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Move over Perseids Meteor Shower, Maybe!

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  • Move over Perseids Meteor Shower, Maybe!

    New Meteor Shower from Comet Could Dazzle Stargazers Next Week |

    North America gets the best seats! Sorry Eu guys
    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!

  • #2
    With just a little more copy by you why couldn't this be front page news? I understand this is a Quake site but that doesn't mean that interesting things can't qualify as front page news.

    What if this was your post
    __________________________________________________ ______________________
    Move over Perseids Meteor Shower

    //short intro by you here
    I love science and this week is gonna be like Christmas cause the sky is about to be full of some science. Sorry EU but it looks like the US will be getting the best seats.

    //first 2 paragraphs of actual post
    A new meteor shower spawned by a comet is due to light up the sky next week, with some forecasters predicting up to 200 "shooting stars" per hour — a potentially spectacular opening act for the meteor display.

    If it performs as expected, the never-before-seen Camelopardalid meteor shower is due to peak overnight on May 23 and 24 as the Earth passes through a debris stream left by the Comet 209P/LINEAR nearly 200 years ago. The new meteor display could rival the brilliance of the annual Perseid meteor shower that graces the night sky each August.

    //link to read more


    • #3
      because I've devoted my time to annoying the target of between two quakers #3. Like yesterday or the day before I sent him a text message with my intentions, maybe I scared him away hee hee!

      jk's !

      Sometimes people don't turn on they damned instant message app's and I can't just blingblong annoy them, Solecord for instance hehe.
      Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


      • #4
        Sometimes people don't turn on they damned instant message app's
        People still use those things? I would figure that unlimited everything on phones would have crushed that market quick. I had yahoo but, within no time of installing it I got a bleepbloop from dirtywhore79 or something and decided that I deserved better in life, so I deleted it. I mean, I didn't even have a chance to tell real people what my email was, how the hell did dirtywhore79 get it? I don't know a dirtywhore79 or whatever "her" trashy sn was.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
          People still use those things? I would figure that unlimited everything on phones would have crushed that market quick. I had yahoo but, within no time of installing it I got a bleepbloop from dirtywhore79 or something and decided that I deserved better in life, so I deleted it. I mean, I didn't even have a chance to tell real people what my email was, how the hell did dirtywhore79 get it? I don't know a dirtywhore79 or whatever "her" trashy sn was.
          And now you can faithfully say, an automated bot got the best of you loool
          Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!

