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Another thread about aliens

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  • MadGypsy
    Now that you mention it, that reddish bottom light might have been Rudolph. Them fools was stuck in the atmosphere yo.

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  • Focalor
    It had to be Santa Claus. My sister-in-laws mothers brothers second cousins uncles daughters dog catchers butchers bakers nephew said him and Sammy Davis Jr were testing the new sleigh.

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  • MadGypsy
    Last night I was getting some fresh air in my backyard and I saw 3 bright lights in the sky in triangle formation. The lights did not move but they did flicker. They didn't flicker the same though. I tried and tried to take a pic but all my pics just came out black (shitty cam phone). I'm not saying it was aliens, mainly because I do not believe in aliens but, it was odd. The lights didn't seem to be in space. They appeared to be in the earth's atmosphere. Also the triangle formation was perfect...purposeful. Obviously you can throw 3 dots just about anywhere and make a triangle out of it, this was very obviously a triangle on purpose. Exactly like below, where P = flickering light point

    P <-- flickered way more than the other 2. The light appeared to go from redish/amber (like betelgeuse) to white

    I tried to be very descriptive here in case any of you happen to see the same thing.

    Edit: I just went outside and stared in that direction. I don't see a single tower and searching my brain I can't think of anything in that direction that would need a radio tower or some such thing. It struck me while writing this that it could have been tower lights but, there is no visible tower from here. Also, why would the bottom-most light of a tower be the one that flickers like crazy?
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 08-31-2016, 12:23 PM.

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  • bluntz
    This planet is someones ZOO obviously.

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  • Baker
    Originally posted by Phenom View Post
    With that set in place it raises the question, where did the first organisms come from that seeded Earth then? and before that?
    Well, if you take a larger step back ....

    Earth's atmosphere is 100 times thinner than Venus's atmosphere.

    Earth atmosphere mass: 5.1 x 10^18 kg (18 zeros)
    Venus atmosphere mass: 4.8 × 10^20 kg (20 zeros)

    The Earth is about 20% more massive than Venus, has a marginally better ability to retain atmosphere.

    Assuming, prevailing thought is right, and the Earth and Moon are the result of 2 bodies colliding billions of years ago, that collision would have blown off most of Earth's atmosphere.

    Even Titan --- one of Saturn's moons --- has a atmosphere more massive than Earths!!!! "It is also about 1.19 times as massive as Earth's overall" --- Wikipedia.

    Short version: A normal Earth-sized planet should have very thick atmosphere like Venus. If Titan, just a little larger than our moon, has a more massive atmosphere than Earth, that is a sign the size of our atmosphere being so small is very odd.

    ---- Things like the above make the Earth seem like a very weird planet, and we are looking like the beneficiary of some oddball events in the Earth's history.

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  • nahuel
    this video is fake, because there is no "proof" so solid about abductions, UFO visions, encounters with humanoids etc. This kind of "encounters" are always vague and ridiculous. The perception of this type of stuff is more "subjective" than objective just like hallucinations.

    The skeptical attitude is also very stupid. "This is a lie because there is no objective evidence" is as stupid as saying "friendship is a lie because there is no scientific evidence to prove what is friendship and what is not."

    When we talk about this we think of it as an extreme or atypěcal case of perception. It is only perception.
    perception About what? , That if a real enigma. Perhaps something we do not understand under our cultural parameters but naturally there exist as many things exist in nature and are too fleeting to be scientifically analyzed.
    While hardly the case for extraterrestrial life. Who knows.

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  • DeathMaster
    Space is delicious. And so are Mars bars, though personally I prefer Milky Ways. Anyways...

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  • Adam
    I wonder, if the world was seeded from some bacteria from a meteor,
    and we do originate from another planet as MG & Phenom already mentioned,
    then I wonder if it could have been multiple meteors from different places...

    That would in some way explain:

    Water bears:

    Coconut or robber crabs:



    Mars bars:

    MMMmmm.. Mars bars.
    You know you can melt a load of them in a pot, pour the mixture onto a tray and it makes a lovely toffee chocolate slice thing.

