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Donīt play with fire ...

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  • Donīt play with fire ...


    I am trying to bring the element of fire a little bit more into Quake.

    Monsters and players shall better react to fire and environment.
    - Monsters can be inflamed by explosive weapons (RL and GL)
    - Player can be inflamed by burning projectiles
    Lava will also inflame them.

    Whereas slime and acid projectiles react differently. They shall poison the player/monster.
    Burning and poisoning will do frequent damage over a time period.
    Water is the immediate cure for both sufferings, as well as health kits.

    Particle effects for fire are mostly done. Most difficult part was the players velocity and the slowly reacting particle effects, as we know it from other DP mods. Fortunately this issue could be solved completely by using an extension that prevents creating a "trail" of fire. You can now run around in each direction and the fire and its flames sticks at the player. *Hooray*

    Due to the requirement that the mod shall be model independent, I could not create new burning-animations for the monsters. To still give the impression that the monsters are running around in panic, they:
    - first of all, will no longer hunt the player (no more target)
    - use a faster run animation
    - go into different faster pain animations randomly (often)
    - monsters skins get a burned look
    That makes them run around in panic headlessly (randomly).

    All properties should be adjustable (such as suffering duration, damage, frequence, chance to get infected / inflamed, ... ).

    To not disturb the original gameplay, monsters start getting inflamed when their health reaches 0 and the damage was done by explosives only. The default "panic-burning-time" is shorter than in the clip. They will not attack the player in that mode.

    I tried to record the current progress. It can be seen in the below clip.
    Beginning of the clip shows some monsters, end of the clip shows the player.
    There are also some screenshots to give some impressions.

    [ame=]Quake inflamed monsters and players - YouTube[/ame]



  • #2
    Good work.

    This is a damn good idea!
    Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


    • #3


      • #4
        Yes, it adds another dimension to the gameplay.


        • #5
          lol VERY nice work seven
          Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


          • #6
            Cool! What will you do for the zombie?
            'Replacement Player Models' Project


            • #7
              thats really cool! i mean hot!


              • #8
                looks fun for monsters to run around panicking while on fire,
                reminds me a lot of blood where the same happens sometimes


                for the player though i would do more frequent damaging.

                in your clip the player is on fire for almost 10seconds but they only took 3 damage...
                the damage should be more so that being set on fire is a real threat and being set on fire will make you want to run as quickly as you can to find health or water

                same for poisoning in the current SMC beta... its just to infrequently which makes it no threat at all to be poisoned/enflamed,
                which will make it so that the player will just ignore it after being poisoned/enflamed once they realize it barely does anything at all beside a visual effect.

                id say make being enflamed/poisoned do 3-5 damage per hit and make it hurt the player once per second,
                and make the player be on fire or poisoned for a total of 15-20 seconds

                that should make it more of a threat and make the player wanna run to find water or health


                EDIT: ah nvm about what i said about the frequency and such, i see you added at the end of your post that you will make all of those adjustable
                either way, it looks a lot of fun and would love to see this in the SMC

                will enemies also be able to poison/enflame other enemies? that would make it even more fun!
                you could screw around to make enemies poison/enflame each other
                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                • #9
                  Thank you very much for your feedbacks.

                  Originally posted by Dutch View Post
                  Cool! What will you do for the zombie?
                  Yes, there are some enemies which will not be inflammable, like the fish for example
                  I also will left out the demon, as he is a child of fire and the existing cvar: 'helldemon' will make him *hot* anyway. As far as I remember there was a short clip that showed some of the "helldemon" visuals. I think it was this one: Quake hell demon - YouTube

                  Monsters which have a special death style, like your mentioned zombies or tarbabies will also not be affected. I will try to do something *special* for the shambler. He will surely smell like hell with his singed hairs
                  For the wizards I am still undecided...

                  If you use the smc version that was done for Pringles Man, please read the included autoexec sample carefully to see that everything is available already. I also wrote details in the smc release-post itself.


                  • #10
                    That's a nice idea Seven!

                    There' s a brazilian multiplayer mod for NQ and QW, called TD2 (Total Destruction II). In the TD2 you have a lot of new weapons and special magics. And some of them use fire to harm your opponents.

                    If the initial blast of the weapon/magic doesn't kill your opponent, he will end up on fire, which can be extinguish if the player get on water, or he can try his lucky, picking health boxes (there's a random algorithm that will determine if the health box will extinguish the fire or not).

                    It's really fun when you set someone in fire, and he starts running around, looking for water in a map that don't has any.

                    I don't know if it's possible to implement this without coding the routes that lead to water areas in the maps, but would be fun to see burning monsters running around, looking for some water in the map!
                    Fórum QuakeBrasil

                    Lots of Quake related stuff


                    • #11
                      I don't know if it's possible to implement this without coding the routes that lead to water areas in the maps, but would be fun to see burning monsters running around, looking for some water in the map!
                      I was just going to say that! You could code an entity to place above any water pools with a certain classname. Then check to see if a monster is on fire, and if it is, initiate a find function for the entity. If the monster is near enough and it is visible, then it could run for it. Would take a lot of tweaking to get it just right, but that would be totally cool and hilarious.

