Weel what i did:
first I use a md3 model for the lamp. so i locate a tag to place the light. after i add some ugly new floats to controle angles_z and angles_x. After I add a new solid entity in a strangelocation (i need to fix it
) with "take_damage = yes" and the pain of the ugly new entity add some numbers based in the origin of the attacker to the ugly floats to the lamp that control the angles...
maybe i will get a new and nice hanging lamp in the future
Now I have to study for my exams 
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg4GFfLw87c]hanging lamp early version - YouTube[/ame]
first I use a md3 model for the lamp. so i locate a tag to place the light. after i add some ugly new floats to controle angles_z and angles_x. After I add a new solid entity in a strangelocation (i need to fix it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg4GFfLw87c]hanging lamp early version - YouTube[/ame]