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  • Phenom
    Originally posted by DeathMaster View Post
    I think that since there are enough planets similar to Earth that can sustain life, it's entirely probable for extra-terrestrial lifeforms to exist out there. The theory that says the conditions to sustain life are qualities only Earth has is basically proven false at this point, for instance there's the case of Kepler-186f which apparently has water and an atmosphere. But, if Earth is truly alone in sustaining life in the universe, I'll gladly be the first to squander any opportunities it has because in the end, we are nothing, you hear me?! WE ARE NOTHING!!!

    Supposedly Earth was seeded via panspermia and it would make sense since Earth was scientifically proven at one point to be a hostile environment no life could survive. BILLIONS of years ago of course...

    With that set in place it raises the question, where did the first organisms come from that seeded Earth then? and before that? It's so F'ing baffling to think how much larger the actual big picture could be that I think Human's can't comprehend anything past the tip of the iceberg here.

    Even the Big Bang is essentially scientific theory and is only being played that way because everything seems to be moving away from everything else in an expanding motion.

    Also for those who don't know, We have not found an end to the actual Universe. We have what is currently called the "Visible universe" which is as far as our primitive satellites can see.

    Don't think the road stops with current feeble human technology just because you can't see over the horizon.

    Aliens not existing is scientifically illogical, hell... we're "aliens" in some terms. The bigger question is how large is our Universe, once we know that we'll know what it'll take and possibly the best places to look for habitable planets and or life, possibly even intelligent life out there.
    Last edited by Phenom; 08-24-2016, 11:05 PM.

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  • DeathMaster
    I think that since there are enough planets similar to Earth that can sustain life, it's entirely probable for extra-terrestrial lifeforms to exist out there. The theory that says the conditions to sustain life are qualities only Earth has is basically proven false at this point, for instance there's the case of Kepler-186f which apparently has water and an atmosphere. But, if Earth is truly alone in sustaining life in the universe, I'll gladly be the first to squander any opportunities it has because in the end, we are nothing, you hear me?! WE ARE NOTHING!!!

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  • Phenom
    Originally posted by Dutch View Post
    Yeah, sorry bout that. I'm partly to blame...I get a little spun up sometimes
    It's not really anyone's fault, It's a public forum. and Oil doesn't mix very well with water and some times you get the guy who smokes while playing with gas on the forums. Just rollin with the punches!

    Though if it were anyone's fault lets blame Sole! He started this years ago!

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  • Dutch
    Originally posted by Phenom View Post
    Yeah this was supposed to be a fun and engaging post inquiring other people's ideas and keeping an open mind. :/
    Yeah, sorry bout that. I'm partly to blame...I get a little spun up sometimes

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  • Phenom
    Originally posted by Gem View Post synthesizer...

    Originally posted by Dutch View Post
    Edit: removed.

    Tired of debating over stupid shit. I'm just here to play quake.
    Yeah this was supposed to be a fun and engaging post inquiring other people's ideas and keeping an open mind. :/

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  • Gem
    This is a lot of food for thought, which is making me hungry (pun intended lol)

    Man, if there would be one sci-fi gadget I'd really want, it would be that I think food synthesizer apparatus from Star Trek. It would save me countless trips to the supermarket (and space in my house for food storage lol), and I can just 'tell' the computer what I want. But I'm not sure how healthy it would actually be to eat synthesized food versus real food?lol
    Last edited by Gem; 08-23-2016, 04:45 PM.

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  • Focalor
    Originally posted by Dutch View Post
    Edit: removed.

    Tired of debating over stupid shit. I'm just here to play quake.

    But seriously. Aliens is not even a "debate". The existence of aliens can be proven or disproven about as much as the existence of God can be proven or disproven. We can't currently know that our planet is NOT the only planet capable of producing and sustaining life, so there's really no sense in screaming "Alienhu Ackbar!" and cutting anyones head off with a butter knife over it. We're all merely theoriz-turbating.

    On the other hand... Dude! Why did communism have to enter this discussion at all, haha! Saying aliens might be communist is putting the cart before the horse. Let's find out if they exist before we start asking them if they're liberal or conservative.

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