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Hanging lamp (very early version)

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  • Hanging lamp (very early version)

    Weel what i did:

    first I use a md3 model for the lamp. so i locate a tag to place the light. after i add some ugly new floats to controle angles_z and angles_x. After I add a new solid entity in a strangelocation (i need to fix it ) with "take_damage = yes" and the pain of the ugly new entity add some numbers based in the origin of the attacker to the ugly floats to the lamp that control the angles... I need to FIX EVERYTHING! maybe i will get a new and nice hanging lamp in the future Now I have to study for my exams
    [ame=]hanging lamp early version - YouTube[/ame]
    the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.


  • #2
    Looks promising!


    • #3
      Can I swing on it after your done?
      May be too intense for some viewers.
      Stress Relief Device
      ....BANG HEAD HERE....


      • #4
        I noticed that all the "swingy" things people make have the same "glitch" - they gain speed as they are losing their swing. Seven had this anomaly in the swinging chain mod.

        It's still really cool that you are working on that and I have all the faith in the world that you will figure this out. I wish I could just spit out an answer, but my knowledge of physics is limited. Somewhere in one of my flash box2d tests is an equation that may be of use, but it might take me the rest of my life to figure out which one or where.


        • #5
          I should fix all this physical making it look real. you know, the oscillations of a pendulum during the same time, regardless of the amplitude they have. itīs fully applicable a logarithm that determines the oscillation. But my main obejtiv in this little demonstration was to work all the rest; locate entities affecting the angles. everything very hacked qc stuff. I should also fix the orientation depending on the angle of the attacker, the damage etc ... surely there are simple ways to do this, but if you read my qc of "md3 soldier" I calculate the angles with trigonometric formulas: S I really do not understand how qc works with the angles
          the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



          • #6
            Don't get me wrong, I think your mod is awesome. I was more pointing out that swinging things in Quake don't seem to ever swing correctly. I'm sure it can be made to though.


            • #7
              Hello Nahuel,

              I am a great fan of your work.
              I remember your first attempt of that light, where you could even shoot off the light.
              You posted it exactly 1 year ago at inside3d.

              Anyhow, there is still a lot of code-work to be done when we want to reach this level:
              [ame=]Long Way Source Realtime Dynamic Light and Shadows - YouTube[/ame]

              It has been done in HL, so it can be done with the advanced engines for Q1 as well. And if somebody will manage it, then it is you my friend.

              A very good start !
              I keep my fingers crossed. Please keep us updated with your work progress.

              Warm regards and best wishes for your project,

