Well I have no intentions on posting this into the media section as I don't plan on turning this into something Quake related. Its more like me just flexing my puny modeling muscles!
It is however modeled with the Quake rottweiler in mind!
I know the textures are jacked 7 ways from Sunday (I'm working on my UV mapping skills) so forgive any discrepancies an experienced eye might notice.
Also the texture is roughly rigged and it has no bones for animation (?yet?) But here's my latest addition to my collection of models I'm working on!
Any comments or suggestions?
It is however modeled with the Quake rottweiler in mind!
I know the textures are jacked 7 ways from Sunday (I'm working on my UV mapping skills) so forgive any discrepancies an experienced eye might notice.
Also the texture is roughly rigged and it has no bones for animation (?yet?) But here's my latest addition to my collection of models I'm working on!
Any comments or suggestions?