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Ancient ghosts of the fallen [New effect]

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  • Ancient ghosts of the fallen [New effect]

    Now all animations are done.
    - Relieved souls of the enslaved
    - Vengeance of the deceased


    I am working on a new "death animation effect" for Quake, which I changed again and again. Now I am finally happy with it and want to share it with you.

    Those of you who know me, know that I love special effects. And keep on trying to develop new ones. One effect that always impressed me (since the first day) was the Heretic Golem death animation.
    Taking this inspiration, improving and implementing it into Quake was a long time task.

    Now, that Nahuel and Spike kindly helped me and thaught me how to do some needed things, I could finally do it. A very special thanks to Nahuel and Spike.

    OoPpEe had on top of that the idea (while we discussed the gibbable corpses topic) to make a new death animation for the sword phantoms in Rogue. He gave valuable feedback during all the developing time. Thank you for this.

    In the end, I tried to make the new effect as compact as possible, so that other modders can easily implement the ghost effect into their mod. All you have to do is use my 'ghost.qc' and call the function 'ghost_die' whenever you need it.

    I didnt spare effects for the ancient ghost, but still keeping it descreet and not overloaded:
    - te_blood (for ghost crack out of corpse)
    - self.alpha (for ghost fading in)
    - self.glow_size (for glow effect that is wrapped around the ghost)
    - self.glow_color (for color of the glow effect)
    - te_particlesnow (for a upwards spiritual/glimmering effect)
    - sound files to amplify the ambience

    It is the first time, that I use youtube to present something. So please be easy with me, if its not perfect. Thank you turtlevan and seanstar for your support in showing me how this youtube-thing works.

    Thanks to divVerent, who implemented autocvars into DarkPlaces.
    With it and the help of Spike I was able to make this effect fully adjustable via a cvar in your autoexec.cfg.
    So you can choose which enemies shall have this effect (a detailed readme.txt is included in the pack).

    It is implemented in the "small mod compilation" packs V2.85 or newer: klick
    For those who are not so familiar with QC, you can use them and have it right away.
    (Please read the included readme.txt´s on how to use the cvar, that handle the effect)

    For all modders, pick the pack you like and feel free to use the file "ghost.qc".

    Kind regards,

    [ame=]YouTube - ‪ancient ghosts of the fallen‬‏[/ame]
    Last edited by Seven; 10-02-2011, 07:24 AM. Reason: added Download link

  • #2
    I love it!!
    However they are headed in the wrong direction
    May be too intense for some viewers.
    Stress Relief Device
    ....BANG HEAD HERE....


    • #3
      EXCELLENT !!
      You amaze again Seven! Thanks for this contribution!
      Can't wait to get it!!!!!
      Last edited by gdiddy62; 05-29-2011, 10:56 AM.


      • #4
        Holy s***! Love it love it!

        Impressive as always Seven!

        Can you release also a special version of the mod compilation without the kickable gibs if you can please? I'll be happy if you do so..
        Last edited by DaniOcampo1992; 05-29-2011, 11:34 AM.
        200 años de mi querido PARAGUAY


        • #5
          really adds to the creepyness!

          totally loving the te_blood effect where the ghost busts out of the foetid corpse of the fallen enemy, let alone the glow, shimmer and fade as it slithers etherially back to the immaterial realm wence it rose...

          Always loved this on the golems in heretic!

          though not all will like it in quake (for classic 'nostalgic' reasons), it will be great for mods and those who just like added coolness!
          just the ideal effect to add to the statues from DoE mod!
          truly awe inspiring idea!

          I absolutely love this!
          Last edited by osjclatchford; 05-29-2011, 11:59 AM.


          • #6

            I updated the "small mod compilation" packs with the effect for:
            - Quake
            - Mission Pack 1
            - Mission pack 2

            For those who are not so familiar with QC, you can use them right away.
            (Please read the included readme.txt´s on how to use the cvar, that handle the effect)

            For all modders, pick the pack you like and feel free to use the file "ghost.qc".

            Link has been added to 1st post as well.

            I hope you like the new effect.
            It was really tricky for me to do due to my poor QC knowledge.
            But as mentioned in 1st post: it always takes several kind and helpful people to make something happen.
            I could not have done this alone.

            Kind regards,


            @ bluntz
            unfortunately I dont understand the last sentence in your post.
            My english is not so good.

            @ osjclatchford
            I also love these biblical phrases combined with fantasy ambience.
            Thats why I made this
            "... and he blew the song of life, and everyone responded, even those who have been silenced forever."
            "... and I saw the light, and he came to me and said that it was not my time yet."
            "... and he rose from the ashes and mud, naked, like a child, but do not be afraid of steel and flame."
            "... and then he said 'Not with me anymore, not with me ...', and he became the scourge of his enemies."


            • #7
              this is awesome!!! and suits the ghost-swords perfect!
              In time, Fire will fade ... and only Dark will remain


              • #8
                Seven mind if I make a alt pack to release for this? See you used my modified sound for the Knight Death sound
                The "alt version" would be using the Wrath inplace of the ghost and use a Death Knight corpse instead.


                • #9
                  That's the coolest thing I've seen in a long time! Nice Job!


                  • #10

                    Thank you all for your kind words.

                    As I wrote in the 1st post:
                    Every modder can use the new effect. It is free for all to implement it in their own mods.
                    You can of course make an alternative version.
                    This is totally independent to if I used my sound or your sound for phantom knight.

                    The only thing you should avoid doing is an addon for "small mod compilation" packs.
                    Because it is possible that in my next release your addon will not work with it anymore.
                    Nobody knows today what weird things will come into my crazy mind next.

                    Kind regards,
                    Last edited by Seven; 05-30-2011, 07:05 AM.


                    • #11
                      This looks so cool in-game!!


                      • #12
                        Wow! you really did something special with this.

                        You never cease to amaze me Seven...this effect is very nice.

                        well done.




                        • #13
                          What Bluntz was saying is, most people think Going Up! = Heaven , Going Down! = Hell.

                          Monsters don't go to Heaven, they go down to Hell
                          Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                          • #14
                            Wouldn't be much of an effect going "down" in game--wouldn't see the effect. Maybe they are being released from their torment and going "up".


                            • #15
                              With this whole up/down thing. I thought of a possible idea but would be very advanced for QC.
                              "Going up in flames". Rises, big flame rises, then dies out and it's gone.
                     (copy/paste link, didn't want to embed it here)

