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  • quakeLands

    as mentioned in rooks thread

    I've been working a bit on a borderlands style mod.
    If it lives up to the name, I plan on calling it quakelands.
    But for now its simply hubQuake.

    You can keep track of my progress here,
    Gnounc's Project Graveyard

    or download it here.

    It's a single file addon that requires FTE.

    maps/.ents are provided and necessary as well, for the exit spawning.
    place the maps folder in your id1 folder.

    Conversion to a standard mod is straightforward, but tedious, as you have to
    track down the functions and paste in the new innards.

    To play, throw the src file in id1 and use
    fteglqw.exe +addon0 hubQuake.dat

    fte will compile it for you and shove it in the fte folder.

    Last edited by gnounc; 11-22-2012, 11:41 AM.
    Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo

  • #2
    oh and if anybody would like to help. I would much appreciate a .ent file
    with entities at every map trigger, with self.origin facing towards the map.

    If not ill get around to doing it by hand in code. ugly mess that is.

    Map sources with those entities added in instead would be great too.

    It just occurred to me, that nothing in the screenshots in the other thread, is in this file.

    Thats a csqc addon, and its kind of an ugly mess right now.
    If there is any demand for it I'll release it.

    hubQuake simply has monsters drop armor and health, and randomizes the enemies in map.
    along with attempting to (and currently failing at) allowing the player to exit a level from its entrance, to the previous levels exit.

    eventually the two projects will be combined.
    Last edited by gnounc; 11-18-2012, 01:11 AM.
    Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


    • #3
      Hello gnounc,

      Your idea of walking through the "enter" point of a map back to the "exit" point of previous map is really interesting.

      I have read a little bit through client.qc, which seems to handle this "trigger_changelevel".
      It seems, that without such a trigger at the "enter" point of a map it seems not possible. So I guess modifying the maps and add such a trigger is needed ?
      Or do you have a qc trick which does this ?
      Or misuse "info_player_start" ?

      Still, even if you do this, you would loop endlessly between the maps, because you always touch the trigger on the other side ? Or implement a little pausetime ? But how long should this be to not confuse the player...

      But the idea is really great.
      I hope you will find the way to do it.
      It would be nice to be able to walk back and forth to collect all unused ammo/stuff from before. Or looking at the battlefield from ancient days, hehe.

      Thank you,
      Last edited by Seven; 11-18-2012, 07:04 AM.


      • #4
        Im triggering mapchanges only on attack and jump.
        that stops the looping you mentioned.

        Abusing info_player_start as you expected.
        The exit brushes are too large to use in that way though.
        Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


        • #5
          created .ent files.
          maploading mostly works. i seem to have introduced a bug where
          you should be going backward a map, but you end up going forward a map instead. Hopefully I can sort that out soon.

          Anyways, monsters have healthbars and nametags

          random monsters spawn in place according to player level.
          player level and xp still are not implemented, so player is assumed to be level 10, and every strength of monster can spawn in.

          no map items load
          monsters drop ammo, health and armor.

          armor drops too often
          shamblers spawn too often
          will fix.

          you can turn on and off the loading of map items individually, I plan on
          centering quests around this like fixing catch a rides in borderlands.

          I encourage you to grab fte and give this mod a whirl, its finally got enough that I think its worth a test drive.

          Bug reports appreciated.
          feature requests...maybe lol.
          Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


          • #6
            Hello gnounc,

            Regarding the issue with unexpected map changes:
            Many mods introduce their new key functions for such things.
            Why not make it necessary to push the "x" key if you want to travel ?
            That way you will not timetravel when in a fight...

            Thank you for further develop your mod.

            Best regards,


            • #7
              gb made me maps with edited entities, moving spawning forward a bit, and adding changelevel brushes to the start pedestal.

              That clears all the issues up nicely.
              I removed sidestepping to neighboring episodes for now, and added in start.bsp as a hub map instead.

              Thanks for the suggestions
              Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


              • #8
                is there a place to download it thats not through git? i could never get git to work right. so i removed it from my pc.


                • #9

                  on the righthand side, "download master as tarball"

                  I believe I commented out the shields centerprint, so you cant really see how much
                  shield you have. If you're wondering why you dont take damage for a while, that would be it.
                  Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


                  • #10
                    its a master file? i thought this was a quake mod? shouldnt it be a progs.dat or something?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ceriux View Post
                      its a master file? i thought this was a quake mod? shouldnt it be a progs.dat or something?
                      Hello ceriux,

                      I am not familiar with FTE, but gnounc wrote some instructions in his 1st post:

                      Originally posted by gnounc View Post
                      It's a single file addon that requires FTE.

                      To play, throw the src file in id1 and use
                      fteglqw.exe +addon0 hubQuake.dat

                      fte will compile it for you and shove it in the fte folder.

                      FTE will do all the magic and will compile the progs.dat for you I guess
                      Have fun,


                      • #12
                        okay i did that, it doesnt seem to have done anything.


                        • #13
                          yes thats for the addon. i linked the regular fte mod. just compile it using fteqcc and use the fte engine and run it like any other mod (most likely works in darkplaces as well, i believe they share those builtins)
                          Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


                          • #14
                            i downloaded from the link you left, its only a master file. or do i need to download each and everyone of the qc files individually?


                            • #15
                              that results in downloading a tarball (quakelands-quakelands-master.tar.gz), with a src directory inside.
                              Some Game Thing

