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The definitive Reforged & DarkPlaces Instructions

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  • The definitive Reforged & DarkPlaces Instructions


    Mindf!3ldzX asked me to write an instruction how to use Reforged Skins in DarkPlaces.
    There seem to be an amount of users who have problems with it.
    So, of course I will.

    First of all:
    Delete all your previous used monster/heads skins. Doesnt matter if they are inside a .pk3 file
    or inside your "Quake\ID1\progs" and "Quake\ID1\textures" folder.
    You will most probably have issues later on if you do not do it.

    There are basically 2 ways of implementing Reforged skins (or any other content) in DarkPlaces:

    1.) Via subfolders:
    - Download Reforged monster skin pack: QR_QuakeBestiary_2048.7z or QR_QuakeBestiary_1024.7z
    - Now open the 7-Zip file and extract only the subfolders:
    "For Darkplaces\id1\progs" and "For Darkplaces\id1\scripts" into your Quake directory: "Quake\id1"

    2.) Via .pk3 file:
    - Download Reforged monster skin pack: QR_QuakeBestiary_2048.7z or QR_QuakeBestiary_1024.7z
    - Now open the 7-Zip file and extract it to a temporary place:
    - Now go into that temporary folder "For Darkplaces\id1", so that you see both subfolders in your Explorer: "progs" and "scripts"
    - Mark these 2 folders ("progs" and "scripts") and add them to a new .ZIP file.
    - Rename the new ZIP file to anything you want and rename the format to ".pk3".
    - Now take this .pk3 file and drop it into your "Quake\ID1" folder.

    Thats it.
    In both ways, next time you start DarkPlaces, you will see Reforged monster skins.

    Depending on your configuration of DarkPlaces, the visuals will be different !
    Mostly effected are "RT World", "RT shadows", "Parallax Mapping".

    Kind Regards,
    Last edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 12-12-2010, 09:32 AM. Reason: Renamed Title, Goodjob Seven

  • #2
    It seems that those users don't like our Readme file
    Useful infos are present in our tech-guide too (see the link on my signature).

    Thanks Seven for the help!

    Quake Reforged
    Retexturing and Reskinning project for Quake, Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity

    SoA skins
    DoE skins pre-release


    • #3
      Common issue, people think they know how to do it and don't bother with readme's (I actually cannot recall the last time I've read a readme for installation purposes lol).
      Although this is nice, as some who skipped the readme would likely come here for help and there's this post right in front of them.


      • #4
        Yes, I am one of those people. All things considered, its not hard to presume you know how to install a addon or modification to a Quake engine, since its pretty much been done the same way ever since Quake started getting modified.

        This serve's more as a Dummy Proof guide, for people like myself who,as ooppee mentioned,take things for granted,like how to install addons for Quake. haha
        Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
          Yes, I am one of those people. All things considered, its not hard to presume you know how to install a addon or modification to a Quake engine, since its pretty much been done the same way ever since Quake started getting modified.

          This serve's more as a Dummy Proof guide, for people like myself who,as ooppee mentioned,take things for granted,like how to install addons for Quake. haha
          Me 2

