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Custom megahealth model

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  • Seven
    Thank you very much for your feedback.
    It is always hard to speculate if the majority likes something or not.

    Well, now that the first-aid-cross is finished I will leave it in the "small mod compilation" as an option.
    Just in case one crazy dude feels the need for it

    @ Planetnine/Disco

    Woohw, is that you ?
    I already wondered what happened to our Disco
    You seemed to listen to Rockmusic again, while watching the megahealth heart youtube clip, hehe.
    The evil beating sound is implemented already

    That is one of the reasons why I love that pumping heart so much.
    It brings so much new ambience into Quake.
    And as you said: The heartbeat sound is telling you, that support is near... "but where" ?

    Maybe when people see it in-game some will change their mind (hopefully).

    Have a nice day,

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  • talisa
    yeah, im sorry seven, but i dun like that cross either.
    it reminds me to much of something from Q3A, and i always hated that game

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  • jakub1

    hi seven,
    this model somehow reminds me of early version of the game nexus. it is o.k. however, i'd prefere ordinary healtbox. i'm kind of used to them after all those years of playing q1. if only they were smaller. i have always found the dimensions of both ammnoboxes and medpacks ridiculous.
    i like the powerup models, the way the are floating in the air and spinning, but they are magical after all... so why not. ammno and med packs are different cases for me. they should be more realistic. to me, all these floating items /i see you q3a/ make the game looks like super mario or pacman. it just doesn't belong into dark and grim q1 universe.
    take it or leave it :-)
    Last edited by jakub1; 08-07-2012, 04:56 PM.

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  • Seven

    Seeing that several people do not like the animated pumping heart as a megahealth replacement model, I thought about other possibilities.

    The first-aid-cross came into my mind.
    It is a often used symbol in Quake, so I thought that would maybe fit.
    Webangel helped me and created a very interesting "living" inside of the cross, which looks realy nice in-game. The surrounding particle-ring rounds up the overal view.

    I hope that this will fit better for the people who did not like the heart.

    I am sorry for the low quality of the clip this time (I chose the wrong settings).
    It looks quite washed out and unsharp in the clip (it is only 480 resolution)
    But at least you get the idea...
    [ame= index=1&feature=plcp]Quake custom megahealth cross - YouTube[/ame]

    You will be able to choose which one of the three you like in which world type via cvar.

    Thank you for your feedback to help improving it.

    Kind Regards,

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  • Seven
    Originally posted by golden_boy View Post
    It looks very cool. Incidentally I intend to do something with a heart model in Scout's Journey. Is the model free?
    Hello gb,

    It was not easy to find free heart models on the internet.
    It took me a while...
    In the end I found 3 free good looking models.
    Unfortunately I forgot some of the origins/links, but I still have all the files.
    Just drop me a PM if you are interested and I will send them to you.
    But be aware that the model is NOT animated.
    The animation is done via QC only (scale loop), as you may have noticed.

    Originally posted by OoPpEe View Post
    Add the hearts to SMC as a option.
    However please make them gib themselves after 5-10 seconds. Just spawn blood and disappear. Having more than 1 on screen would get annoying.
    The animated heart-gib was just a crazy idea, after making the animated megahealth model because Phenom requested something like that.

    If people want to have this inside the "small mod compilation" I will of course do it.
    My idea is to add the heart optionally via cvar.
    It would be the 4th gib model (so I do not touch the other 3, because everybody uses different 3 gib models).
    Option "1"= only spawn it when gibbing living monsters
    Option "2"= also spawn it when gibging coprses
    Option "2" would only be for the gore-addicted players who cannot get enough of this, because a pumping heart out of a dead corpse is somehow unlikely, hehe. But who knows, it is just a game and peoples likings differ....

    Best wishes,

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  • LambentHammerBurst
    Add the hearts to SMC as a option.
    However please make them gib themselves after 5-10 seconds. Just spawn blood and disappear. Having more than 1 on screen would get annoying.

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  • golden_boy
    It looks very cool. Incidentally I intend to do something with a heart model in Scout's Journey. Is the model free?

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  • talisa
    that i think is a great idea and looks cool seven, to add that heart as gib when you blow up enemies

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  • grave_digga
    The idea is nice and the work is also well done but for me it doesn't fit in the quake setting. Anyways, keep up the good work!

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  • Syluxguy28O3
    adds some variety to the dull boxes you pick up. good work seven.

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  • Cobalt
    Kinda works for me. Quake always has had gibs, blood and heads, zombies etc as effects, so this kinda fits in to that 'gore-horror' theme quake portrays. Quake needs more heart actually....

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  • gdiddy62
    Yes, the great thing about any of the ideas in Seven's SMC is that you can tweak them to your personal taste. If you like this combination with that..DONE..via cvar. If you don't like something...DONE...via cvar. I like this animated gib idea a lot!!

    It would be nice to have the heart stop beating after a short time! Visiting an old idea of mine and several others here regarding body parts flying off... like arms and legs. wouldn't it be cool to have blood spurting from a gib and then see an arm or leg piece twitching after we gib a monster!! This is what I'm thinking of for gibs as an option to what we already have. Are there any modelers in our forum that can do this:

    [ame=]Fun with Gibs - YouTube[/ame]

    Great implementation of this idea Seven!

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  • Phenom
    ^^^ more gibs please ^^^

    Opps sorry, CAPS LOCK was OFF.

    That was awesome!

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  • Seven

    Thank you for your feedback.
    Yes, I know this experiment was a bit risky
    But fortunately you have the choice to disable this feature completely in the "small mod compilation" via cvar.

    Regarding zombie:
    I can only speak for myself, but arent we all zombieīs when we look into the mirror early in the morning ?

    Regarding the possibility to use the animated heart as a regular gib:
    Everything is possible in Quake !
    Only your imagination is the limit...

    I made a quick qc-change to test the animated heart as a gib.
    Used only one gib-model for testing purpose.
    This is how it looks like:

    [ame= index=1&feature=plcp]Quake animated gibs test - YouTube[/ame]

    Iīll be out some days for holidays...
    See you then.

    Have fun,

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  • webangel
    Hi Phenom and Splitterface,
    I donīt understand why anyone think Quake should be realistic/logical in any way.
    With the right texture and in the right levels I think this would fit very well.
    Why should the poor Quake Guy should say no to some undead, damn high power health goody in his hopeless situation?

    I love Sevens ideas!
    Last edited by webangel; 07-05-2012, 11:27 PM.

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