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Fully transparent HUD+Menu

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  • Fully transparent HUD+Menu


    This is something I am working on since a few weeks.
    It is a compilation from different sources/origins.

    The idea behind it was to create a HUD and Menu with maximum transparency,
    combined with beautiful 3D icons.

    To achieve it I searched every possible source available.
    I had to rework most of the files.

    I used these files for my compilation:

    - charset: modified ID#3 V2 by Moon[Drunk]
    - numbers: ID#1 by Moon[Drunk]
    - conback: Amber Quake
    - menues: Mixture between "Metal" and "Mcharset"(from QRP site) both by Moon[Drunk]
    Different versions for DarkPlaces, Qrack and Joequake included
    - ibar: Mixture between PrimEvil and Moon[Drunk] with additional icons (origin unknown)
    - Ammo Icons: by PrimEvil
    - Face Icons: by PrimEvil
    - Powerup Icons: from QuakeBrasil eXtreme Pack v1.0
    - Armor Icons: unknown
    - Weapon Icons: from QuakeBrasil eXtreme Pack v1.0
    - Rune Set: unknown

    As a Bonus, this Pack includes the Armor model+skins Set which fits the Armor Icons
    - Armor in-game: from QWRE (Quakeworld Reloaded)

    I recommend to set the transparency for the weapon icons to 0.7 (default in DarkPlaces is 0.4)
    enter this in your config.cfg: "sbar_alpha_bg" "0.7" (with quotes)
    or enter this once in your console: "set sbar_alpha_bg 0.7" (without quotes)

    Special Thanks to Moon[Drunk], who made most of the original art.
    Visit his page at to see more of his amazing work.

    I hope you like it.

    DOWNLOAD alternative DOWNLOAD

    Screenshots where you see all icons at once:
    (they look a little unsharp due to scaling/brightening. In-Game everything is sharp.)

    , ,
    Last edited by Seven; 10-02-2011, 07:39 AM.

  • #2
    Hi Seven,

    Please excuse wht is probably a very newbie question, but I have read with interest the recent enhancements people such as yourself have been adding to quake and wondered if any of these are usable to non DP users such as myself. If so, how does one go about installing and using them with engines such as proquake, Qrack and Engine X?

    Kind regards (and keep up the good work)

    "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
    WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

    News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


    • #3
      Hello Mr.Burns,

      this is a good question. Thank you.

      This HUD+Menu compilation can be used for other engines as well.
      I know that only very few people use DarkPlaces. Because in Multiplayer it seems
      to be better to use other engines.

      I kept this in mind while I was working on this one.

      So I made the gfx folder match the requirement for:
      - EZquake (only difference that the "gfx" content must be in textures\wad)
      - Qrack should also work (same things as with EZquake: content must be in textures\wad)
      - DirectQ I dont know. Maybe MH can say something about it ?
      I could not test it, because DirectQ says "Cannot locate Quake". I edited my pak0.pak.
      I guess thats why.

      I am only DP oriented (because I only play Single Player), so I dont know if other engines
      can handle the new monster models for example. here and here.
      But I really guess YES, because they are "only" .md3´s.
      Modified Quake engines should be able to handle them.

      Same for b_box-s-pack-4-models.
      This should be no problem for other engines as well.
      Only the texture formats must be changed maybe.
      DarkPLaces differs between "sprite" and "model" texture, by adding ".mdl_0" (example).

      Whereas projects like "Pretty Water", "New Lava", "New Teleport" or "small mod compilation"
      are probably DarkPlaces only.

      Best thing if MH, R00k and Baker can say something about it.

      Best wishes,
      Last edited by Seven; 11-06-2010, 06:28 PM.


      • #4
        Thanks Seven, just tried it, and it looks pretty good in game, i really like thats its transparent and you don't see the gray blocks behind it. Keeper for me.
        FPS Source Ports


        • #5
          Hi Seven,

          thank you for the HUD, it looks very cool on the screenshots, but i can´t get it to work! The DP-HUD does not change! I have renamed it to z_hud.pk3 to be at last in the directory, but nothing changed.. Ideas?

          EDIT: Have tested it with your config, no new HUD..
          Last edited by TR2N; 12-09-2010, 11:10 AM.


          • #6
            Hello TR2N,

            I am glad that you now try other threads/gimmicks as well

            Regarding your issue:
            What exactly does not work for you ?
            Is it that you cannot see the upper row (with small weapon icons and ammo) ?

            If thats your issue, you must change your viewsize in DP.

            To do this, first check your actual viewsize. Type in your console:

            If DarkPlaces tells you, that you have viewsize of 110, you only see the lower row.
            Thats normal.

