Alchohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, or any other TOXIN you put in your body WILL hurt you.
There are toxins in your food, in your medicine cabinet and every anesthesic a doctor or even a dentist uses is a toxin.
There is bacteria in the air, on counters, in food and pollutants in the air and in your water ... the government mandates safe levels of pollutants in the water but they are still in there.
Cars emit exhaust, sunlight damages cells.
Health nuts get shot/hit by cars/fall down stairs and or ... SHOCK .. get cancer or have heart attacks or get sick. People that don't smoke or live near asbestos get lung cancer. People that eat the "right things" get colon cancer.
And even if none of the above existed, all of us are still going to die. Cells cannot indefinitely reproduce as the telomeres, critical to cell replication, get shorter and shorter ... one of the key components to aging.
I personally don't like doing things that step me closer to death.
To me, it isn't a question of only how long people live -- we do have some control over that -- but whether or not one gets to use their talents and enjoy living and, to the extent possible, make the world a better place or at least not make it a worse one.
I'm not sure how much people that live 90+ years really enjoy being "very old", we seem to put a lot of them in retirement homes which is just a fancy way of "getting them out of the way".
I guess I personally care more about having some freedom to make mistakes rather than to have governments/corporations enforce a robotic, clean and -- ultimately -- sterile lifestyle on people. It would be nice to have more freedom than your typical black ant living in the ant hill.
Especially when some of these "decisions made in our behalf" add questionably little to the quality of life or even the length of life.