btw your player model kinda reminds me of the pics of a player model someone on doomsday forums showed once:
No announcement yet.
Loosely based on the Quake Ranger
oh yeah yeah, of course it was.
it for surely wasnt meant in a negative way
the model looks good. just the hands... i always think that looks quite stupid, if not all fingers are seperate and you get several figners stuck together in one piece.
you should seperate them, would look a lot better. even if you make the fingers square itll still look a lot better.are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread
Can't separate the fingers, it would blow the poly budget - I might as well add 3 more arms to the model. That's why people don't model in all the fingers. I'm tempted to turn the hands into solid fists all they are ever gonna do is hold a gun
I love the Lovecraft.I have read everything he ever wrote btw.
An entire lifetime could be spent bringing his works to fruition.He also mixed it up with Science fiction but was not published as much as his horror.Are you intent on heading in his direction?It would be a welcome relief to just another CS clone for sure.WARNING
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I'm still not satisfied with this but it is definitely getting better. I want to work on the neckline and texture a bit more. I also want to make the gold more brass.
Light is being cast over my ambient occlusion map and it is making some optical illusions that appear to be fuck ups. I just haven't gotten my lighting correct for a full render. For instance his left foot looks turned awkward and his crotch looks scooped out at the top. This is because of conflicting light or maybe conflicting shadows. There is no improperly turned or scooped anything. However there is a fuck up on the back of the boot with my texture not matching up over the seam and I will be fixing that next. It goes from dirty to sharply clean (oops).
I really have no clue what I'm doing. I'm pretty much reinventing the wheel as I go and I'm sure the way I'm doing this is probably clinically insane.
Last edited by MadGypsy; 10-04-2012, 01:35 AM.
Yeah, I made him quite organically with no reference or predetermined idea of how he would look. Basically, I blindly pulled him out of a cube "on the fly". All I was sure of was that I would take the Quake Ranger armor elements and employ similar elements. So...he wound up looking kinda motor-cross.
Really, it's just the helmet that brings it in that direction. I could probably modify the helmet and give the model a completely different feel. Maybe I will do that.
I still think his proportions are kinda off. His hip/abdomen is really small, while his shoulders jut out of his torso. His thighs are slim and his head is pretty small considering he's wearing a heavy duty helmet. I think he looks just a tad top-heavy.
It might be the perspective, too... but why not check these out:
How to draw the human figure - Drawing Male Proportions
Tutorial: Anatomy and Proportion | idrawdigital - Tutorials for Drawing Digital Comics
@Golden_Boy - I agree. The proportions aren't as off as the image implies but they are off. Like I stated earlier, I didn't use any reference. I have tons of books on anatomy - people are 7 heads tall blah, I just do this for fun. I know my little model isn't gonna win any awards or appear in the "game of the year". I will say this though.. I have rigged him a few different times and a few different ways - he deforms very nicely. My proportions may be off, but my topology is clean and conforms to primary muscle groups. I even made considerations for the armor not moving like it is attached to a muscle group and modeled it accordingly.
One reason his proportions look off is I use Ambient Occlusion to map details. Currently the light sources are conflicting with the AO map and producing "optical illusions". He is not as top heavy as he appears to be. In orthographic view with only the world light his proportions are almost perfect.
My method of creating a texture also make it hard to truly express the proper materials. Nothing he is wearing is "heavy duty" It's just leather everything over a grey jumpsuit and black hood.
I suck at creating textures so, I "invented" my own method.
1) ambient occlusion map with only 16 channels using raytrace and adaptive QMC
2) simple color map with no special anything literally just solid colors
3) I blend those together with multiply
4) with varying settings I use perlin noise to create things like cloth grain, dirt, etc. I apply those to the proper color materials and render them out in my UV map
5) then I blend the results of step 3 with the results of step 4 with multiply
my next step (which is untested) is to set up a 3 (or so) point light system and do a full render - which if I do it correctly, it should add the highlights and add another layer to my ambient occlusion.
My goal is to strip out normal/specular/bump/height maps, real time lighting and all the other process killers by creating fairly detailed textures that have generic shadows and hilights. "Everybody" is making incredibly complex and realistic games. I want my game to have it's own style and run incredibly fast. I can also get away with slightly higher poly models because the processor doesn't have to render every vertex 4 (or so) times