Originally posted by golden_boy
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Many, many thanks. Wow, this is great. I should have read this a long time ago.
I see mangle and antilights in that documentation, too. Sunlight will come in handy, but I have a feeling antilights are a tool I will always use liberally.
Before now, my lighting was subject to a very narrow restriction, that restriction being the ability to maintain an average light level and still have hard shadows/contrast and bright/dim areas.
Now I can ensure a minimum brightness by putting the value into worldspawn, and then use antilghts/lights to make areas darker/brighter if I so wish. Holy shit, total control. That makes way more sense, your canvas should be your dominant brightness level, not utter freakin' darkness.
Now I just need to know if light brightness is cumulative in reference to the brightness of worldspawn. In other words, do lights have an effect if their value is less or equal to the one set in worldspawn?
I'll figure all this out tonight. Not a day went past when I would work on this map and not lament the lack of light tools. No more!