Originally posted by Lerster
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Sometimes a bit of an inconvenience is necessary to ensure our freedoms, and if the US wrecked their own economy temporarily it might be helpful to prevent future such incompetence.
If SOPA were enacted, running a web site from inside the US would be mortally foolish because a site outside the US would only face blockage, but a site inside the US would be vulnerable to endless legal crap.
Many would choose simply to avoid the US.
And if that kind of lesson is the kind of lesson the US government needs ...
Originally posted by powerzord
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Or just make sites like Quakeone.com become QuakeOne.xxx <--- porn site domain extension ... businesses that like to sue people over avatars and links and screenshots can't view the site because their firewall prohibits porn sites. If their employees are not allowed to view your site, it is kind of hard to sue them.
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