            To change the viewsize, type:
            set viewsize 100

            Then you will see both rows.
            Have fun with it,

            Best wishes,


            • #7
              Hi Seven,

              thanks for the hint with that thread, here are a lot of cool gimmicks!

              I have checked viewsize, but that ist 100.. I don´t see the new graphics/icons in the HUD or the new menu visuals! I use your config i found here somewhere, but no chance.



              • #8
                Please try this:

                temporary remove all you pk3 files where HUD texture might be inside.
                Then rename your folder: QUAKE\ID1\gfx to QUAKE\ID1\gf__x

                Then put only my HUD pk3 file into your QUAKE\ID1\ folder.
                That should do it.



                • #9
                  Hi Seven

                  i have figured it out. When i remove all my pk3-files to a backup folder and only z_hub.pk3 left inside ID3, than it works! After that i have copied my Rygel pack, that i have also packed as pk3 file back to ID1 folder, and the HUD stopped working.

                  When i delete my gfx-folder inside my Rygel pk3, would that be a solution? Or do i delete files with that, that are needed?
                  Last edited by TR2N; 12-09-2010, 01:13 PM.


                  • #10
                    That was a long birth for the baby
                    Yes, go kill that gfx subfolder.
                    All content will be replaced (you will not lose anything, dont worry.)

                    Now go and hit em hard



                    • #11
                      Hi Seven,

                      me again with a final question.. The "Armor" skins, that are included in your package, can i delete them? I have compared them with the Rygel ones, the Rygel skins have also a gloss file, that is not included in your armor-files. Or should i delete the ones from Rygel? What´s about the gloss-file? The armor that is included in your package is not shown in the interface HUD, the same problem like before. Maybe i have to delete them in the Rygel-Pack in the way i did it yesterday with the GFX-folder.

                      Do you have Rygel textures in unpacked or pk3-file-form inside YOUR ID3 folder? Do you overwrite Rygels files with yours?

                      EDIT: Du hast PM!
                      Last edited by TR2N; 12-10-2010, 05:08 AM.


                      • #12
                        Sup Seven, finally got around comparing it to the transparant HUD from QRP, and i must say, i like yours better, the font type, the powerups, the weapons, etc... everything looks much more 'modern' and slick. Even the loading/saving screen. Only things i replaced where the conback, backtitle, all the box files, bigbox, box_bl, etc... And the armor, all from QRP.

                        But i have discovered a file is missing, and that is the finale.tga, the one that shows once you defeat Chthon and Shubbie . Can you include it to make it complete? And maybe some other files as well, haven't had time to compare one on one yet.
                        FPS Source Ports


                        • #13
                          sup seven

                          i dont think im going to try this one because your choice of armor and it looks
                          like all moons textures otherwise.

                          your red armor screenshot looks over saturated with red that your base texture?

                          its clear to me that rouhis made that nice armor.

                          i ported that neogenesis armor 7 years ago and posted it on the quakeworld or fuhquake forum.


                          • #14
                            Hello Spinvis,

                            Thank you for your feedback.
                            If you compare the release date fromt QRP´s and mine, you will see that mine is older.
                            QRP were the first ever to create the High Res textures you mentioned (with the mission-texts).
                            Thats why they are of course not in my release.
                            You did the correct thing to use those new mission-text textures !
                            They are beautiful. QRP did a great job.

                            Hello seanstar,

                            thank you too for your feedback.
                            No, the textures used in the new QRP HUD pack and mine are different.
                            In the end, all of those textures have been made by Moon[Drunk] of course,
                            but it is a clompletely different set.
                            I described very detailed which sets I used for my compilation in the 1st post.
                            All of the weapon and powerup icons are not from Moon[Drunk].
                            The armor model in my pack is not Ruohis´s. I asked himself just a few days ago.
                            Thered armor screenshots has been made near lava and is therefore much too red.
                            I didnt touch/modify any of the armor textures.

                            But you are right, most people seem to dislike this armor set I used in the pack.

                            Kind regards,


                            • #15

                              not a bad hudpack seven...gave it a try after you said its different.

                              its pretty good.

                              it got me thinking about how much i dont like the player face set.

                              so i worked a new face set out of my doom3 marine avatar.

                              i also did some new sb_ammo textures to go with my rouhis boxes

                              and so far ive made one armor texture sb_armor3 with rouhis new armor.

                              here is my current hud but i want all doom3 weapons included...i wish rouhis was doing awesome gfx of my weapons again

                              is it possible to run a shader of hud textures?

                              like a hud face animation thats looks from side to side.
                              Last edited by seanstar; 03-13-2011, 04:21 PM.