                      How about some monster-specific screaming sounds as they run around on fire?? Haha!

                      I'm actually about to make a flamethrower for my mod, I think I'll give it a shot.
                      'Replacement Player Models' Project


                      • #12
                        I made a flame Thrower once..
                        .float flametime;
                        void() flame_touch =
                        	if (other.classname == "Torch") return;//no fire-vs-fire
                        	if ((other == self.owner) && ( (self.nextthink - time) > 0.6 ) ) return;
                        	if (other.classname=="player")
                        		other.deathtype = "torch";
                        		T_Damage (other, self, self.owner, 20);
                        	sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "hknight/hit.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
                        void ()
                        flame_think =
                        	local entity t1;
                        	if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_WATER)
                        		remove (self);
                        	if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_SLIME)
                        		remove (self);
                        	// flame has died remove ent.
                        	if (self.frame >= 5)
                        	//create more fire!
                        	//just for looks
                        	t1           = spawn();
                        	t1.classname = "Torch";
                        	t1.owner     = self;
                        	t1.solid     = SOLID_NOT;
                        	t1.movetype  = self.movetype;
                        	setorigin (t1, self.origin);
                        	setmodel  (t1, "progs/s_explod.spr");
                        	t1.velocity  = (self.velocity * 0.5);
                        	t1.frame     = self.frame;
                        	t1.think     = SUB_Remove;
                        	t1.nextthink = time + 0.2;
                        	if ((self.flametime - time) < 0.6)
                        		self.frame = self.frame + 0.5;
                        	self.think     = flame_think;
                        	self.nextthink = time + (sys_ticrate);
                        void() W_FireFlame =
                        	local entity  flame;
                        	if (<1) return;
                        	//spit out bubbles if underwater
                        	if (self.waterlevel > 1)
                        		flame           = spawn();
                        		flame.solid     = SOLID_BBOX;
                        		flame.movetype  = MOVETYPE_FLY;
                        		makevectors       (self.v_angle);
                        		flame.velocity  = self.velocity;
                        		flame.velocity  = aim(self, 10000);
                        		flame.velocity  = flame.velocity * 100;
                        		flame.angles    = vectoangles(flame.velocity);
                        		flame.flags     = FL_ITEM;
                        		flame.frame     = 0;
                        		flame.touch     = SUB_Null;
                        		flame.think     = SUB_Remove;
                        		flame.nextthink = time + 1;
                        		setmodel (flame, "progs/s_bubble.spr");
                        		sound    (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "fish/death.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
                        		setsize  (flame, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
                        		setorigin(flame, self.origin + (v_forward*16) + '0 0 16');
                        		self.attack_finished = time + 0.8;
                        	flame           = spawn();
                        	flame.classname = "Torch";
                        	flame.owner     = self;
                        	flame.solid     = SOLID_BBOX;
                        	flame.movetype  = MOVETYPE_FLY;
                        	flame.effects   = EF_DIMLIGHT;
                        	flame.frame     = 0;
                        	makevectors       (self.v_angle);
                        	flame.velocity  = self.velocity;
                        	flame.velocity  = aim(self, 10000);
                        	flame.velocity  = (self.velocity * 0.6) + (flame.velocity * 300);
                        	flame.angles    = vectoangles(flame.velocity);
                        	flame.flags     = FL_ITEM;
                        	flame.touch     = flame_touch;
                        	flame.think     = flame_think;
                        	flame.nextthink = time + (sys_ticrate);
                        	flame.flametime = time + (sys_ticrate + 0.05);
                        	sound    (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/ax1.wav", 0.4, ATTN_NORM);
                        	setmodel (flame, "progs/s_explod.spr");
                        	setsize  (flame, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
                        	setorigin(flame, self.origin + (v_forward*16) + '0 0 16');
                        You might have to tweak it to your liking ...

                        oh for some reason i have that aim function set to 10000 you can lower that or increase the sv_maxvelocity to 10000.. odd not sure why i needed that though... this code is over 10 years ago heh


                        • #13
                          just had a random crazy idea....

                          what if you could pull torches of the wall and use em to set enemies on fire which results in insta-kill?

                          just like in soul reaver 1, where you can also take a torche from the wall and use it once to set an enemy alight with it


                          its just a random crazy idea which i think would be fun
                          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                          • #14
                            Ah Soul Reaver.

                            That was a good rpg back in the day. I never played any of the other games from the Legacy Of Kain series but Soul Reaver 1 and 2 were a great play through for me.
                            Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                            • #15
                              soul reaver an RPG? thats the last id call soul reaver

                              soul reaver is an adventure game with puzzles and hack&slash fighting

                              im a big fan of LoK games myself <3
                              i own all games in series and finished all of em except the first blood omen
                              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

