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Shader-Animated b_boxes

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  • Shader-Animated b_boxes

    Dear all,

    inspired by Reforged Team´s shader-animated Shub-Niggurath´s heartbeat, I wanted to add shader animation to other models/textures as well.

    Loving most of Ruohis´s work, it was clear for me to start with b_boxes.
    Simply because it makes Quake a little more "real" and "living".

    Being a great QRP fan, I chose Ruohis´s faithful b_box ammo set and made it very QRP-like,
    but with High Poly models and a little more rough/worn look.

    Just when I finished 12 of 14 boxes, OoPpEe brought the idea of "smart modeling" to live.
    A huge advantage in lowering computer resources due to less texture load/usage/handling.
    We put our heads together and decided to modify 7 of 14 boxes.
    That was necessary to keep the wonderful visuals, but gain the low performance impact.
    An ideal combination that gives everybody the possibility to use this pack (independent of hardware).

    But let´s end the writing and look at pictures (they say more than a thousand words).

    We are proud to present the result:
    (Please excuse the low quality of the GIF files.
    Some of them contain over 25 screenshots !)

    1.) ID1 boxes:

    Battery ammo:

    Nail ammo:

    Rocket ammo:

    Shell ammo:

    2.) Mission Pack 2 - DoE boxes:

    Lava nail ammo:

    Plasma ammo:

    Multi-Rocket ammo:

    3.) Exploding boxes (they are not included in this pack ! Download them here):

    Exploding boxes ('gif' from small box is missing):

    4.) Health boxes (they are not included in this pack ! Download them here):

    Health boxes:

    Today only DarkPlaces supports shaders to use this pack.
    Drop the ID1 .pk3 into your ID1 folder
    Drop the Rogue .pk3 into your ROGUE folder
    If you cannot see any difference in-game, make sure that you don't use/have any other external b_boxes.

    I released a "classic" version without shaders (to be able to use this pack with other engines): here

    Credit goes to:
    - Ruohis for his wonderful models
    - OoPpEe for his innovative smart modeling and tireless support
    - Plague for his Rocket (used inside Multi-Rocket ammo boxes)
    - kingennio for his primary idea of Lava nail box texture
    - QRP for their all-time inspiration
    - for giving us Quake-addicts the possibility to share our thoughts, ideas and work
    - MakeGif 2.0 for the best GIF-creation program on both sides of the Mississippi

    I would be happy if you give some Feedback. Thank you.

    DOWNLOAD, alternative DOWNLOAD

    Kind Regards,
    Last edited by Seven; 09-03-2016, 03:46 AM. Reason: added "classic" version link + RE-UPLOADED screenshots and files

  • #2
    a reminder, I don't know if you guys recall but I recall the NIN logo being a small-subject of discussion in how it constricted the quakeone community's ability to release a "free" version of Quake,due to Trent Reznor would release hell hounds and demons to come kill us for using the logo,or something like that.

    it just popped into my head,thought I would bring it up just incase it matters or could matter,at a later time.
    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


    • #3
      I just came a little over the shaders!

      Trent would probably fvck us like an animal for using his logo btw. Just a guess.
      Quake One Resurrection
      Great Quake engine

      Qrack 1.60.1 Ubuntu Guide
      Get Qrack 1.60.1 running in Ubuntu!


      • #4
        Seems to be a issue concerning that. However hasn't been a issue as of yet as 4yrs ago I had high res textures of the ammo boxes (QRP's 2005 release is what I used) and no issues have come yet. And these use Ruohis' NiN boxes (which are contained in Rygels pack)
        However like you said - if it does come down to it. We will have to make another version - which is pretty easy to do. A simple replacing the NiN with a icon of a Nail - like I quickly did showing in attached image
        Or a simple edit that would keep the ammo partially true to the original design - replace the NIN text with NAIL in the same font. Would obviously differ but still keep it recognizable. Does making it NIN (not reversing the last N) "break" the copyright?
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Originally posted by Seven View Post
          I plan to release a "classic" version without shaders (if there is a request/demand).
          Yes please! My computer has never worked well with Darkplaces (and I like Qrack better for other reasons anyway), so I would love a classic release.


