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What do I do with this

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  • #16
    There are several scripts for this some work better than others.
    The one I am using on the mill is on the computer at the shop and I dont have access to it from home.
    The one you want generates the height maps,some of them only do x and y. the trick is in how you trace your picture ,use stroke to path to get a clean vector trace. also you want the dxf in autocad R14 format.I have been looking around and this one looks like the newest one released.
    Though I am no fan of NEW myself.
    Better Better DXF Output for Inkscape (layers!) Outguessing the machine
    watch this video for some tricks to cleaning up a trace fast.
    Though dont you want your handle a bit ragged anyway?.hehe
    Last edited by bluntz; 05-02-2012, 01:44 PM.
    May be too intense for some viewers.
    Stress Relief Device
    ....BANG HEAD HERE....


    • #17
      Though I am no fan of NEW myself.
      I feel ya'. I still use blender 2.49b. I have 2.6 though and I know how to use it. I prefer the old school interface. Also, it straight up never crashes...never. My Adobe and Microsoft products can't even claim that, and they want money for their garbage.


      • #18
        Inkscape also will export stereo lithograph .stl if blender supports that it may be a better option for your mesh I am not familiar with stl myself.
        Yes I also use 2.49b
        May be too intense for some viewers.
        Stress Relief Device
        ....BANG HEAD HERE....


        • #19
          honestly this post is sort of old and I put it on the backburner...then I think I turned the burner off. If you would like my .blend for the hammer I can post it and you (anyone) can make it as awesome as you want.

          But I'm glad you told me all of this stuff about inkscape. I will definitely be implementing some of these techniques in my next model.



          • #20
            sledge hammer (marked seams and unwrapped - no texture).blend

            My original intentions with this was to make a quake mod where this is your only weapon. I wanted to rip-off God of War and add "attacks" that can be gained through "experience". I was intending on making this an "eye-in-the-sky" perspective game. Actually, if you have ever played God of War - remove the story, replace the graphics, monsters, etc with quake stuff and weapons with this hammer.

            That was my original idea and I got 80% the way through the

            Last edited by MadGypsy; 05-02-2012, 02:33 PM.


            • #21
              I know the feeling,I have a player model all rigged up but have more than I have time for to animate it as I have little to no experience in this area with scarce tuts for it.
              If you or anyone else wants to help finish it here it is.
              May be too intense for some viewers.
              Stress Relief Device
              ....BANG HEAD HERE....


              • #22
                lol you gave him a lil penis and some square nuts!

                You should rig it.


                • #23
                  It is already rigged,well not the penus,hehe
                  Parent to boner?

                  Checkl out this inkscape vid for some interesting techniques

                  Seems pretty obvious that anything you can draw you can export into blender then use extrude.
                  Last edited by bluntz; 05-02-2012, 03:14 PM.
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                  Stress Relief Device
                  ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                  • #24
                    Gotta love Blender theres nothing like throwing almost anything together even if they are as different as these 2.
                    Nice gunrack,thanks Mad !
                    May be too intense for some viewers.
                    Stress Relief Device
                    ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                    • #25
                      I think it's awesome that you took two unfinished and abandoned works and "finished" them. Now add it to your guy and make some renders. Lil naked man runnin' with a sledgehammer shotgun.

                      Man, we are just "some physics" away from having the worst game ever, but it's one of those scenarios where people will play the hell out of it and they don't know why.

                      "...Today on 60 Minutes we are going to go behind the scenes into the minds of the geniuses that created Lil' Naked Man Runnin' with a Sledgehammer Shotgun. The game that went viral across all major social networks, literally, in a matter of minutes..."

                      Last edited by MadGypsy; 05-03-2012, 02:15 AM.


                      • #26
                        "Lil naked running man"
                        The new mod by "uncredited author"
                        The game where nothing is finished and nothing ever gets done.
                        Released today to throngs of highly unmotivated gamers.
                        We asked one man standing in the endless line waiting for his copy what all the fuss was about he replied,
                        "Are you frikkin Lazy??, This shits the Bomb!"
                        We got a sneak peek at some of the unreleased physics and were totally astounded by the raw griity graphics!
                        The author could not be reached for comment.

                        Last edited by bluntz; 05-03-2012, 06:05 AM.
                        May be too intense for some viewers.
                        Stress Relief Device
                        ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                        • #27
                          One thing to try is sculpting it. You can use Blender's sculpting (not brilliant, but it kinda works) or there is sculptris. I don't know if you are using normal maps on your model, but you could just bake the whole thing down with shadows in Blender to a diffuse map.

                          I find that sculpting is MUCH faster than traditional poly modelling. Having said that, if you use Blender 2.63, they have finally got BMesh into it and improved some of the modelling tools. They are a bit quirky yet, but having a working knife tool is just simply freaking amazing.


                          • #28
                            google translate
                            hello. I do not know where to post it, so I decided to post it here.
                            I do not really liked texture of rocket ammo boxes.
                            i redrew it, but I'm not sure about the gloss texture.
                            original b_rock_gloss.tga - transparent if you open it in the XnView.
                            and my new open in full color.
                            is this normal?

                            i attached all the images, just in case
                            r_ammo_tex.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download

