I'm pretty sure a few of you play Super Smash Bros Brawl. Well, here's Brawl with wavedashing hacked into it (well actually it's directional air dodging which is also awesome) woot for depth in gameplay! Now we just need to hack lcancelling, longer hitstun, remove autosweetspotting and we have ourselves a competitive game that might surpass Melee.

Why am I posting this here? Iunno maybe it's because Smash is one of the top competitive games (judged by the size of the community) in North America? The last major Smash tournament this year had a 1st place cash prize of $10k

Don't forget, SmashQuake was based off Smash

original thread

You need the Homebrew Channel and Ocarina to run this hack.

SSBM Air Dodge:(88 Lines)
42000000 80000000
80000000 80623320
80000001 00000000
60000006 00000000
80000002 806212BC
4A001000 00000000
36000024 00000007
92210003 00000024
86100003 000001C4
88000002 00000003
4A001002 00000000
92210002 00000000
4A001002 00000000
DE000000 80008180
92210003 00000010
92210004 00000014
86A00003 40000000
86A00004 40000000
60000003 00000001
4A001000 00000000
4A101001 00000000
36000000 00000032
58010000 00000004
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000060
92210006 0000007C
92210007 00000014
58010000 00000088
92210008 00000058
92210009 00000064
4A001006 00000000
30000038 00000021
4A001007 00000000
36000040 41C00000
4A001006 00000000
58010000 0000002C
58010000 00000004
100000E4 00000001
1000010C 00000001
10000120 00000001
10000134 00000001
10000170 00000001
4A001008 00000000
1400000C 3E300000
4A001007 00000000
36000041 41000000
4A001008 00000000
94210004 0000000C
4A001009 00000000
94210003 00000008
4A001007 00000000
34000041 41000000
4A001009 00000000
14000008 00000000
4A001007 00000000
34000041 41000000
9001000A 00000040
4A000000 805A0100
92210005 00000000
86A00005 3FC00000
8891000A 00000005
E2000002 00000000
4A001006 00000000
32000038 00000021
32000038 0000007F
32000038 00000080
32000038 00000083
58010000 0000002C
58010000 00000004
100000E4 00000000
1000010C 00000000
10000120 00000000
10000134 00000000
10000170 00000000
E2000004 00000000
80100001 00000008
62000000 00000001
E200000F 00000000
80000001 00000000
80100000 00000244
62000000 00000000
C27816DC 00000004
8A03FFFC 2C100001
40820008 48000010
3A000000 9A03FFFC
98030000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
It should be noted that I'm excited about this hack because without it, Brawl would be too boring. It has limited depth. It's definitely the worst of the series when you compare the technical skill required to win tourneys in all 3 games.