          • #6
            My thoughts,was if all this effort is to be enjoyed by the masses , it wouldn't be a bad idea to have 100% compliant with all those weird laws surrounding getting a "BADASS" "FREEQUAKE" set upon the masses. The Nine Inch Nails is just one peice to the puzzle of what is a "what if possibility" , I just wanted to bring that tid bit about nail boxes back into everyones mind fresh,cause I saw that damned NIN logo ago hah,and the more people accessing quake,the better.
            Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


            • #7
              Damn! I don't got the words. Not a common occurrence! For real!
     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


              • #8
                great work Seven! I wonder if you could the same for the health boxes?


                • #9
                  Could this same technique be applied to brushes? Say if I wanted to make a map with walls like the animated spinning/fading part of your rocket model above?
                  Quake One Resurrection

                  Great Quake engine

                  Qrack 1.60.1 Ubuntu Guide
                  Get Qrack 1.60.1 running in Ubuntu!


                  • #10
                    I imagine you could do it in brushes as the same concept I did to do that part you can do in brushes. Just apply a different texture to the brush for the parts you want animated and use the same concept as the animation on the fading parts of the slipgates: the +0_slip, +1_slip, +2_slip ect. Just make the textures there appear to animate and then the bar won't actually have to animate itself as the texture will give that appearance. Don't recommend that on BIG parts though as it would be noticable, on the model we got away with it because it's small.
                    How I "fixed" the model was simply made those polygons in the spinning part use their own texture. If we didn't do that we would need to use the 512x512 texture + 512x512 glossmap + 512x512 normal map -> for EVERY frame of animation. Since I took it off and made it use a much smaller texture - only needs to load that much lower res texture and since the area was so small we didn't bother with a normal map (you wouldn't really see a difference anyways). The rocket ammo would of used over 11mb for that animation and now it's well under 2mb and is actually more detailed than the 11mb version (as the bar texture is higher res).


                    • #11
                      Well done ooppee and seven. You guys are blowing the quakeone community away with your updates recently. I guess Baker was right... This is the year of Quake. What a great way to start it out too!

                      This also happens to be Quake's 15 Year anniversary!


                      • #12

                        i really like the boxes Seven...worth the wait for sure

                        nice plasma ammo ooppee.
                        Last edited by seanstar; 01-27-2011, 03:55 PM.


                        • #13
                          Started off as one. However due to the way Ruohis made the model editing it resulted in a much higher polygon model because of the way he divided the polygons (open up the battery ammo in a md3 viewer and view the wireframe). So the plasma ammo is actually 100% custom but I kept the same texture.
                          Yeah our Plasma ammo we changed. The original didn't make sense. The bigger part of the box on the top? Realistically the ammo box would of fell over. So since the Plasma gun = The Shaft (you get the plamagun by picking up just the ammo) figured make it match the Battery ammo with a little remixing in the original design of the tubes on top.


                          • #14

                            Thank you all for your kind words and Feedback.
                            So it finally was worth the work and trouble

                            Originally posted by Lightning_Hunter View Post
                            Yes please! My computer has never worked well with Darkplaces (and I like Qrack better for other reasons anyway), so I would love a classic release.
                            I will do the "classic" version for you. Please be patient a little.

                            Originally posted by kingennio View Post
                            great work Seven! I wonder if you could the same for the health boxes?
                            I think that I have seen all existing High poly health boxes, but in my eyes
                            none of them can catch up with the wonderful QRP textures for the ID1 models.
                            To make them match my ammo b_boxes, I only added special normal textures
                            for the rough/worn look. That was all that has to be done. They are simply amazing.
                            The b_bh25 is already animated the "classic" way.
                            With the normals attached, they "look" like High Poly in my opinion.

                            EDITED: I added Ruohis High Poly big health box (b_bh100) and reuploaded the pack

                            If you are interested, I uploaded them for you: DOWNLOAD

                            Comparism screens:

                            (without normal)
                            (with normal)

                            (without normal)
                            (with normal)


                            Kind Regards,
                            Last edited by Seven; 04-25-2014, 02:08 PM. Reason: reuploaded + extended content with bh100


                            • #15
                              Could be a nice future project. Actually model in the depth and since it would be remodeled we could add in better animation to it.
                              Megahealth should fade in/out

