Scar3crow... where is this sexified version of DP with Deluxemaps? I've seen screenshots about the place, but no downloadable build that I can check out.
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Scarecrow's DarkPlaces
No caps on the s please ; )
The latest DarkPlaces does support deluxemaps and reliefmapping but you would have to supply your own use of them currently. Kedhrin, one of the mappers for AutoAssault, is working on a rather ambitious project, of which the first phase is the retexturing of every Quake texture to make full use of DPs texture features such as deluxemaps, reliefmapping, gloss, etc. Right now Kedhrin is just trying to get peoples reactions to his current work, and LordHavoc, as always, is adding features to his engine he feels people could make use of - lately it seems to be benefitting mapping and texturing. is the most recent build and does have support for all of those things, but its still in dev. Id drop by #darkplaces on Anynet and ask LordHavoc or Kedhrin for more info.
You guys are mean. All Monster tries to do is increase his power and give out word for Metal. Is that really so bad? Infact that was the first post I've seen him make that didn't involve the two. We should give him a cookie.
Originally posted by MonsterNo, this wasn't the first. Note all of the posts I made in my Kombat Guide. But Yes. THE MONSTER LOVES COOKIES!!!!
Originally posted by scar3crowNo caps on the s please ; )
-- on a side note:
I like how DarkPlaces doesn't crash if it can't load a model. It just replaces it with this rainbow pyramid.
I like the asthetic of my nick *shrugs*
Yeah, DarkPlaces is more likely to tap you on the shoulder and hand you a note about whats wrong than scream and run out of the room.
I see Sajt is posting while not being on irc currently, once again
Heh, I just now linked LordHavoc and Kedhrin to this thread.
[03:14] <LordHavoc|sleep> scar3crow: you can point out the deluxemaps at the DP files area
[03:14] <LordHavoc|sleep> scar3crow: deluxemaps_id1.pk3
[03:15] <LordHavoc|sleep> scar3crow: they don't do anything useful without proper bump/gloss textures though, which facelift doesn't provide
[03:16] <LordHavoc|sleep> scar3crow: which is why I'm pestering up2nogood to put up a nice DP pack
[03:17] <LordHavoc|sleep> scar3crow: even if that means putting up the old qe1 textures
[03:18] <LordHavoc|sleep> scar3crow: much harder to find nice bump/gloss texture sets than the typical qw texture sets for those who want it, particularly Starbuck
cheers scar3crow
I've got the beta build installed, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding any bumpmapped textures. I used to have that QE1 pack, but I think I deleted it, and now the site is down. If anyone knows any mirrors where I can get it, it'd be much appreciated. Ta.
P.S. where should I throw that .pk3 file? Straight into \ID1 ? And then are deluxemaps activated by the console? I couldn't find anything different in the RT World / Shadows page.