What are you looking at?
You are looking at genius. I hacked old-ass flash CS5 to support the latest flash player.
So what. What the hell does that mean?
Well, any class can be instantiated on the stage while you are editing. I have written classes that load mdls, bsps and a number of other quake things. This means that technically I can drag all that shit right onto the stage and build entire levels from completed models. In short, I turned flash cs5 into a pretty damn powerful level editor. I also jacked up the projector capabilities so... from cs5 I can export .exe's without needing to use AIR (thanks java education).
To be even clearer - I can build entire game levels on the stage, convert to MovieClip (ie...put it all in a container) and delete it. It won't be deleted from the library, just the stage. I can keep repeating that, basically populating the library with all the game levels. Follow that up with writing some delegate script that knows which and when to load levels...export as exe, tadaa entire contained game.
There's only one loop-hole. The flash stage is 2d. It has some 3d things but none of those 3d things include traveling into depth. I need to figure out how to trick flash into using a stage3D context OR make an extension that fakes it good enough for editing purposes. I''l figure it out. I got this far in like 10 minutes. It was easy and fast cause my guess that Haxes handling of players had to be similar to the Adobe way was correct. I knew the haxe way and basically just hunted down where adobe was putting that same stuff..except for the projector part. Oddly, haxe doesn't have a feature for exporting flash as .exe. It will export AIR as an .exe (ie captive runtime) with some trickery but, wont do the same for flash, so I made adobe do it. Actually, I could probably make haxe do it now that I figured out how to make adobe do it.
Maybe, just maybe, the stage will have 3d context without me having to do anything. All the various model loaders require a 3d context. For the stage to load them at all it will have to instantiate a stage3d instance. Stage3d has plenty of 3d controls. At worst, I may just need to write an extension for a new tool. Extensions are just javascript that utilizes an external interface the editor has. I need to research the extension built-ins.