"Could" aliens exist? Sure. I don't believe in creationism or any of that religious crap. I believe in science because the scientific method PROVES things. If this planet and the life on it sprang forth from simple celled enzymes in water, then why couldn't or wouldn't it happen elsewhere under similar conditions? It is possible. HOWEVER...
(And this is where my own personal opinion comes into play, I have nothing more than an educated guess to base this on) I think it's also entirely possible that life DOES NOT exist anywhere else in the entire universe, and here is why I think that possibility is most likely true. The universe is "almost" eternal and "virtually" infinite. (It's been theorized that the vast space in the universe is actually curved and overlaps back to itself like a circle, and that would actually make space "finite".) It takes a LOOOOOONG time for life to form and evolve to anything similar in intelligence to us, or at least it does on THIS planet, and it would probably be the same elsewhere. In relation to the virtual eternity of time in the universe, life on THIS planet will really only last a very very short time. In another 6 or 7 billion years, our star (the Sun) will become a red giant and consume this planet along with several others in our solar system. Billions of years are like single rain drop in an ocean when considering how old the universe is right now and even moreso how old it will be before it is destroyed by whatever means (expansion, contraction, cataclysm, etc). If you look at the population rates of humans, it seems likely that we will suffer an extinction event due to other things before our stars red giant phase vaporizes us, much less before the universe as we know it ends. I think life on this planet is virtually a "miracle" and a very very very rare thing in the universe. Conditions must be absolutely perfect for it to occur. Things must happen at certain times, certain elements must be present or introduced at the perfect time, etc etc. What if we ARE alone? When considering the virtually eternal nature of "time", it seems more likely to me that life happens in one single place, then it dies out, then there is a long period of no life before conditions happen somewhere else that lead to it.
Another interesting thing to consider...
Ever read Micromegas by Voltaire? Regardless of whether or not life exists RIGHT NOW somewhere else in the universe... what if that life occurs on a MASSIVE planet orbiting a MASSIVE star where both the size of the star and the size of the life bearing planet are 2000 times larger than our earth and our sun. If humans evolved there, it stands to reason that these humans would likely be 2000 times larger than us. I am 6 feet tall on this planet. But if I were born on that planet, I could be TWELVE THOUSAND FEET TALL! If these other life forms exist in the universe... do we really wanna go fucking with them and letting them know where we are?
In that regard, HOLY FUCK do I ever hope that we are indeed alone in the universe right now. Because more than likely we wouldn't be the bigger badder species.
"Could" aliens exist? Sure. I don't believe in creationism or any of that religious crap. I believe in science because the scientific method PROVES things. If this planet and the life on it sprang forth from simple celled enzymes in water, then why couldn't or wouldn't it happen elsewhere under similar conditions? It is possible. HOWEVER...
(And this is where my own personal opinion comes into play, I have nothing more than an educated guess to base this on) I think it's also entirely possible that life DOES NOT exist anywhere else in the entire universe, and here is why I think that possibility is most likely true. The universe is "almost" eternal and "virtually" infinite. (It's been theorized that the vast space in the universe is actually curved and overlaps back to itself like a circle, and that would actually make space "finite".) It takes a LOOOOOONG time for life to form and evolve to anything similar in intelligence to us, or at least it does on THIS planet, and it would probably be the same elsewhere. In relation to the virtual eternity of time in the universe, life on THIS planet will really only last a very very short time. In another 6 or 7 billion years, our star (the Sun) will become a red giant and consume this planet along with several others in our solar system. Billions of years are like single rain drop in an ocean when considering how old the universe is right now and even moreso how old it will be before it is destroyed by whatever means (expansion, contraction, cataclysm, etc). If you look at the population rates of humans, it seems likely that we will suffer an extinction event due to other things before our stars red giant phase vaporizes us, much less before the universe as we know it ends. I think life on this planet is virtually a "miracle" and a very very very rare thing in the universe. Conditions must be absolutely perfect for it to occur. Things must happen at certain times, certain elements must be present or introduced at the perfect time, etc etc. What if we ARE alone? When considering the virtually eternal nature of "time", it seems more likely to me that life happens in one single place, then it dies out, then there is a long period of no life before conditions happen somewhere else that lead to it.
Another interesting thing to consider...
Ever read Micromegas by Voltaire? Regardless of whether or not life exists RIGHT NOW somewhere else in the universe... what if that life occurs on a MASSIVE planet orbiting a MASSIVE star where both the size of the star and the size of the life bearing planet are 2000 times larger than our earth and our sun. If humans evolved there, it stands to reason that these humans would likely be 2000 times larger than us. I am 6 feet tall on this planet. But if I were born on that planet, I could be TWELVE THOUSAND FEET TALL! If these other life forms exist in the universe... do we really wanna go fucking with them and letting them know where we are?
In that regard, HOLY FUCK do I ever hope that we are indeed alone in the universe right now. Because more than likely we wouldn't be the bigger badder species.