hey all,
just wanted to show you guys i havent been gone or such...and actually i have still been busy with quake!
but.... not in quake itself
ive instead been real busy lately remaking all kinda stuff from quake... in second life
ive rebuild lots of items from quake in second life. so far ive made:
all keys,
all ammoboxes,
all 4 skill-portals,
all 3 healthboxes,
a working nailgun (which works the exact same like it does in quake itself even ),
and ive even remade the first skill-selection part of the startmap exactly
ive got great help from a good friend in SL which helped me script several of the items so they are actually usable.
like the nailgun he scripted, he helped script all keys so they can be 'picked up' and he helped me make sculpties for several items to decrease prim-count while still looking the same
and ive made the skill-portals all to be actually usable as teleporters
these are not screenshots from quake, they are actual screenshots made in second life
after this i plan to first remake the supernailgun, which is my second fave weapon (after the nailgun, which is my ultimate fave)
and then remake all other weapons, and the other pickups and such too.
and i hope to one day even be able to remake all the monsters from quake too in SL and make a hud in the style of quake so you can 'play a game of quake' in Second life too (or at least be able to play a deathmatch in SL)
tell me what you guys think of the stuffs i remade
if you also play second life and wanna contact me, feel free to send me an IM. my inworld name is saphyra melodie
just wanted to show you guys i havent been gone or such...and actually i have still been busy with quake!
but.... not in quake itself
ive instead been real busy lately remaking all kinda stuff from quake... in second life
ive rebuild lots of items from quake in second life. so far ive made:
all keys,
all ammoboxes,
all 4 skill-portals,
all 3 healthboxes,
a working nailgun (which works the exact same like it does in quake itself even ),
and ive even remade the first skill-selection part of the startmap exactly
ive got great help from a good friend in SL which helped me script several of the items so they are actually usable.
like the nailgun he scripted, he helped script all keys so they can be 'picked up' and he helped me make sculpties for several items to decrease prim-count while still looking the same
and ive made the skill-portals all to be actually usable as teleporters
these are not screenshots from quake, they are actual screenshots made in second life
after this i plan to first remake the supernailgun, which is my second fave weapon (after the nailgun, which is my ultimate fave)
and then remake all other weapons, and the other pickups and such too.
and i hope to one day even be able to remake all the monsters from quake too in SL and make a hud in the style of quake so you can 'play a game of quake' in Second life too (or at least be able to play a deathmatch in SL)
tell me what you guys think of the stuffs i remade
if you also play second life and wanna contact me, feel free to send me an IM. my inworld name is saphyra melodie