Here are some random pictures and I admit this is so hard as to not even be fair, but it might provide some entertainment value. I'd personally be shocked if more than 4 of these got answered by anyone.
Here goes ...
1. This is possibly the most ignored object in the solar system and most people have probably never heard of it, hehe. What it is? [SOLVED by SOLECORD ... the largest asteroid, Ceres, which is about 1000 km wide and larger than most moons]

2. A very unique picture, the only picture of its type. What is special about this picture? [SOLVED by GULLIVER-TRANS ... a picture of what is very likely a gas giant planet in another solar system]

3. What event was this? [SOLVED by SPIRIT with extra info by SOLECORD ... Shoemaker-Levy comet impacting with Jupiter in July 1994]

4. Another unique picture. What is the arrow pointing out? STILL UNSOLVED!

5. What was this? [SOLVED by SOLECORD ... Skylab, the first USA-made space station in the 1970's]

6. What is this? [SOLVED by SPIRIT ... Moon of Saturn (Mimas) within Rings]

7. What is the name of dot in this picture? [SOLVED by SOLECORD .. Dactyl, the tiny 1 mile-wide moon of the asteroid Ida]

8. What is the name of dot in this picture? (Upper left) [SOLVED by QUADRAPTOR .. the dot is the moon Titan]

9. Where was this picture taken? [SOLVED by QUADRAPTOR... the surface of Venus by Venera 13]

10. Obligatory protest pic. That "Spirit" reference is the name of the rover NASA has running around Mars, not Spirit who runs the Quaddicted site, of course.

11. Obligatory Walmart of Mars photo.
Here goes ...
1. This is possibly the most ignored object in the solar system and most people have probably never heard of it, hehe. What it is? [SOLVED by SOLECORD ... the largest asteroid, Ceres, which is about 1000 km wide and larger than most moons]

2. A very unique picture, the only picture of its type. What is special about this picture? [SOLVED by GULLIVER-TRANS ... a picture of what is very likely a gas giant planet in another solar system]

3. What event was this? [SOLVED by SPIRIT with extra info by SOLECORD ... Shoemaker-Levy comet impacting with Jupiter in July 1994]

4. Another unique picture. What is the arrow pointing out? STILL UNSOLVED!

5. What was this? [SOLVED by SOLECORD ... Skylab, the first USA-made space station in the 1970's]

6. What is this? [SOLVED by SPIRIT ... Moon of Saturn (Mimas) within Rings]

7. What is the name of dot in this picture? [SOLVED by SOLECORD .. Dactyl, the tiny 1 mile-wide moon of the asteroid Ida]

8. What is the name of dot in this picture? (Upper left) [SOLVED by QUADRAPTOR .. the dot is the moon Titan]

9. Where was this picture taken? [SOLVED by QUADRAPTOR... the surface of Venus by Venera 13]

10. Obligatory protest pic. That "Spirit" reference is the name of the rover NASA has running around Mars, not Spirit who runs the Quaddicted site, of course.

11. Obligatory Walmart of Mars photo.
