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a public apology for GoldenBoy and Solecord

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  • a public apology for GoldenBoy and Solecord

    I was $uck3r3d and doubted you both. Hopefully you can both accept this short apology, but I am just mentally exhausted.. but before I hit the [x] button...

    For the sake of every community member including myself, I request that whenever some one is banned, we be more transparent on why.

    Assuming is the mother of all fuckups, but when reasons aren't given, all we have is assumptions.

    Last edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 06-22-2015, 06:35 AM. Reason: the word s u c k e r is in the filter list? wtf lol.....
    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!

  • #2
    How were you s_ckered? You do realize that I responded to your post, right? Continuing my one post and starting a protest was all your idea.


    • #3
      Sounds like a good idea, have an open discussion if you have any doubts, wont hurt to consider feedback from others.


      • #4
        Accepted. I hope a few more people might be seeing now how the wool was pulled over their eyes, but not by the forum staff. You guys are incredibly naive, but you're not alone, bear with me...

        Yes, I'm the only one trying to be a moderator on this forum, and now we have all seen why.

        Because it's certainly not a walk in the park.

        How could it come to this? Well, the forum staff who ran this forum in a laissez-faire manner for a long time and never thought they would need forum rules or actual moderating are certainly partly to blame for the "culture" that arose here. People got used to doing whatever the fuck they want on this forum. This, my friends, is the result.

        It's no wonder that this forum is now a nightmare to moderate.

        Please realize that on reasonable internet forums, having moderation is actually normal. There have been forum moderators for as long as forums existed. Normal people have no problem with moderated forums. You guys just aren't used to it anymore.

        What happens on an unmoderated, hands-off forum eventually (what some call "freedom of speech"), this is a perfect example for. It goes downhill and eventually knives are drawn over nothing. And freedom of speech turns into entitlement to bully, to threaten, to harrass, to insult, and to come back with twice as many accounts when you're banned. And a lot of people just gobble it all up. Congratulations, You have hit the bottom.

        I would easily have stated the reasons why MG was banned - many, many complaints about him by at least a dozen people, some of the complainers being high-profile members of this forum, others being former members, several complaints about harrassment (!), and then graphically threatening forum staff was really just the final drop. It was Solecord who didn't want to go into details publicly, and since he is basically my superior here, I complied.

        I know several people - people who are known veterans in the Quake community - who don't come here anymore. And for the longest time, I resisted their reasoning - because I wanted to believe that this community can be salvaged, that we can turn things around and remember our better selves. I signed up as a news poster and moderator here because I was honestly, naively hoping to be able to effect change. Change for the better. I believed in that and I was ready to sacrifice my time and energy to make it a reality.

        I was wrong.

        And this might come as a surprise to some, but well, you win. You can have your old and your old MadGypsy back.

        I don't need this in my life anymore.

        Scout's Journey
        Rune of Earth Magic


        • #5
          Oh shit ! Mad Gypsy was banned. Yea, I didnt look at the posts not sure what happened but he seemed to be a good contributor - a bit strange but then again arent we all.

          Sorry to hear this bummed you out that you are leaving GB, I thought you were doing a fine job from what I could see for the most part, and yea, mods ought to be encouraged to patrol, and I always see you patrolling and at least that left me with an impression that you were giving it a good go....but if you feel unsupported, that can make things alot harder than they need to be. But basicly you are right mod job here is very hard as it is. Me, I more or less come here for Quake 1 type material, but other games seem to be encouraged, and I know there is a demand for the other games discussions, but if you have a site domain that refers to quake 1996, and it starts transforming into more content about other games, it would tend to attract people with those kinds of interests over q1, and maybe cause some off topic or off discussion type situation like maybe what happened here. Just my 2 cents.


          • #6
            ugh why is this getting so out off hand? should just make a poll: "should mad gypsy be unbanned?". lol then we can act like uncivil savages that gb thinks we all are.
            My Avatars!
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            Quake 1.5!!!
            Definitive HD Quake


            • #7
              Nope No Polls,the correct action was taken.
              All we can do is forge ahead.There should never be any tolerance for personal physical threats either overt or covert to anyone in this last surviving core of the original game that started it all.Even though he was one of my best friends here,the health of the Q1 community comes first.
              Support your local sheriff.
              The only thing worse than loosing the top contributor would be to loose another top instructor,so please reconsider bailing out on this lost cause GB.
              I need you to go down with the ship swinging.
              May be too intense for some viewers.
              Stress Relief Device
              ....BANG HEAD HERE....


              • #8
                I stand with golden_boy.
                Username : Atomic Robokid on Steam

                Please check out my Quake made things:



                • #9
                  I stand with Golden_Boy
                  Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                  • #10
                    I fully support banning for threats. At the same time, I don't know that the version of Arnold J. Rimmer who just had his anger sucked out by a Polymorph should be moderating the forum.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by gulliver-trans View Post
                      I fully support banning for threats. At the same time, I don't know that the version of Arnold J. Rimmer who just had his anger sucked out by a Polymorph should be moderating the forum.
                      Anyone wanna take a stab at explaining this one to me.
                      Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                      • #12
                        I'm with golden_boy.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bluntz View Post
                          There should never be any tolerance for personal physical threats either overt or covert to anyone in this last surviving core of the original game that started it all. ...the Q1 community comes first.
                          Support your local sheriff.
                          The only thing worse than loosing the top contributor would be to loose another top instructor,so please reconsider bailing out on this lost cause GB.
                          I need you to go down with the ship swinging.
                          Agreed. I don't know who said what to whom so taking out the personalities involved in this, as a general principle if Member A physically threatens member B then in my humble opinion this should not be tolerated. We're not here for that and if that were to become the accepted norm then that is not a community I would like to be part of.
                          In the interests of fairness if it turned out that Member B incited it in the first place by baiting Member A in some way, and I'm certainly not saying that this is the case in this instance, then Member B should also be subject to punishment in accordance with the house rules.

