Which is strange because it looks pretty good on the walls and such. But yeah if it doesn't work so well on models then I can see why it's not used. But I have seen that sort of feature or at least something similar (there are so many similar techniques it can be confusing) in other engines with great results so I know it's possible but I guess not so in darkplaces. I just thought that for example it would be cool to see the monsters teeth sticking out from their faces more three dimensionally. Not that I don't appreciate the skins the way they are mind you.
BTW, I've noticed with rygel's ultra pack that he used jpg's for most things except the normals which are tga with the parallax mapping... his pack runs with real good performance on my machine.
I find the thing that hurts peformance the most on my machine however is enabling certain features rather than the format the images are in... like setting
really does help with performance while still getting the parallax mapping.
Since the monster skins simply reskin the default models wouldn't the player skin do the same thing? Just like the monsters there's only one player model included in the game and Quake doesn't give you a choice apart from the color of the pants\shirt. I don't think you should have to worry about third party models here any more than you have to worry about third party monster models considering changing the player model is pretty much the same as changing the monsters since player model is not an option.... unlike in Quake 2 or especially Quake 3 Arena where you could add-on as many player models as you want and choose between them.
BTW, I've noticed with rygel's ultra pack that he used jpg's for most things except the normals which are tga with the parallax mapping... his pack runs with real good performance on my machine.
I find the thing that hurts peformance the most on my machine however is enabling certain features rather than the format the images are in... like setting
r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping "0"
Originally posted by Nergal
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