So, I realised I've never really done much quake modding in the past and was following a quick guide here.

I'm here today, on this most excellent forum to bring you all a message of hope, a message of peace, and a message that just might steal the declaration of independence if given the opportunity.
Through the many years these two great actors have taken on roles that only true legends could even consider taking. Of course we're talking about the great Nicolas Cage and the ever so graceful, albeit large chinned Christian Slater.
Please, don't be startled, this is just a sign to show that the end isn't near for quake, for you see, we have two of the greatest actors of all time guiding us, in the heavens. But this is just the beginning, first they're just in our skies, but next they'll be the very weapons we hold as we take on the evil corporation of bad actors led by the not quite award winning Leonardo DiCaprio. Who really should get an oscar one day.
But lest us not forget the bees. Oh no, not the bees.
I have no idea, but still, I thought this was amusing, anybody else got any silly little quake related "mods" to share? (This isn't really a mod as far as I'm concerned, I just added a file I threw together in a minute or so.)
Oh, and for the glory of mcgroove!

I'm here today, on this most excellent forum to bring you all a message of hope, a message of peace, and a message that just might steal the declaration of independence if given the opportunity.
Through the many years these two great actors have taken on roles that only true legends could even consider taking. Of course we're talking about the great Nicolas Cage and the ever so graceful, albeit large chinned Christian Slater.
Please, don't be startled, this is just a sign to show that the end isn't near for quake, for you see, we have two of the greatest actors of all time guiding us, in the heavens. But this is just the beginning, first they're just in our skies, but next they'll be the very weapons we hold as we take on the evil corporation of bad actors led by the not quite award winning Leonardo DiCaprio. Who really should get an oscar one day.
But lest us not forget the bees. Oh no, not the bees.
I have no idea, but still, I thought this was amusing, anybody else got any silly little quake related "mods" to share? (This isn't really a mod as far as I'm concerned, I just added a file I threw together in a minute or so.)
Oh, and for the glory of mcgroove!