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Alex Jones Show

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  • Alex Jones Show

    I recently had to upgrade my skills on getting dates and time. If you are not a programmer you may think that dates and time should be real simple. If you do program you know that it's aggravating to manipulate the Date object.

    Anyway, I wanted to make something better than "Hello Date". I remembered the Alex Jones show stores all of it's podcasts as dates so, I tied my date experiment into a little app that gets the most recent fully recorded AJ show. I know it's dumb and pointless but, I made it and it works.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    	<title>Most Recent Fully Recorded Alex Jones Show</title>
    	var weekdays  = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"];
    	var d = new Date();
    	var y = new Date();
    	function getURL(){
    		var wkd = weekdays[d.getDay()];
    		var lnk;
    		if((d.getHours() < 16) || (wkd == "Sat"))
    		{	if(wkd == "Sun")lnk = getDay(2);
    			else lnk = getDay(1);
    			document.getElementById("disp").innerHTML = "It's either Saturday or before 4pm central. A link to the last available show has been created for you.";
    		} else lnk = getDay(0);
    		document.getElementById("link").href = ""+lnk+"_Alex.mp3";
    		document.getElementById("link").innerHTML = lnk+"_Alex.mp3";
    	function getDay(n)
    		y.setDate(d.getDate() - n);
    		var m 		= y.getMonth()+1;
    		var year 	= y.getFullYear();
    		var month 	= (m < 10)?"0"+m:""+m;
    		var day 	= y.getDate();
    		var weekday = weekdays[y.getDay()];
    		return (year+month+day)+"_"+weekday;
    <body onload="getURL()">
    	<p id="disp">Right-click and select "save target as.." to download or left-click to open in your browser</p>
    	<a id="link"></a>
    If you actually want to use/try this, simply copy and paste the code into wordpad and save it as it with your browser. I put ZERO effort into any kind of art or UI. When you open the page you get a message and a link...that's it. I didn't even change the background color.

    EDIT: I do not support or care about Alex Jones. His podcast URLs and the Date modifications necessary to concoct them fell well within my experiments and were used for that reason.
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 10-17-2016, 11:20 AM.

  • #2
    Hell bent. Never relent. You don't like Alex Jones. When someone asks you if you wanna buy some Xannys, you JUST SAY NO.

    Try hard much?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Focalor View Post
      Hell bent. Never relent. You don't like Alex Jones. When someone asks you if you wanna buy some Xannys, you JUST SAY NO.

      Try hard much?
      I'm sorry the correct answer we was looking for was Yes, buy the Benzo's.
      Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


      • #4
        From try hard to try harder. Good job.


        • #5
          Dude, even your signature is mocking him. I get that you're not getting along with Gypsy but if all you're gonna do is be a whiny, shallow asshole you might as well get off the forum. We've already made the mistake of wasting time dealing with you.



          • #6
            Even my signature? NO WAY! WHAT AN ASSHOLE I MUST BE! Never met an asshole before, huh?


            • #7
              Originally posted by MadGypsy

              It's not gonna end well for this guy if it doesn't stop.
              Why, you gonna do something? PM me and we'll see if your punk little rep comment comes true, tough guy.


              • #8
                Yep, that's what you are. A shallow, wasted asshole grasping for his last few digs at a community who, cornered by everyone else for causing a stir, has resorted to petty insults. You've been here for only a few months and you've built enough of a reputation here throwing shit at people, starting arguments, and in general being a major douchebag. I'm hesitant to report you because I like to think that maybe you'll stop, that you'll give up and realize that this is all for nothing, but you show no signs of stopping. Not to be redundant, but it's your move. Asshole.



                • #9
                  Everybody mad.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bfg666
                    Mad? WTF are you on?!

                    YOU'RE GONNA CARRY THAT WEIGHT...


                    • #11
                      I'm high on life, baby. Come chalk you out a rail of it. Be somebody.


                      • #12
                        Drama whores.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MadGypsy

                          I imagine if any of you ever met this guy in person
                          Sounds like you wanna meet me...

                          It ain't about anyone else, don't drag others into your problems. I'm right here. What now?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MadGypsy
                            We all know I am not fond of Focalor but, in his defense he has actually been respectful of my more "official" threads (ie my WorldSpawn WIP thread). Which is why I am pretty sure that focalor is actually a long term member here pretending to be this douchebag. If I am right, I have a good idea who it is. There is really only one person here that is capable of this. Well 2 actually, but I am not focalor.

                            EDIT: I take it back. I can think of 3 or 4 people but, it's just the one I think it is if I am right. This person has the privileges here to know about decisions that users make regarding forum features and I'm thinking they are butt-hurt regarding one of my recent decisions. They are being ignored just like focalor and for similar reasons.

                            I could be wrong and Focalor really is just a blithering idiot but, I'm keeping an open mind regarding other possibilities.
                            That's an interesting concept... but who could it be? Why would they waste so much time and effort putting up a front to troll a Quake forum? Who would waste so much time and effort trolling a Quake forum in the first place, without putting up a front?

                            Oh well... I guess trolling a forum, this one especially, isn't really that big of a deal. It's highly insignificant. Sometimes, problems really do go away if you pretend they don't exist.


                            • #15
                              Is there a block or mute feature on here?

                              I would consider just doing that till they get bored.


                              I just finished reading about your third election debate, another interesting encounter.
                              I'll go find an appropriate thread to post in...
                              Username : Atomic Robokid on Steam

                              Please check out my Quake made things:


