There are several scripts for this some work better than others.
The one I am using on the mill is on the computer at the shop and I dont have access to it from home.
The one you want generates the height maps,some of them only do x and y. the trick is in how you trace your picture ,use stroke to path to get a clean vector trace. also you want the dxf in autocad R14 format.I have been looking around and this one looks like the newest one released.
Though I am no fan of NEW myself.
Better Better DXF Output for Inkscape (layers!) Outguessing the machine
watch this video for some tricks to cleaning up a trace fast.
Though dont you want your handle a bit ragged anyway?.hehe
The one I am using on the mill is on the computer at the shop and I dont have access to it from home.
The one you want generates the height maps,some of them only do x and y. the trick is in how you trace your picture ,use stroke to path to get a clean vector trace. also you want the dxf in autocad R14 format.I have been looking around and this one looks like the newest one released.
Though I am no fan of NEW myself.
Better Better DXF Output for Inkscape (layers!) Outguessing the machine
watch this video for some tricks to cleaning up a trace fast.
Though dont you want your handle a bit ragged anyway?.hehe