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Loosely based on the Quake Ranger

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  • Loosely based on the Quake Ranger

    There is still plenty to do.

    It's actually already rigged and weight painted, but I have some more ideas for the mesh and the texture. I know it looks a little bit like a doll. It looks better when capturing shadows.

  • #2
    i like it, nice.
    I support: ..... of Course!
    Qrack - Thank You r00k
    Yayo Industries - Thank you frenzy
    Zero CTF - Thanks mono


    • #3
      Test your Might !!!!

      [ame=]Mortal Kombat Theme Song Original - YouTube[/ame]
      Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


      • #4
        WTF Mindz now your trolling the WIP section?
        Have you no shame?
        Did your mother not breast feed you the first week?
        Did your sister take all your toys from the cereal boxes before you got to see them?
        Did your father wake you in the middle of the knight shining two flashlights in your eyes,screaming "LOOKOUT!!! TRUCK!!!!"?
        May be too intense for some viewers.
        Stress Relief Device
        ....BANG HEAD HERE....


        • #5
          I also find curious that the admins are the first going out topic or trolling.
          Contradiction is truth. Fear is freedom. Rights are privileges. Job is a commodity. Ignorance is strength.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bluntz View Post
            WTF Mindz now your trolling the WIP section?
            Have you no shame?
            Did your mother not breast feed you the first week?
            Did your sister take all your toys from the cereal boxes before you got to see them?
            Did your father wake you in the middle of the knight shining two flashlights in your eyes,screaming "LOOKOUT!!! TRUCK!!!!"?
            I had a response rolled out then I decided maybe you never played fucking mortal kombat.

            Then maybe I figured you over reacted with

            2]My mother?
            3]My sister?

            I see you're point, what I did tragically was way worse than you brah,and with age comes wisdom and two wrong make rights blah blah, yeah you got this shit on lock down.

            [ame=]Fuck you, you're cool.mpg - YouTube[/ame]

            And if you can't see resemblence between the mortal kombat ninja's and the WIP / ya know what, fuck it. Goodgame though
            Last edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 09-26-2012, 05:28 AM.
            Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


            • #7
              Of course I played MK.Your video however is nothing but the logo and some douche's remix song playing.
              It may have been funny if it had actually shown us the wacky dichotomy
              that you imagine but noooooooo.
              All we saw was another troll post in an area that should be trollfree.
              Don't Troll in here or I will be forced to drive over there in the middle of the night and paint your house.
              I love you!
              Last edited by bluntz; 09-26-2012, 08:16 AM.
              May be too intense for some viewers.
              Stress Relief Device
              ....BANG HEAD HERE....


              • #8
                Originally posted by bluntz View Post
                Of course I played MK.Your video however is nothing but the logo and some douche's remix song playing.
                It may have been funny if it had actually shown us the wacky dichotomy
                that you imagine but noooooooo.
                All we saw was another troll post in an area that should be trollfree.
                Don't Troll in here or I will be forced to drive over there in the middle of the night and paint your house.
                I love you!
                That is not some douche's mix, thats the 100% legit MortalKombat:TheAlbum, and last I checked I don't troll these forums,so that presumption was a bit far fetched from the get go. I'm sure some might mention my post count but I garuntee you that 99% of my post's are apart of the community in a good nature,so cut me some slack and don't jump to a conclusion. I thought it was elf evident that the first thing I thought about when I seen the WIP model/texture/whatever that is, immediately I heard MOOOOOOOORTAL KOOOOOOOOMBAT.

                So you're ideal response last night was to go Truck a different post of mine and post a skimpy half naked bitch in it,and I hastily in response this morning gave that post the Mark treatment. Thats fine, just always remember I'm not here to step on toes, im here to get along with people,and reguardless of what people say : My goal is to enjoy myself / Play Quake online.

