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I caught a bad guy in real life

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  • rev
    did the dude come to your door, or did you pass him in the parking lot? did he approach you or vice versa? i need an opening act to this story, not just the climax and conclusion.

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  • StatiC
    getting code done makes u at + 2 Baker, not +1

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  • Baker
    This guy got charged with 3 felonies. The cops told me his name is "<removed name>" -- I didn't think to ask of the spelling of his name so I don't know if it is <removed name>. Apparently, he lied to police about his identity [more than just the first time, he changed his name 3 or 4 times but I was gone by then] and his real name was only discovered when they took him to the county jail.

    Either way, his ass is grass.

    I won't keep beating a dead horse, but this guy seemed all fishy to me when I encountered him.

    Baker 1, assholes 0.

    This guy seemed like I presented some sort of threat and I didn't let it go. And I didn't look the other way. It was never clear to me what was "wrong" but something seemed very wrong and I went with that. And admittedly, I did harass this guy.

    The old expression "All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing" applies. And I kept thinking "You can just let this go if you want, but what does that make you?" I would have physically detained this mofo until the police arrived if I had to, I did not know what was going on but after I called the police I had no intention of letting this guy leave until they arrived.

    /I won't beat this dead horse any more.
    Last edited by Baker; 10-14-2010, 07:38 AM. Reason: Removed guys name

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  • tical
    Random Shooting Spree: Cop arrested in Ill., Ind. shootings; construction workers Rolando Alonso, Joshua Garza, and farmer Keith Dahl shot in 2 apparently random attacks in Beecher, Will County, Illinois, and Lowell, Indiana |

    shit happened couple days ago, and was all around my house, should've seen all the local/county/state police floating around my area..crazy shit, i was carrying my piece the night he was

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  • mankrip
    Last edited by mankrip; 10-09-2010, 03:03 PM.

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  • Baker
    Originally posted by megalodonNL View Post
    ...but I wouldn't call the cops just because someone looks out of place
    You know, there is a lot of truth to that.

    I didn't have a single tangible shred of true proof that this guy did anything wrong except he seemed very suspicious to me.

    He was caught with 70 stolen credit cards and had broken into 26 cars.

    Sometimes if you are "bad guy" you just run into a guy who can at times be half a jerk. And this guy who can be half a jerk at times is "Baker".

    Had he not got on my nerves with a case of "can't STFU syndrome" [dude, quit freaking talking to me] he'd be out there breaking into other people's cars right now. But he's not.

    Criminals deserve shitty luck too. And I gave it to him.

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  • megalodonNL

    ...but I wouldn't call the cops just because someone looks out of place

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  • metchsteekle
    Originally posted by patton View Post
    horatio caine: He is a liar. I just don't know what the lie is yet.

    yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !

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  • gothiccandy
    Good Karma

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  • Patton
    Horatio Caine: He is a liar. I just don't know what the lie is yet.

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  • Baker
    My mom is a criminal psychologist that does counseling for inmates in prison.

    The creepiest people are also very friendly. They talk a lot and want acceptance to get a sense of comfort, when I didn't give it to this guy him he talked even more. The more annoyed I got, the more he talked and got all friendly and as he kept talking I started looking him in the eye and he'd turn away but look back at me about every 30 seconds to try to get a sense of whether or not a presented a threat to him.

    Something wasn't right. I didn't know what it was. I just knew I didn't like this guy at all.

    [The cops seemed to know within 2 minutes what the deal was.]

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  • Shok
    You say not Kimp but in many ways there are similiarities.

    Here are the roles:

    Iffy guy = Kimp
    You (in real life) = Quake Community
    Dispatcher = Quakeone Forums
    Police = familiar guy Baker, other guy BadaIm
    Iffy guy's GF = Splinter

    Ode how QUaketh can be comparedeth to real lifeth

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  • Baker
    He seemed out of place and way too overly friendly, which made me rather upset and he got even more friendly when he saw I wasn't happy. I was thinking "Why is this guy talking so much and why does it matter if I like him?" It was like he was too concerned about me, so he got more of that.

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  • Ranger
    What gave him away to make you call the police?

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  • foq
    Who needs GL when you have BH?

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