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Looking for a particular custom quake 3 model.

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  • Baker
    Your best bet is to read this page:

    Fileplanet - Archiveteam

    And maybe join the IRC channel mentioned on the page and talk to some people there and figure out which of the couple of hundreds of Fileplanet archive tarballs your file might be in.

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    I am pretty sure someone somewhere has all the planetquake stuff archived, don't lose hope.

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  • Evindil
    started a topic Looking for a particular custom quake 3 model.

    Looking for a particular custom quake 3 model.

    Djed L Head created a model called V6, which is a custom model for quake 3. unfortunately since the links on planet-quake are pretty much dead I cannot download the model. so I was wondering does anyone have the model? the original download link and pics of the model are found here:

    (-||-) V6 - Planet Quake

    By the way I tried using the internet archive wayback machine but it did not work.