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  • #16
    the src directory isnt in the tar, it only gives a master file.
    i have the tar open infront of me now.

    i have tried following the directions with fte but it only loads vanilla quake.

    if the master file holds the src? how would i open it?


    • #17
      you'll notice the filename is .tar.gz
      that is its tarred, and gzipped.
      you can think of a tarball as 2 zips.

      unzip the first, open the folder, then unzip the second.
      Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


      • #18
        thanks my pc didnt recognize it i had to put it to winrar. ill check it out tonight or tomorrow.

        Error in g_defs.qc on line 52
        g_defs.qc:3: error: "optional" is not a type

        tried with fteqcc and frikqcc
        Last edited by ceriux; 12-02-2012, 10:25 PM.


        • #19
          : ( old fteqcc is old.

          try that one.
          It's pretty clear I'm going to need to simplify distribution.
          When the project becomes more presentable I'll begin distributing compiled .dat's for you guys.
          Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


          • #20
            hey so it compiled but i did get this warning just as a heads up

            in function randomizeMonster (line 6),
            randomize.qc:136: warning: randomizeMonster: contains unreachable code
            Warning: progs CRC not recognised from quake nor clones

            got my first crash something about a b model not being cached. im going to try and run in dp and see how it goes.

            omg my experience in dp was much better but still ended with a crash. quake is so much more fun! i found myself running out of ammo and fighting hellknights with my ax. ill get some screenshot of things to expect!






   - dog gibs (after a while nothing spawned but dogs)

            also i never seemed to get any weapons just ammo and armor. i also found myself walking around only using my axe =D
            Last edited by ceriux; 12-03-2012, 02:39 PM.


            • #21
              I havent had a crash..but there is a problem with uncached models.
              Of course I'm precaching them, so I'll have to see what the issue is.

              Only spawning dogs is a known issue, the monster randomizer assumes a level cap of 10 at the moment, so for every level you go beyond level 11, you have a much higher chance of spawning dogs.

              Weapons dont drop, I might let them soon though.
              Currently the map weapons spawn transparent if you are too low a level to use them when you begin the map, and are collectable if you are a high enough level at map start...I need to sort some of that out.

              I've got a handful of outstanding bugs at the moment to be honest.

              I'm glad you finally got it working, and even more happy that you enjoyed the experience. I'm also pleased to hear its working just fine (except for the crash..I'll work on that) in darkplaces
              Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


              • #22
                actually darkplaces was more stable, fte crashed as soon as i leveled. but dogs were also stuck in walls maybe that had to do with it. however in darkplaces i think i made it to level 25 or 26.


                • #23

                  quakeLands now boasts a basic csqc hud and vengeance kills.
                  The axe has been removed. In favor of...nothing for the time being.

                  Rifle butting is planned, but I failed at implementation, so I'll have to give it another go later.

                  Player leveling has been slowed down, and weapon pickups have been fixed
                  however enemies refuse to drop shotgun shells, and I cant seem to coerce them.
                  So for the time being the regular shotgun simply does not expend shells when it shoots... So long as you have 1 you should be fine.

                  .dat's, .ents and gfx are all distributed through git now, so it should be just a matter of downloading the mod, and using fte to run it like any other mod.
                  I seem to have borked it for Darkplaces. Ill find out how to work around that soon.
                  Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


                  • #24
                    can i download the update from the previous link?


                    • #25
                      should work yes.
                      Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo

