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  • FrEcH0o26
    My gun of quake barrelet shotgun,created on cinema 4d
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    Last edited by Madfox; 01-31-2021, 06:18 PM.

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  • Tea Monster
    Cheers Seven. Glad to see you about as well.

    Yeah, me and Kurikai have been plugging away at Doom for a while. I've withdrawn from modding Duke Nukem and other retro games pretty much.

    Doomsday has FBX support, which is really great from a modelling and animation standpoint. We've offered our models over at GZDoom, but I don't think that there are any takers yet. They have proper PBR lighting (which is coming for Doomsday), but they are still stuck with the ancient MD3 model format.

    We recently issued the HUD arm for Doomsday.

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  • Seven
    Hello Tea Monster,

    Great to see you are still very active.
    That weapon looks like a real heavy one
    Big amount of beautiful details all over it. Well done !

    Best of luck for your project.
    I once tinkered with the Doomsday engine.
    It has a lot of potentital and blows new life into the olden/golden games.

    Please keep us updated.

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  • Tea Monster
    Thank you!

    You can download from here
    You can see installation instructions here
    You can report bugs here

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  • Mr.Burns
    Wow, very nice textures indeed TM. Is there a publicly available download anywhere?

    Kind regards

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  • Tea Monster
    A chaingun model from the Doom High Res Model Project.

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    lizzard.jpg stratos.jpg lampoon.jpg Fun with the Zdoom Chasm Rift converting to Quake1.
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    Last edited by Madfox; 10-14-2018, 03:01 PM. Reason: pic too small

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  • TheKillingJoke
    i also made some woolly textures to turn the same gloves&stockings into striped arm&leg-warmers
    You probably want to stick to those, now that it's going to be some kind of autumn/winter . At last here in europe.

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  • talisa
    refitted some clothes i made in the past to a new avatar body i got a few weeks ago

    refitted my favourite corset and mini-skirt that i made in the past to this body mesh.

    I also made some kick-ass pony-boots inspired by my fave RL boots, and made some fishnets gloves&stockings



    and.... i also made some woolly textures to turn the same gloves&stockings into striped arm&leg-warmers

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    Old west. This gun is from the old America west. Pump Action Rifle Carbine for Shootin'

    What's it feur? (for). Glad 'ya ask'd.

    See dem 2 young men, all looking at that there daughtauh? Desirin' er.

    Can't 'ave that! (Cher chuk BAM Cher chuk BAM ..(x12).. Cher chuk BAM .. Clink Clink Clink (shell casings))

    The Laud Jesus said "Better a millstone"

    Download Colt Lightning Carbine "The Gun That Killed Many Men Who Wanted To Marry Females - Because The Father Got His So 'F' Everyone Else In The World 'Murica" .. after the west was won!"

    Hold 15 rounds so you can kill 15 mmaalleess who desirin' your daughter. A right thinking sensible all AMERICAN man don't let NO ONE marry his daughta EVER! (Or anyone elses ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD - Better a millstone!!11) 'MURICA!

    Modeled in blender for the free/opensource videogame standalone-mod/fork of Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology
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    Last edited by ChaosEsqueEd; 10-19-2017, 05:48 PM.

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    This week's work: gatling gun (1877 bulldog), sharps rifle.
    Shrewd owner of a mine or industrial plant? Having labor issues? Pinkerton's Men have brought with them a new problem-solver...

    The 1877 Colt Gatling gun. 10 barrels of crank-fired libertarianism could donate lead trinkets to striking protestors at a rate of 1200 trinkets per minute. Pinkerton's men made efficent use of these in making sure no men of various localities would be living after looking "too long" at anyones daughters. No shotgun needed (wooo ain't no one gettin muh daughter, murica!!!). Many fathers were pleased, though they did not know why... they really didn't question things. They were just happy no man was getting their daughter and they didn't have to use their 8 gauge black poweder double barrels! Soon after, however, their wives petitioned the various state governments to simply make marrying girls illegal, and thus the 1877 colt gatling gun had made it's mark, and then-some. Once the law went into effect it was no-longer needed to mow down scores of expendable daughter-desirin' picketing protesting striking mmaalleess so the gatling gun went into storage for a near century... until the minigun came around.

    Download the gun that killed all the daugher-desirin' degenerate male scum! Ally of the father (who don't want no reproducin' goin on with HIS dauteru! EVER!) Ally of the woman (who don't want no competition, and the "bulldog" makes the opinion clear) and giver of justice to the mmaallee. (A true millstone around his neck!)

    Once this gun came around, the New Testament finally and truly defeated the Old. (But perhaps in the future the Old will strike back!)

    Modeled in blender (2.73) for the free/opensource videogame standalone-mod/fork of Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology


    The gun that truly won the west. The Sharps (~1850) (buffalo) Rifle was used to eradicate the food source of the plains indians. Bullet after bullet was fired from great distances into the buffalo and the carcassas was left to rot. Earlier rifles did not have the range nor power to fell a buffalo from 1000 feet. The Sharps .50 Rifle did.
    Includes telescopic weapon-sight on top!
    Modeled in blender for the free/opensource videogame standalone-mod/fork of Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology
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    Last edited by ChaosEsqueEd; 10-19-2017, 05:48 PM.

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    Originally posted by talisa View Post
    regarding the shotgun.... i did actually animate it for darkplaces for fun once,
    but it didnt really fit in and i also didnt make it with the intention of using for quake.
    The game I work on doesn't even need anything to be animated as it can use animated "arm" bones in other files for all the animations.
    One can just export an .iqm and just use any weapon model without doing any custom animations.

    If you release that shotgun as opensource I'll definitely add it to the game (note you can play Q1 maps in the game as I added the missing functions, aswell as Q3 maps along with xonotic maps)

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  • talisa

    no, not at all.... second life is a virtual open world that is all about creativity.

    of course since its part of the internet, there are sex-clubs... but they are far from the majority of sims.


    regarding the shotgun.... i did actually animate it for darkplaces for fun once,
    but it didnt really fit in and i also didnt make it with the intention of using for quake.

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