                The End.

                ps : paint my house?
                Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                • #9
                  Don't blow a gasket it was all in fun.
                  Yea imagine that.Imagine if you could not find your house because it now resembles a Mc Donalds and you drove right past it wondering when did they put that in?
                  May be too intense for some viewers.
                  Stress Relief Device
                  ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                  • #10
                    Pffft. I'd make a fortune in "See the inside of Ronald McDonalds house" tours. Only thing that will be missing is some life size people wearing Hamburgler and Grimace costumes.

                    Hold the FrenchFry kids.
                    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                    • #11
                      WTF!!! Why are y'all trucking up my WIP thread!?

                      I'm working my ass off on this, come here to share it and this is the bullshit you post?

                      fuck you guys...seriously
                      Last edited by MadGypsy; 09-26-2012, 09:27 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                        WTF!!! Why are y'all trucking up my WIP thread!?

                        I'm working my ass off on this, come here to share it and this is the bullshit you post?

                        fuck you guys...seriously
                        he does have a point. i think there should be a sticky thread just for random trolling bullshit. of course, i have seen worse trolling. lucky that usernaez guy didnt start shit here...
                        My Avatars!
                        Quake Leagues
                        Quake 1.5!!!
                        Definitive HD Quake


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                          WTF!!! Why are y'all trucking up my WIP thread!?

                          I'm working my ass off on this, come here to share it and this is the bullshit you post?

                          fuck you guys...seriously
                          seriously, fuck me?

                          There doesn't need to be a permanent sticky thread for Trucking and Trolling, this was neither ; It was probably well-earned steam being vented my direction. It has nothing to do with you guys and I'll apologize for both Bluntz and myself.

                          While certain people thought Larry Mondello was amusing during the reign of his chaos Bluntz and I suffered a falling out over the real identity of "HAve a nice cup of shut the fuck up" 3rd or 4th personality of Satoon.A real reason why that type of shit shouldn't ever be

                          I said things in defense of that fuck-twat Larry Mondello account number 2,3,or 4 and that created a rift between myself and Bluntz, and I am still working torwards mending a friendship. If anything , I was a target of buzz-enabled vented anger and I'll apologize again before.

                          I did not intend to troll ,the WIP screamed "Mortal Kombat" to me, the guy fucking looks like a MK Ninja and I thought anyone who played that game would have enough common sense to put 2 and 2 together.

                          Once again, sorry.
                          Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                          • #14
                            You're good man...

                            It's frustrating when you spend a month working on something and instead of getting good/bad job, you get completely railroaded with posts about McDonalds and shit. I mean... this is my WIP thread and I have put a lot of work into the current progress.

                            And just to be clear. I got what your video was saying and I didn't even watch it (looks like scorpion or somethin' it). The TRUCK began with Bluntz's trolling post complaining that you were trolling (o.O ?) and it all went downhill from there.

                            I like both of you guys...I don't like this.

                            __________________________________________________ __

                            Now I'm gonna take my thread back.

                            This model is the main character in a Quake-like FPS shooter that I am working on. I intend to do the same thing with Lovecraftian influences, but based on different monsters.





                            Are some of the monsters that i intend to include. I intend to represent them a bit differently, but the influence will be apparent.

                            What will be very un-Quake about the game is the sub-plot. I would love to tell you the sub-plot but then then it would spoil everything.

                            I'm also working to change the artwork some. I do not want to make a high res game, but I do want the visuals to be pleasing. I want this game to have a unique appearance while maintaining a decent level of quality. I don't intend to rely on dark at all. I actually want the game to be fairly bright.

                            I have a really long way to go.


                            • #15
                              cool looking monsters

                              that dagon kinda reminds me of korax of hexen
                              although korax is black instead of green.

                              wouldnt be surprised in the least though if korax of hexen was inspired by that monster though

                              btw your player model kinda reminds me of the pics of a player model someone on doomsday forums showed once:
                              (Hello!) Some new models ; Doomsday Engine User Forums
                              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

