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DMC3SE - Dante vs Vergil

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  • DMC3SE - Dante vs Vergil

    Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

    History of Devil May Cry... If you know the history then skip this
    For those who don't know about the Devil May Cry Series, the star is Dante. He's a half breed of human and demon blood (Mother being human and Father being demon). He also has a sharp tongue and likes to be cocky even during battle. The first game introduces you to Dante and his Mother fighting against the Prince of Darkness, Mundus. The game introduced a new type of playing style as you had to read your enemy's movements in order to overcome them in battle. You can die very fast if you aren't careful in dodging attacks. Ofcourse, you don't expect a playstation game to be hard. In our era we now have a bunch of mainstream easy games which don't take much effort to beat. Devil May Cry on the other hand showed you the cold hearted truth when you face the first boss in the game, A giant spider/scorpion creature composed of lava. Chances are, you'll get your ass royally handed to you for around 5 tries. You'll then either understand that you have to keep an eye out for it's indications of attack OR you'll throw the controller at your tv and break the cd.

    That's the first game...

    The second game I never played but I heard it was horrible. I don't really care...

    The third game is a prequel to the first. You star as a younger (and cockier) Dante who has yet to understand his true demon power. While he opens his business in which he works in the first game, his brother, Vergil, activates a 500 story tower to arise through the ground near Dante's shop. Now I'm not going to go indepth about this game's story but the two brothers do not like eachother.

    I also want to add that this is the hardest game out of the three. Anyone who's played the original Ninja Gaiden 1, Double Dragon 2 and 3, Megaman 1, etc will find this game just as challenging. The first boss in the third makes the one in the first game look like a total joke!

    Since DMC3 was such a hit in the gaming community, Capcom came out with a Special Edition. It's more like a directors cut with video footage and extra features and modes. But the part that makes the SE shine is that you get to play as either of the two devil childs in DMC3, instead of just Dante.

    *in fear of going over the size limit of this post, I'm going to get too the chase of this thread in my next reply. Be patient it's getting done*

    Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 04-29-2006, 02:04 AM.

  • #2

    Continuation from the first post. I just want to clarify that I'm just going to go over the gameplay of the 2 playable characters, Dante and Vergil. I will not be going over story backgrounds, etc.


    ahh lovable Dante. Always making us laugh with his silly taunts and combacks. He likes to wear red and to dress like a goth. He carries a big goth sword (like omfg it's one big motherfucking sword) and two pistols which never seem to run out of ammo. He's very nimble and very fast. Now let's go over his specialties.


    If there's something to say about the devil children, is that they have the potential (potential being how YOU control them) of moving really fast and dodging every attack thrown at them. Ofcourse this isn't just a defensive game...

    You can use your agility to catch enemies by surprise. Heck, you can even teleport infront of you enemy (tricking the air into giving the illusion that you teleported) and can run on walls! He can also slow down time (or speed himself up) for a short burst of time.

    Melee Combat

    Dante likes to talk a lot and has a big ego. I guess it's too bad for the demons because he can back it up with his awesome melee skills. Dante has a total of 5 melee weapons. Dante can only carry 2 weapons at the same time.

    Rebellion is Dante's big goth sword. It's very versatile and does decent damage. Most of it's attack involve throwing demons into the air or bashing them across the block. Dante doesn't seems to have a problem swinging this thing around like a base ball bat.

    Cerberus is a tri-nunchuck weapon. This is Dante's quickest weapon thus far. It does the least damage out of the 5 and doesn't have impressive range. But due to how quick it is, Dante can pummel demons without giving them any breath time.

    Agni and Rudra are twin blades that Dante is forced to use these two at the same time and not mixing them up with other weapons (damn game physics). This is more like a slower, more powerful version of Cerberus. He's like a ninja with twin knives with this weapon.

    Nevan is an electric guitar. Why is this concidered a weapon? Because it shoots electric bats and is spiky shaped THATS WHY! This is the unique weapon in dmc3 that most people frown upon. Realistically, you can pull off some insane combos this it.

    Beowulf is a set of gauntlets and boots that allow Dante to use kung fu with amazing speed and power. This is the most powerful weapon in the game as well as the slowest. This weapon acts very similar to Infrit in the first DMC but has more attacks. Attacks can be focuses (charged up) to increase the damage, just make sure your target doesn't move away while you charge up.

    Dante can also use normal kung fu to take out enemies without the use of weapons. He shift is body just at the right moment to deflect a demon's attack with his wrist then counter attacks, piercing through the enemy.

    Ranged Combat

    Dante is just as lethal up close as he is far away. Dante has 5 different sets of guns and can only equip 2 at a time.

    Ebony and Ivory are handguns that allows Dante to fire at rapid speed (depending on how fast you can tab the Square button). Dante is so used to these guns, that he can aim in two different directions and hit enemies dead on. Heck, he can even shower a rain of bullets over his opponents.

