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Small Quake extensions

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  • #16
    That is NOT what I said
    You have always allowed options and this is an option.


    • #17
      These new zombies give me a bit Egyptian vibe, with their scythe hand and tunic.
      Both zombies visual style and magic axe fits great into DoE ancient inspired fantasy theme imo.
      New zombies look and gameplay mechanic will help keep DoE experience fresh after Quake.

      Decapitation effect looks great. I don't I like this red cross that replaces quake sign on axe.
      Quake sign on axe is physical and it makes no sense for it to just disappear.
      It makes texture swap obvious. I would prefer Quake sign to glow instead.
      Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


      • #18
        We all have our likes and dislikes that is why it is good to have the "options"


        • #19
          I actually like this new zombie stuff overall, but this axe texture swap looks a bit sloppy imo.
          Seven posted this asking for a feedback and this is just it, a feedback ( and constructive one I believe ).
          He is free to disagree, it's not like I expect him to do anything he don't like.

          No reason to be overly defensive every time someone has to say anything else than unconditional prise.
          It won't help having any good exchange of thoughts. You have to relax

          The fact that feature is optional and everyone is free to not use it, is no reason to not share an idea on how to make it look better.
          Especially since I am going to use it
          Last edited by _Smith_; 09-11-2012, 04:52 PM.
          Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


          • #20
            No, no, no smith, please do not misunderstand I agree with you 100 % Feedback is essential. I'm just stating that Seven strives to make the SMC where all can benefit and tweak to their personal tastes nothing more. I've always tried to tell people if I honestly didn't like something. I apologize if the above post sounded defensive as that was NOT the intent, but please do not misunderstand

            Look at my recent posts concerning the dog Seven shared. Feedback is ALWAYS good if presented honestly and politely!

            Gotta love the internet and not seeing people's faces or hearing the tone of voice eh


            • #21
              I kind of like the burning corpses, and I kind of don't at the same time. It's very cool looking indeed, but I don't think it really fits in quake for me. I really like the models/skins though, those are great and I look forward to them. I don't really like the decap thing either, but to each his own! If people like it great. What I like about seven's mods is he always puts cvar's so you can customize it to your personal liking. THUMBS UP for that.

              I know some people do not like the ogre/zombie aiming thing, but personally I really like that, it makes the game more challenging, and I think it's more of a bug fix than anything myself.

              Regular One Man Slaughterhouse


              • #22
                Dear all,

                I am very happy about feedback.
                This is essential to improve things and move it away from my crazy mind to the more common minds of you all.
                Where would this small mod be today if we would not listen to each other and help each other ?

                I would like to take the opportunity to thank the people which are in my opinion the most important ones:
                Engine devs
                If we would not have these special people like Spike and LordHavoc, what would we modders/mappers have ?

                They make all this possible. The product of their work is the base for anything else....

                Hello Smith,

                Thank you for your feedback.
                You know me for some time now, hehe
                And you know my poor qc codes.
                If you look at the model name I used for the axe, you know what my intention was. We still have 98 frames left to do a nice fluent animation...
                And you also know my poor texture skills. And I made this additional axe texture mix myself. Nothing more to say: It must look bad.
                coding, modeling, painting, effecting, soundmixing.
                These are all skills that are needed, but I do not have them.

                Anyway, if someone out there has the will to create an axe texture (based on PrimEvil´s) with a glowing Quake symbol, I would at once replace it with my amateur-ish one in the full release V4.1

                Important for me was the idea I wanted to bring to you.
                The idea of a special axe-weapon that can kill the new zombies. Somehow it had to look a little different. So the scratched cross came into my mind, because I thought about a "holy" weapon, that can kill the undead.

                Hello Roy Batty,

                I think the quite long burn time of the zombies is the main reason.
                I already shortened it (and made it adjustable) so that it does not need so much time and can be as long as you want.
                A little bit like the gibbing of corpses: They gib in 2 seconds and the player (= you) can move on in the map without spending too much pause and wait/look time.

                Thank you all for making a "better" V4.1

                All the Best,


                • #23
                  Awesome work Seven!There is tons of potential with this.The dogs gait looks fantastic and I like the beheadings as well,in fact if you have ever cut the head off a chicken you will know what I would like to see added to the effect.
                  A nice spurting fountain of blood with the zombie franticly running in circles and flailing its arms!
                  The holy axe is a great idea but needs something more maybe a coronal or transparencey enhancement to make it glow or reveal an inner crucifix or holy relic embedded inside the weapon.Perhaps spear of destiny or crucifixion spikes,something along those lines.
                  Again I like this very much!
                  May be too intense for some viewers.
                  Stress Relief Device
                  ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Seven View Post
                    Anyway, if someone out there has the will to create an axe texture (based on PrimEvil´s) with a glowing Quake symbol, I would at once replace it with my amateur-ish one in the full release V4.1
                    Hello Seven,
                    I tried to make a nice glowing Q:

                    You can get it here:
                    Download from - send big files the easy way



                    • #25
                      You've made really great job on textures many times. I don't question quality of your work, that's not what I've meant and the red cross is fine as well.
                      What I've meant is when physical carving of quake symbol just disappear it breaks illusion. I no longer see a cross that starts to glow, but just a texture swap.
                      Either remove quake sign from not glowing state and keep the red cross, or keep the quake sign and make it glow instead of the cross.

                      Looks great, it is exactly what I've meant
                      Last edited by _Smith_; 09-12-2012, 12:40 PM.
                      Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by webangel View Post
                        Hello Seven,
                        I tried to make a nice glowing Q

                        What would I do without you ?

                        Hello Smith,
                        Do not worry. I understand what you meant.
                        My first idea was to morph the Quake symbol into the scratched cross.
                        With maybe 5 or 6 animation frames/textures.
                        But I quickly realized that my paint skills are too weak for that.
                        Imagine what is possible with webangel onboard ?
                        Only the sky is the limit...

                        Hello bluntz,
                        I knew our minds are both crazy, hehe.
                        Glad you like it.

                        Take care,


                        • #27
                          If you were without him... you would strangle puppies and pull your sister's hair?
                          Some Game Thing


                          • #28
                            ... not really

                            To reveal the secret:
                            Webangel is a woman (which should not be a secret in the meantime), and uses a cute dog as her avatar. Ontop of that, she is German.

                            I had the feeling that the monkey huged the dog in the 1st picture.
                            Does the boy really pulls the girls hair in the second picture ?
                            Maybe yes, but the pic was meant differently of course

                            Webangel and I have also personal contact, and I am very glad to know her. She loves Quake "almost" as much as I do and we both do some 'insider' jokes in this forum from time to time...


                            • #29
                              ohh Seven i just say YOU ARE GREAT...... really i pretty understand what do you want mean about webangel stuff it´s really great the textures and the addon for your mods works so fine. Maybe can load some slowly in my computer because my hardware is very limited, but i wanna say you : ¡ YOU are great ! yeah my friend i think quake is the best game ever because the comunity is really great and the people here is awesome best wishes fpr you for webangel and gdidi62 and other people i love you so much!
                              the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



                              • #30
                                Do not download this!
                                Not intended for sane people!
                                My Single Player soundtrack, not for anyone of normal mind.
                                Last edited by bluntz; 09-13-2012, 01:55 AM.
                                May be too intense for some viewers.
                                Stress Relief Device
                                ....BANG HEAD HERE....

