yeah... gzdoom supports usage of md3,
and doomsday supports md2 atm... and they are working on md3 support
and there is risen3D, which also supports md2
other engines.... no idea... i personally have always used risen3d & doomsday for HD,
and gzdoom and its derivatives for retro play and for playing with mods,
because of gzdoom having lots of code added to allow for more expansive mods
and most mods out there are also made for gzdoom
and doomsday supports md2 atm... and they are working on md3 support
and there is risen3D, which also supports md2
other engines.... no idea... i personally have always used risen3d & doomsday for HD,
and gzdoom and its derivatives for retro play and for playing with mods,
because of gzdoom having lots of code added to allow for more expansive mods
and most mods out there are also made for gzdoom