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Authentic Model Improvement

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  • np seven. thanks for the replies anyways.
    My question is likely best answered by capnbubs himself, I can wait for his response
    unless someone else has an authorative answer.

    There is already a texture that assumes a specific UV layout. I cant find THAT specific UV layout. If the texture expects a UV layout that exists, that layout should be provided, unwrapping it to match would be a bit of a mess.
    Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


    • UV maps are useless to you unless you intend to underlay them on a layer of some art program and use them as a guide for making your own texture.

      Seven was on the right track. You need to get the .blend file, split screen, one side 3d editor, other side UV editor. Hilight the entire model in edit mode and voila, the already made UV map will appear in the UV editor. Those PNG's are useless to blender, after all they aren't really "maps" at all, they are just a "snapshot" of the UV layout, nothing but a picture. And their only purpose is to be a guide to paint over.

      pro note (from not a pro): UV means XY as in horizontal and vertical directions on a 2d plane. U=X and V=Y. So a UV map is really an XY map but to name it that would be conflicting. Before I ever knew this, I always thought V = vertices and I would one day learn what U meant

      Useful Vertices map...lolololol
      Last edited by MadGypsy; 02-13-2014, 12:15 AM.


      • Yes, I understand how to select a uv. I've unwrapped plenty of my own models in blender.
        There are TWO SKINS in the folder, but only a uv map for ONE.
        I want the uv map for the updated skin which is properly sectioned off into islands.
        When you go into edit mode in blender and check the uv on the model, only the classic id seam straight down the middle uv is available. Which means only the classic skin is usable without unwrapping it again. If capnbubs has the other uv map available, OR if its saved in the blend file somehow and i just dont know how to get to it, then I would like to get my hands on it so I can actually convert the models to proper IQM and use them in an upcoming project.
        Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


        • This should answer it.

          I didn't know about this either, I just applied some google-fu.

          @ everyone else: Those were some pointless replies.
          Scout's Journey
          Rune of Earth Magic


          • Awesome : ). Thats exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks gb!
            Gnounc's Project Graveyard Gnounc's git repo


            • Not sure if anyone has noticed, but the original player.mdl's legs dont move in any of the attack frames , except axe. The existing attack frames look ok if standing still, but move when firing is in need of repair.


              • I've unwrapped plenty of my own models in blender.
                Oops, I didn't realize you were familiar with blender. My mistake. When you said something about reloading a .png into the uv layout, I was pretty sure you were "new".

                @ everyone else: Those were some pointless replies.
                I get your point, which wasn't pointless at all {cough}.
                Last edited by MadGypsy; 02-13-2014, 06:02 PM.


                • I've been away for a while, what did you need?


                  • I'm still reading all the posts, but just wanted to say some really magic work being done here. As someone who has spent a long time tinkering with models, I fully appreciate the work you're doing here.

                    It takes a particular level of skill to do what your doing, to take a model and enhance it like that without upsetting it too much, and to retain the original skin. Top stuff.

                    Animations are superb too!

                    Can't wait to see more!


                    • This is probably my favorite project in the works at the moment. Great work, keep it up!


                      • It is great to see these models improved but still retain their old school feel. Very cool.
                        'Replacement Player Models' Project


                        • I keep coming back to this thread. Any updates?
                          'Replacement Player Models' Project


                          • Originally posted by mankrip View Post
                            Anyway... capnbubs, some ideas:


                            - Keep the bottom of the axe's head rounded, but make its top flat, like this one. This would make it realistic while still retaining Quake's style. This is important because, in the original viewmodel, what seems to really deal the damage is the sharp corner at the axe's top; its a blend of piercing and cutting, not just cutting.
                            It seems I was right.
                            Ph'nglui mglw'nafh mankrip Hell's end wgah'nagl fhtagn.
                            Dev blog / Twitter / YouTube


                            • Been a while with no updates, so I have a question and some suggestions on the player model. First the sugguestions.

                              1) New frames that are crouch frames.

                              2) New Frames that are jumping frames, similar to a hax I made a while back that uses existing frames [ ]

                              Now my question:

                              How would you go about making a new hud face for this model? Im experimenting and I took a screenshot in game closeup of the face, then converted to png. When using it in a csqc hud you have to resize it quite a bit, and the resolution does not look as good as the ported Q3 face thats floating around in alot of huds for the regular player.


                              • unfortunately like most quake media, the person either got bored, busy or just wanted to add to his portfolio. I hope im wrong, but i doubt we will ever see an update. He did however nicely provide the blender files so anyone can make changes; which is really cool on his part.

