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What do I do with this

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  • What do I do with this

    I'm fine with the head and collar, it's the handle that is driving me nuts. I have tried some various styles with the handle, but none of them gave me the feeling that I nailed it.

    So, to anybody that cares to throw out some ideas - I am open to them. Actually, I am asking for them (lol). I want to beat some Shamblers in the face with this, but it ain't gonna happen til I get past this lil hump.

    Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-07-2012, 06:50 PM.

  • #2
    Make it shorter and put a spike on the end. Something nasty looking, curved, like it's been designed to hurt, hurt bad, and nothing else.


    • #3
      Well, maybe I should elaborate a little. This is a sledge-hammer. I will be making a war-hammer as well, but this is the sledge-hammer. If I do what you suggested to this model, then it will wind up being the war-hammer and then I will have to make a new sledge-hammer.

      Not that your idea is bad. I will probably do the nasty spike on the war-hammer, but I really just want to dress up the handle of this model - for this model.


      • #4
        War Hammers -

        Medieval Battle Axes -

        Battle Axes | Medieval Weapons

        To be honest, a weapon of war is for doing hurt, not for show. A tool even more so.

        I don't see anything wrong with the handle, it was usually left relatively undecorated. I would probably put any decorations in the material, not on the mesh.

        Scout's Journey
        Rune of Earth Magic


        • #5
          Go Shopping
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          • #6
            maybe have it dripping blood off the tip constantly and make it rusty and have bloodstains in the rusty parts and meat chuncks hanging off the jags, and when it hits somebody make it pull back brain splatter in the air and hit the screen with a couple chunks and spill down or something idk


            • #7
              It needs a grip added to it,maybe consider making a tomfa styled version with a sharpened end of the handle either chisel end or spike.
              Last edited by bluntz; 04-27-2012, 02:19 PM.
              May be too intense for some viewers.
              Stress Relief Device
              ....BANG HEAD HERE....


              • #8
                Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post

                I'm fine with the head and collar, it's the handle that is driving me nuts. I have tried some various styles with the handle, but none of them gave me the feeling that I nailed it.

                So, to anybody that cares to throw out some ideas - I am open to them. Actually, I am asking for them (lol). I want to beat some Shamblers in the face with this, but it ain't gonna happen til I get past this lil hump.

                Make the hammer head bigger and more aggressive.

                A little bit more war hammer style with a metal skull on the opposite side of the hammer head.
                Quake One Resurrection

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                • #9
                  dimples... maybe ribs... or, gears. can't have enough gears.


                  • #11
                    I like it. Imma need to figure out how to do it with some kind of loop duplicate though (or maybe with a normal map), I'm not spending the next 3 years trying to replicate a braided handle (lol). Can you imagine working the vertices for the criss-crosses (especially with a sub surf) would be a nightmare.


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                      I like it. Imma need to figure out how to do it with some kind of loop duplicate though (or maybe with a normal map), I'm not spending the next 3 years trying to replicate a braided handle (lol). Can you imagine working the vertices for the criss-crosses (especially with a sub surf) would be a nightmare.
                      You would be quite shocked how easy it is with Inkscape and blender.You could actually take a picture of a wraped handle and export it all the way out.
                      Last edited by bluntz; 05-01-2012, 05:12 PM.
                      May be too intense for some viewers.
                      Stress Relief Device
                      ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                      • #13
                        Tell me more. I use the hell out of blender, but I have never tried inkscape (I use GIMP and hate it - never even crossed my mind to try inkscape).

                        So, I take a picture of "a wrapped handle", import it into inkscape and then what? You don't have to explain a whole bunch - point me towards the right "options" and I'll figure it out.

                        Last edited by MadGypsy; 05-02-2012, 02:55 AM.


                        • #14
                          you have to get the converting scripts,look around for the jpg to dxf I think it is.once you have them you just export it and import it to blender,then export it from there.I use inkscape for gcode generation for cnc
                          I will find them for you if you cant but dont have time at the moment,I suggest having a look around
                          See here also perhaps it is builtin now
                          Last edited by bluntz; 05-02-2012, 09:55 AM.
                          May be too intense for some viewers.
                          Stress Relief Device
                          ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                          • #15
                            is this going to give me a clean mesh or am I going to have to spend the rest of my life reorganizing and erasing vertices/ edge loops?