    Shotgun is the most powerful gun in the game when you are at melee range. Think of it as the Super Shotgun where you will do more damage up close. Dante likes to use this to blow enemies away from his or to do as much damage as he can possible. He will also shove the shotgun deep into your belly and pull the trigger as well as randomly blast everything in the room while flipping the shotgun around like a nunchuck

    Artemis is a demon made gun that shoots a volley of plasma bullets at multiple enemies. This is the most useful gun for building combos. He can also focus all of it's energy into a huge spere at the enemy as well as shoot the plasma into the air so it rains deaths.

    Spiral is a very powerful rifle. It fires in a straight line and pierces through enemies. Compared to the shotgun, this is also a very powerful weapon and can be used at any difference. Dante can also fire at the wall just perfectly so they richochete into enemies.

    Kalinna Ann is a Rocket Launcher with a nasty blade attached to it. This is the weapon of choice for taking out a crap load of enemies very close to eachother. The nasty blade can be used as a grapple hook to drag enemies towards you like Scorpion. GET OVER HERE! Dante can also lose his rocker and fire a bunch of explosives randomly into the vacinity.

    Demon Magic

    Devil Trigger - Dante transforms into his Devil form to regenerate, speed up, and increase power.
    Transformation Flux - Creates a destructive explosion around Dante when he transforms into Devil form.
    Charged Shot - Dante charges up the handguns or shotgun to blast energy
    Air Hike - Dante can focus energy to create a platform below him so he may jump in midair.
    DoppleGanger - Dante creates a mirror image of himself to deal twice the damage (2-player compatable)
    Crystal and Ice Age - Dante commands the forces of Ice
    Crawler and Twister - Dante commands the forces of Fire/Wind
    Air Raid - Fly in the air and attack with thunder strikes

    * Vergil point of view coming up *
    Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 04-29-2006, 01:52 AM.


    • #3


      "The big brother himself, you know you would fight him soon or later. You actually encounter him 3 times in the game, each fight being harder and more complex than the previous one. Vergil is a master at manueverability and even proficient at Parrying attacks. His attacks are swift, his combo devastating and some of his moves are down right earth shattering. Your first encounter he fights you using his standard Katana, and he is a fairly easy boss. The second encounter he fights you using Beowulf gauntlets and the Katana, and the battle is extremely intense. The last battle being the hardest, he will fight using the Force Edge and his Katana. In the last 2 battles, he even transforms into his very own Devil Trigger. Did I mention that in Dante Must Die mode he develops a new attack pattern that allows him to summon the dreaded Phantom swords on command???"

      Now we come to Vergil. He's Dante's older brother. Like Dante, he also likes to dress up as a goth... oh ya, and he's a half breed of human/demon bla bla. Unlike Dante, he is cool/collective, likes blue, and is only interested in gaining more power. He looks up to his father, Sparda, and wants to be just as powerful as he was.

      Some easy traits that I can point out that shows the difference between the two is vergil doesn't use guns and can carry 3 weapons at the same time. Vergil is the better sword master as he can attack without you actually seeing him swing his katana. He is also more experienced in the Air Trick (Dante's means of teleportation) as he can teleport forwards, up and down. What Vergil can not do is Air Hike (Dante's means of jumping in midair) and run on walls.

      Although Vergil doesn't use guns, he does have means of attacking at range. He controls phantom swords (remember Nelo Angelo?) with his mind that can either surround him or fire at the enemy. He can also use his Katana to do an air trickish attack where he can slice at any distance. AND... he can throw the Force Edge like a boomerang.


      As I mentioned before, Vergil can carry 3 weapons at the same time as opposed to Dante holding 2. Vergil in the other hand, only has 3 weapons

      Yamato is his primary weapon, a katana. He is very quick with this weapon and can slice through anything! It's kickass! I know how you goths and emos like to play with katanas

      Beowulf is the same weapon that Dante uses but with a different set of attacks. Vergil, unlike Dante, can not focus his attacks (charge up).

      Force Edge is the sword of Sparda. It's very similar to Dante's goth sword and mimics some of it's attacks. Vergil uses this weapon in conjunction with Yamato.

      Phantom Swords
      Vergil's answer to Dante's projectiles. I can't explain how badass Vergil is with these. He can use these as an offensive shield or as a rapid fire attack.

      Like Dante, Vergil can Devil Trigger. Same effects apply including Transformation Flux.

      Spoiler!!!! - Vergil can transform into Nelo Angelo from DMC1 and mimic his attacks.

      *summerizing post coming up*
      Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 04-29-2006, 01:55 AM.


      • #4

        So now we must choose between the two heroes.

        Dante has a higher variety of combos due to 5 weapons and 5 guns while Vergil can hold 3 melee weapons.

        They are both agile and have their own masteries in combat.

        Now you must vote on your favorite playable character. I'll provide you with a few links that might intrigue you to try out this game. If you don't like hard games, keep playing quake

        Google Video: DMC3SE Trailer <-- A must see! Shows off both Dante and Vergil gameplay.

        uber leet player showing off Dante combos
        uber leet player showing off Dante's agility

        uber leet player showing off Vergil combos <-- includes Nelo Angelo

        uber leet player playing as Dante fighting against Vergil without taking a single hit <-- he/she makes it look so easy...
        Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 04-29-2006, 04:26 AM.

