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New Player Model

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  • New Player Model

    Here he is! The Quake Ranger! Enjoy!
    This is a simple pk3 file you put in your id1 directory in your quake folder, tested with darkplaces and fteqw.
    Works with ezquake, but you have to open the pk3 file and move the textures from the textures folder to the progs folder.
    Gloss and normal maps are included in this pack!

    Also check out, reuploaded all my finished quake models. They are tested for use with DP and FTEQW!

    Here is also a set of templates for all textures so it will be easier to create new textures (complete .psd texture!)

    For those of you who are interested in the w_weapons! (The multigun is also included as a separate model)
    This pack does not contain gloss or normal maps!

    If someone want's to use the multigun as a g_model for some mod or anything else, feel free to do so
    Last edited by Ruohis; 08-23-2012, 04:15 AM. :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::

  • #2
    Went through the animation (all except the axe attack animation), the armor and shoulder pads (if animated properly) make it dificult to fully mimic the axe swing movements, thus they need to be redone to fit the new model.

    Cleaned up the movement a bit and fixed many things that animated wrong. The arms still need to be rigged a bit better to get them to animate smoother.

    I also added a new model, one that has the original axe and multigun with the original animation. To get a better feel for the model.

    This model is in the new model + old gun and axe folder, the model without weapons is in the progs folder! (please note that especially the axe will be in the wrong position most of the time, well at least in the attack moves)

    Regarding the weapons... I'll use the same axe that is in my v_axe model. Will probably lower the detail a bit if possible to keep the polygon count low.
    But the gun, am I right in guessing that most of you want to see a new multigun? Imo once the model is ready anyone can do whatever they want, for example remove the weapon as was done to the original player model.

    If you test the model, would be nice if we could get some screenshots here :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::


    • #3
      Nice model Ruohis!

      Singleplayer Screenshots:


      • #4
        yes yes, the multigun would be great. still a shame that even today quake doesnt support the player holding multiple weapon.

        oh mebbe if you make versions of the player holding each weapon seven could code it that the SMC supports using them,
        and we could finally have the player showing holding the weapon you have equipped
        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


        • #5
          yeah, will make a multigun and se how that turns out
          there was a set of models done that where basicly the player model without the weapon, then the weapons where in seperate models, one for each, and each was animated to follow the original multigun. so they where just replaced by the engine when you where holding a different weapon. so it would be pointless to make a entire player model for each weapon
 :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::


          • #6
            Trickle made those but I never had any luck getting him to show how to set it up. I too hate the multiwepon and would like to see what the enemy has in it's hands.

            Last edited by bluntz; 08-11-2012, 09:08 AM.
            May be too intense for some viewers.
            Stress Relief Device
            ....BANG HEAD HERE....


            • #7
              setting up the weapons and exporting to mdl is no problem once i get one weapon to fit the animation. i could do all in a short while, but there needs to be some kind of support for the engines, is there any at the moment?

              btw, if you find anything that needs to be fixed in the animation please tell and i'll do it
              Last edited by Ruohis; 08-11-2012, 09:43 AM.
     :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::


              • #8
                Feel free to use any content from mine/moo's model

                For the weapons - it's mainly a QC edit. I have a VERY crude one running. Sadly takes up much RAM as it loads up multiple versions of the player model. One holding Axe, one holding shotgun, one holding super shotgun, one holding nailgun ect
                Then use skingroups to reskin the multi weapons for the expansions (nailgun/lava nailgun).

                I'm not aware of any engines which support it without QC editing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ruohis View Post
                  but there needs to be some kind of support for the engines, is there any at the moment?
                  Don't DarkPlaces and FTEQW support MD3 model tagging (via setattachment or something)? Nexuiz and Xonotic display the weapon a player is using. Replacement content almost gets exclusively used in those 2 engines anyway.

                  /Use of DarkPlaces/FTEQW extensions isn't really something I know much about first hand ... but the functionality exists and is used. Just throwing out information .... however ... what sucks ... requiring a QuakeC modification would limit the ability to actually use the model with just anything ... as far as I know [however, what I know on this topic is a bit weak]. I guess I'm saying the above suggestion of 8 player models ... that would work, but that can't be the ideal way ...
                  Last edited by Baker; 08-11-2012, 10:32 AM.
         - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                  So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                  • #10
                    attachments are overkill if you want to support QW/ezquake too. For NQ you can just update the visible weapon's origin+angles+frame in PlayerPostThink. The real problem comes when you have an extra weapon weirdly floating infront of the view. What you really need is the exteriormodelforclient feature (you could use nodrawtoclient or customizeentityforclient, but that would break mirrors/shadows).

                    If the engine supports tags (or failing that, ezquake's vweap stuff which is almost the same thing), then you should use it instead to avoid prediction issues, but the only advantage to clientside tags is to work around prediction, so isn't needed for most NQ engines.

                    requiring a qc mod (which means you can't combine it with other mods) does indeed suck, however, there's not really a practical solution to that, especially with all sorts of weapon mods and weapon slots and stuff which could never work with it being an automagic feature. for those mods you still need the multigun.
                    if you did want to make an automagic feature, you'd still have to tell the client which weapon to actually display, which would require protocol extensions for it to work with other players, and even then it would go all weird with mods that toggle between eg crossbow and shotgun, so it might as well be a qc mod just to be sure that you never get those weird unfixable bugs.
                    sucks both ways.
                    Some Game Thing


                    • #11
                      This sounds like I'll make one model that is holding the multigun, and one that holds no gun and make separate models for all my weapon models that are each animated to follow the original multigun motion and then people can use and modify as they please the same way that Trickle did his models.

                      Originally posted by OoPpEe View Post
                      For the weapons - it's mainly a QC edit. I have a VERY crude one running. Sadly takes up much RAM as it loads up multiple versions of the player model. One holding Axe, one holding shotgun, one holding super shotgun, one holding nailgun ect
                      Then use skingroups to reskin the multi weapons for the expansions (nailgun/lava nailgun).
                      To my understanding the method of having one player model with separate weapon models loaded on top of that would not use as much memory..
                      Last edited by Ruohis; 08-11-2012, 12:47 PM.
             :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::


                      • #12
                        The stand animation has one foot moving just a bit.
                        May be too intense for some viewers.
                        Stress Relief Device
                        ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                        • #13

                          does this look too weird?

                          Btw, concerning the axe.. when the player is wielding the axe he has the multigun on his back.. would it be out of place to have the axe on his back when wielding the multigun? or is it just better to keep it hidden when not in use.

                          also, would there be need to have a model without even the axe? so people could use whatever replacements they have in their mods. or what ever models they like to use in place of the axe... i know a chainsaw for example might look a bit funny when swinging in the same motion as the axe, but still it's a detail imo worth thinking about.
                          Last edited by Ruohis; 08-12-2012, 07:32 AM.
                 :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::


                          • #14
                            not at all, that looks great ruohis, me like

                            and its a great idea to have the player model showing with the axe on his back when not wielding it, i like that idea
                            although some may not like it perhaps cuz its 'not as in original quake'. personally i think its a great idea though, to have the player have the axe on his back
                            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                            • #15
                              if someone is interested in making better textures (there might be changes in the texture mapping, but only minor...)

                              Edit: If someone want's to use this as a g_model for some mod, or make a v_weapon model out of it feel free to do so
                              Last edited by Ruohis; 08-12-2012, 02:51 PM.
                     :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::

