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SMC addon mods

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  • SMC addon mods

    There is little point in releasing any small QC mods for Quake that are not implemented on top of Seven's SMC now, a thread with addons to SMC may be usefull.
    Intention of this thread is to inspire further community driven development of the SMC and save Seven's thread from being derailed by it. Some rules:

    1. When you post something for the first time I'll add a link with your nickname to your post in the OP.
    You can later edit that post to add new stuff and it'll remain linked from OP without me being involved.
    2. You are free to add anything on top of works released in this thread.
    3. Seven's SMC should be required for your addon to work. For users convenience include other dependencies with your mod ( if you can ).
    4. Don't put any other nicknames than yours in the package name, but write in the readme on top of what other works you've added new features.
    Include readmes supplied with other than SMC mods you've integrated.
    Last edited by _Smith_; 07-10-2012, 10:10 AM.
    Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.

  • #2
    A few fixes and changes I've made to SMC - *** New release is WIP ***

    xolve: click, toned down SMC visual and sound death effects.
    Last edited by _Smith_; 10-28-2012, 03:02 PM.
    Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


    • #3
      Love the blood smith! The change to gyro is welcome as well.


      • #4
        Thanks gdiddy. I don't want to think about how much time it took me to nail the blood and explosions the way I wanted...

        I've rewritten bleeding qc code in order to improve its performance, still don't understand what cause it. Issue is not introduced by me, just to make it clear.
        Now it is executed less than two times per second instead of every frame. Effect is set to spawn a bit less blood overall.
        It resulted in 10 – 20 fps hit instead of 20 – 40 fps. I've still left it disabled by default.

        Other changes:
        I've added new effect that spawn some blood upon gibbing independently from gib trails and weapons.
        Improved further explosions effects quality and reduced radius, since they were too big. Reduced amount of smoke in grenade trail.
        Last edited by _Smith_; 03-14-2012, 06:17 PM.
        Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


        • #5
          I'd wager that many of the issues could possibly be resolved if Lordhavoc would be able to find the time to code darkplaces to better use multi-core.


          • #6

            yes very true... but there is exactly the problem right away...

            quake uses only the gpu for rendering, and not the cpu.
            and obviously darkplaces does the same since its based on quake.

            so lord havoc would have to completely overhaul the code, cuz right now darkplaces doesnt use the cpu at all for rendering and only the gpu.

            ive once sent lordhavoc a mail about this, and he said he just hadnt gone around to adding that kinda stuff since it would be a real lot of work.

            but if darkplaces would use both cpu and gpu and also would support multi-core and multi-threading, darkplaces would most likely like run 10times as fast as it does now, lol

            so i do hope lordhavoc gets around to redoing the code so darkplaces makes use of that so people who have real fast comps like myself (core i7 3.2ghz, 12gb ram and geforce gtx580 ) really benefit from the power of my comp.

            cuz darkplaces doesnt have to have such bad performance at all.

            and i got waaay better looking games which run way faster
            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


            • #7
              yea, but they are not Quake.....

              Originally posted by splitterface View Post
              and i got waaay better looking games which run way faster


              • #8
                Yeagh I know that it would be a huge undertaking, but I hold hope that Lordhavoc might be swayed by all the great work that is out there for Quake (including his great engine!) to do the coding so that we could run this game with ALL the bells and whistles on !!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cobalt View Post
                  yea, but they are not Quake.....
                  true true.... gameplay and awesome-ness no game can tip to quake
                  i meant the level of graphics in the terms of technology

                  but of course no game could possibly tip quake in awesomeness
                  are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                  > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                  everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                  • #10
                    Looks great! Im just wondering. Would it be possible to have monsters bleed as well?


                    • #11
                      Improved explosions and flames and their color sheme changed to more natural white-yellow-orange from white-red. New wizard underwater trail.
                      Fixed problem with blood effect with gibs in fluids when gyro is activated.

                      With current implementation of bleeding effect it could be easy to do, but it has such huge fps inpact that I don't use it even for player already.
                      If someone report that my issue is hardware or OS specific and works without performance hit for others I may consider it.
                      Last edited by _Smith_; 03-24-2012, 08:04 PM.
                      Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


                      • #12
                        Smith, looks like I found a bug in your extensions: ogres' and fiends' corpses are no longer destructable. They do receive impulse from explosions, but can't be gibbed anymore.


                        • #13
                          Everything works fine here.

                          It sounds like behaviour you get with gibbable corpses off, but gyro on.

                          Be sure you don't have 'set gibbablecorpses 0', or 'set ogrecorpsehealth 0' in autoexec.cfg

                          Additionaly, if you disable gibbable corpses, kill something, save game.
                          Then enable it and load game, already spawned corpses will keep properties set at the time when they were spawned.

                          Using modified progs.dat with old save may also cause random bugs.

                          Always restart level ( through console, or allowing yourself to get killed ) if you get glitches trying old save with new gamecode, or new autoexec.cfg settings.
                          Last edited by _Smith_; 03-24-2012, 11:37 AM.
                          Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


                          • #14
                            No, other corpses can be gibbed at the same time.
                            Only ogres' and fiends' corpses are ungibbable, but even these monsters can be gibbed from overdamage taken when they are "still alive".
                            I use effectinfo which was edited to fit my requirements, but I don't think it could affect game mechanics such way.


                            • #15
                              Check ogrecorpsehealth value in your autoexec.cfg and restart level or start a new game.

                              I am pretty sure I use same file I've uploaded and I can't replicate your issue.

                              It takes one explosion or two well aimed SSG shots to gib ogre.
                              Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.

