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  • Cool!

    Is it easy to export the player models so your gear matches up?


    • the avatar mesh (player-model) isnt made by me.

      but the creator provided an 'avatar template' which includes the blender file of the character-model,
      so that you can just model your clothing around the model, making it easy to make the item perfect-fitting.


      and each 'avatar template' includes a special armature from the 'avastar' plugin,
      which is a unified armature that can be used for all second life character-models, both characters or clothing.

      it streamlines the process of rigging models and exporting the rigged models for use in second life,
      by adding an additional export option to blender specially for exporting character-models and clothing-items for second life


      and the 'transfer weights' feature from blender itself makes it really easy to copy the rigging from the character-model over to the clothing-item
      Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
      Last edited by talisa; 06-08-2017, 09:41 AM.
      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


      • just a trekky

        Your model straights my ears a bit, Talisa. Wonderful!

        Here are some Startek models I am making for my Quake mod.


        • @particlebat

          Your computer is new compared to mine...2002 or so. Windows XP as well (best operating system Microsoft has EVER made IMHO). Blender 2.69 runs flawless for me, unless I have 4 or 5 other programs running that eat up the RAM. Maybe it's a graphical setting that bogs your PC?

          Here's what I'm running:

          Intel Pentium 4 2.40 GHz CPU
          512 RAM
          NVIDIA GeForce 6200 GPU

          All pretty old stuff...the graphics card is the newest hardware, I think it's from 2005 or 2006, I don't even remember.
          'Replacement Player Models' Project


          • God I miss XP. I tell you what though... if you aren't familiar with the look and feel of the different Windows OS's that have come out since XP... and if one day that XP box irreparably dies on you... you're gonna learn to hate Microsoft really really fast when you see the new stuff. Yeah. It's bad. Protect that box with your life.


            • Hi guys, I'm back! I've been missing you lot, had RL issues to deal with and all that...

              Originally posted by talisa View Post
              and just yesterday, i created a sling bikini, cuz its a type of bikini i personally find really sexy

              it was made to fit on a specific avatar-body, the jomo fox v2.0
              It will never look any sexier than on this dude:

              Minor nitpick: that's actually not a bikini, as evidenced by the prefix that indicates a 2-piece ensemble.

              Originally posted by Focalor View Post
              God I miss XP. I tell you what though... if you aren't familiar with the look and feel of the different Windows OS's that have come out since XP... and if one day that XP box irreparably dies on you... you're gonna learn to hate Microsoft really really fast when you see the new stuff. Yeah. It's bad. Protect that box with your life.
              7 is good too and not that different compared to 8 and 10... The general consensus is that it's even better than XP.
              Last edited by Mugwump; 06-17-2017, 08:16 PM.
              ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
              ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


              • Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
                Minor nitpick: that's actually not a bikini, as evidenced by the prefix that indicates a 2-piece ensemble.
                Major nitpick: If you're gonna nitpick, it helps to know what you're talking about.


                That is what I guess you'd call a slingshot monokini, but the "bi" in "bikini" has nothing to do with the number 2.


                • Originally posted by Focalor View Post
                  God I miss XP. I tell you what though... if you aren't familiar with the look and feel of the different Windows OS's that have come out since XP... and if one day that XP box irreparably dies on you... you're gonna learn to hate Microsoft really really fast when you see the new stuff. Yeah. It's bad. Protect that box with your life.
                  It's the only reason I haven't touched a single piece of the hardware, software drivers, or anything else for that matter. The day this computer dies, a piece of me will die with it lol.

                  I'm usually on the shop floor at work running a mill or router but lately I've been doing CAD drafting in the engineering dept...I have to use windows 10 all day, and yes, it's shit. Microsoft just put out an update for it a couple weeks ago and my work computer has sucked major ass since. I wish they would just call them 'downgrades' and quit being phony about it.
                  'Replacement Player Models' Project


                  • Oh. Since the one-piece was called monokini, I naturally assumed the bi- prefix meant two-piece. Thanks for the info. Anyway, bikini refers to two-piece swimsuits, prefix or not. There are sling bikinis and monokinis, the model discussed here being the latter.

                    Fun fact: when it's a dude like our pal Borat here wearing a sling swimsuit, it's called a mankini...
                    ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                    ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                    • Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
                      Fun fact: when it's a dude like our pal Borat here wearing a sling swimsuit, it's called a mankini...
                      Lol. Do you guys watch Seinfeld in France? Pretty funny show, there's an entire episode about a 'bro'...a bra for guys with a little too much sag haha
                      'Replacement Player Models' Project


                      • I watched a number of episodes some twentyish years ago... dubbed in french. Still need to watch the full show in english and I don't recall watching the ep you mentioned. Big fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm here, which any Seinfeld fan has probably heard about.
                        ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                        ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                        • @Do you watch Seinfeld in France......bro/bra

                          Can you tell I just woke up? I was about to reply that that episode is in the American version, I need coffee.


                          • Heh, good morning Gypsy. How's your idea for QuaketasticScreens shaping up?
                            ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                            ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                            • @gypsy

                              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                              • some more models i made since last time posting a month ago:

                                a strappy bodysuit


                                some thigh-high boots, which are an item i personally love <3
                                (in case you're wondering whats up with the additional bend: they're digigrade boots, as in boots for furries)


                                a cross-harness


                                a shoulder-dress, which i made as a b-day gift for a close friend



                                and a few alt versions of previously-made items:


                                an extremely high/low-cut one-piece swimsuit, a suggestion from a customer


                                alt version of the boots i previously made which has laces instead of straps,
                                to make them into a more traditional army-like style of boots
                                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