                          Just my 2 cents

                          Kind regards

                          Last edited by Mr.Burns; 06-23-2015, 02:07 PM.
                          "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
                          WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

                          News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
                            Anyone wanna take a stab at explaining this one to me.
                            I think Gulliver may be referring to the Arnold J Rimmer from Red Dwarf (english sci-fi comedy series dating back to the eighties) who was a Hologram in a space mining ship that was attacked by a creature capable or morphing in to anything which then sucked out and feasted on your [strongest] emotions. In Rimmer's case it changed him from a nit picking, Cowardly, Weasely, treacherous, "jobsworth" kind of a man to a sort of "let's all sit around the campfire and sing cumbaya" kind of hippy.


                            His crewmate Lister being attacked by the Polymorph and rescued by an android called Kryten...

                            I'm still not 100% sure what the connection is but my guess would be that Gulliver is suggesting that the moderators probably wouldn't be as effective with what could be viewed as difficult people if they were the latter. Of course I could always be wrong on this but at least that's the background to it

                            Kind regards
                            Last edited by Mr.Burns; 06-23-2015, 07:50 AM.
                            "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
                            WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

                            News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


                            • #15
                              I never physically threatened golden_boy til I came back here 2 days ago. I said: "Chastize me in public again and I will make you regret it, in some way." That is not a physical threat. My rant in venting area the other day claimed that I wanted to kill him for getting me banned. I was banned for making A THREAT, not a physical one.

                              Look, I'm not saying that what I did was bright and if the situation would have been handled differently I probably would have been willing to apologize and admit where I was wrong. The problem is, the situation wasn't handled differently. I had a mod talking down to me and locking my threads in public. That made me mad. Then I come back to find I'm banned, which made me furious. I have invested 4 years of my life here. To have my account stripped from me does not make me a happy and cheery guy. To have a mod poking at me in public and locking my threads is bullshit. Regardless if what I said was not acceptable, I did not start this fight. There never had to be a fight. If g_b would have chosen to moderate less emotionally this would have never happened.

                              Cause and effect. I repeat, my response to him was not acceptable. I get that. His prior reaction to me was also not acceptable. I know that none of you know that g_b and I had ongoing PMs during this time regarding our friendship. He was already being an asshole to me in PM's before he made the decision to fuck with me in public. I don't know about any of you, but I have a breaking point and he touched it.

                              My post wasn't modded for moderation. It was modded to push my buttons, and it worked. This all started when I noticed that g_b was no longer in my friends list and I asked him about it. It mattered to me. I have said it a million times here that g_b is my mapping hero. Do you have any idea how much bullshit must have happened (that you don't know about) for it to get to this point with someone that I had so much respect for? Think about it.

                              The funny thing is, even with as mad as I am at him, I miss him. I miss being friends with such a talented person that shares similar interests. I miss coming from the corners of his radiant knowledge and filling in the blanks. I miss being introduced to new tools by him.

                              You all can say and think whatever you want about me and you can nail me to the cross all you like for what I said in anger but, none of you have a clue what I wish. All you know is I said something unacceptable and seem to be a rage machine. I'm not saying that those things can't be true but, there are more truths of a completely opposite nature which are more pure than my anger towards all of this.

                              I'd also like to point out that many of you seem to be of the mind that if someone physically threatens someone else they should be banned. I disagree completely. What led said person to make such a statement? Who is the person that said it and did they make this claim in public? What I'm trying to say is, if something is being handled in private and tempers are flaring it is really nobody's business what was said. For g_b to file a complaint about a heated argument we were having is really wimpy, in my opinion. He never told me to stop PMing him, never gave any indication that I was "stalking" him or anything else. We were in the middle of our OWN stuff and quakeone was little more than a way to pass messages. He brought some form of emotional retaliation to the forum and then wants to run and tell when he gets a less than happy response. He turned our personal garbage into a forum-wide issue.

                              Am I the only person here that thinks getting very mad about this and potentially saying things you shoudn't have is a perfectly natural response? Y'all want to harp on what you think I said (cause I never threatened physical violence*) but don't seem to want to acknowledge that an awful lot must have happened for me to say it in the first place.

                              *"Chastise me in public again and I will make you regret it, in some way." - my EXACT original words. This could mean anything. Maybe I'm making good on those words right now... with my current presence. Is this fun g_b? Are you having a good time? Did you really expect me to simply disappear? ME!? Disappear!? 4 years and you haven't figured out that I am one super determined S.O.B.? This should be obvious to even the most casual observer.
                              Last edited by TheRealMadGypsy; 06-23-2015, 05:41 PM.

