Originally posted by Baker
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Its kind of a long story but in a nutshell me and a buddy were on our lunchbreak from working at the MP office on base so we walked over to a internet cafe type building to get some soda and food real quick, i unknowingly grabbed a DIET Mt.Dew and exited the store, we were walking back just bullshitting and I popped open the diet mt.dew and took a huge drink expecting to taste mt.dew (I'm an avid mt.dew drinker)and I stopped dead in my tracks thinkin there was something wrong with my soda and immediately said "OMG Georgia mt.dew is some nasty shit!"
then after a few seconds of complete pandemonium my buddy Briely noticed the bottle said diet, but ever since then I've called Diet Mt.Dew "Georgia Mr.Dew" or "Georgia water" since the water there is pretty damn foul also. Not that Oklahoma's water is any better. heh