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quake memes

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  • #16
    Originally posted by golden_boy View Post
    That amused me more than it probably should have done.
    wew lad


    • #17
      I know everyone here has probably watched this video... ( so it is "Old" i know )

      and thankfully it isn't true, thanks to good modders

      but well... figured on the off chance anyone here hasnt watched this 1 here ya go... not really a meme, but right section i say definitely laughed hard when i watched it the first time

      [ame=]If Quake was done Today[/ame]


      • #18
        My favorite part of that video is the "graphics on/off" part. That is so incredibly retarded that you just have to laugh.

        The part in the beginning where you can hear him slapping the keyboard trying to bypass all the splash screens actually raises a good point. You just paid for a game, the company has your money and now they are going to piss you off by forcing you to look at their logos. When that happens it's almost like they are saying "remember who made this game, so you can remember which asshole companies to avoid"

        I would assume that many games (if not all) are made by gamers. That being said you would think they would avoid including shit that they hate too.
        Last edited by MadGypsy; 08-29-2013, 01:13 AM.


        • #19
          Totally! Lol and the Difficulty made me laugh too

          Easy, Simplified, Watch bots do it.


          yea and some newer games there is no way to even skip the logos it's like geez got to shove advertising down our throats even after we buy the game? and some companies are very very uptight about modifying the game in any way

          some of them just go completely nazi over the DRM to the point you cant even mod the game after you buy it.


          • #20
            And the epitome of DRM-shittiness , when a company makes it so you can't even PLAY the game unless you are connected to the internet to "verify" shit

            Cough*Diablo III*

            utter bullshit... so basically if you dont have an internet connection available your game is as good as WORTHLESS lol.. way to shit on the consumer right?

            This is why any new-to-come consoles , I will never purchase because of this exact afformentioned reason. They went way too overboard on controlling every single aspect of your gaming experience to the point of disallowing you from playing your game AT ALL unless you have connected to internet. Like even after you play it online the first time which obviously verifies your ownership of the copy... Doesnt matter, still dont get to play shit afterwards if by chance your internet connection IS down, or you have to get it disconnected for a while for whatever reason, financial or whatever...

            They claim its to combat piracy which is partially true , but what they dont tell you it is ALSO simply just a big money grab.


            • #21
              why is the top-right text english? that doesnt make sense
              i know its a mockup, but whoever made it shouldve at least been consistent and made the top part german too

              also for anyone wondering what the text at bottom means:
              'the exciting party-game for the whole family'
              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


              • #22
                Last edited by MasterSplinter; 08-30-2013, 05:24 PM.


                • #23
                  This may be kind of like my "How do you laugh in Spanish" question but, how do you say Quake in German? Is it the same? Das Quakenstuffen? I really want to know.

                  I didn't know what the bottom said but, I knew what it probably said. "Party" being the only word that I couldn't guess from the image.
                  Last edited by MadGypsy; 08-29-2013, 08:31 PM.


                  • #24

                    THE PARADISE INCIDENT
                    Quake One Resurrection

                    Great Quake engine

                    Qrack 1.60.1 Ubuntu Guide
                    Get Qrack 1.60.1 running in Ubuntu!


                    • #25

                      before Quad runs out...

                      Last edited by R00k; 08-29-2013, 11:50 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by talisa View Post
                        i know its a mockup, but whoever made it shouldve at least been consistent and made the top part german too
                        It is not a mockup, it was a print ad in german magazines.

                        Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                        This may be kind of like my "How do you laugh in Spanish" question but, how do you say Quake in German?
                        Most Germans can speak English pretty well so it's simply "Quake".
                        Quake 1 Singleplayer Maps and Mods


                        • #27
                          More German advertising from Spirit collection (if I remember right)

                          And some real stuff... real like real!!

                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                            This may be kind of like my "How do you laugh in Spanish" question but, how do you say Quake in German? Is it the same? Das Quakenstuffen? I really want to know.

                            We must tighten the belten.

                            [ame=]Chaplin - The Dictator Speech - YouTube[/ame]
                            Scout's Journey
                            Rune of Earth Magic


                            • #29
                              I do not know what "Quake memes" mean, but seeing that some people post Quake ads, I would like to add the best advertising for Quake ever !

                              I wonder if ID knew that what they wrote on that add would have come true.
                              Especially for all the guys like us in this forum

                              This ad was really a great idea. Unbelievable.


                              • #30
                                Meme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

