Thanks for the hint. Did i have to activate this every time i start dp or is it a one time command? Add it inside of a cfg (like for example +mlook)?


                        The error message i get when i make exec water.cfg on the console is: R_GLSL is read only

                        Last edited by grave_digga; 11-01-2010, 05:45 AM.


                        • #13
                          Yes, Grave Digga's problem seems to be the same- the screens are exactly like mine.
                          (I have installed the new Darkplaces, I believe I do not have any Pretty-water files within my Quake folder though the code may still have changed since I installed the old version, and have ensured the new version is ONLY inside the Quake/ID1 directory.

                          I have tried the "exec water.cfg" and got the same message (R_GLSL is read only)

                          Also, some interesting issues:
                          1- The water is still slightly translucent and still distorts and ripples against everything below/inside it (looking into the water over the Episode 4 gate in the Hub map at the start, as well as your new teleporters).
                          2- the issue of the water appearing as a bright flat color at a distance does NOT occur with the teleporters- which are visible from any distance!
                          3- Basically, the water seems to lack reflection/shine. Its just a flat texture that warps anything below.

                          It seems the issue is something in the software is confused/rejecting the specific code to make the water shiny and transparent-ish.
                          If this helps pinpoint the problem.
                          Check out my awesome Deviant art page!
                          Quake fanart (obviously included)!



                          • #14
                            Hello grave_digga, King and anyone else having this issue.

                            Did you read the readme.txt ?
                            You guys dont have vised maps. Thats all

                            It takes 5 minutes to vise your maps.
                            This forum has many Tutorials about it.

                            Kind Regards,

                            PS: You do NOT need to type "exec water" in your console.
                            This is no longer necessary. LordHavoc set the cvar to enabled right away.


                            • #15
                              Ah yes, reinstalling the Vispatch (id1vis) definitely helps!
                              That gets rid of the wierd skybox texture!

                              So far so good- though I'm missing the rippling shine effect.
                              I'm particularly glad the water's actual colors show up now (especially the slime)!

                              Thanks for the support, this is great!
                              Check out my awesome Deviant art page!
                              Quake fanart (obviously included)!


