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I complete some shiny part on jsh2, there now all shines work good.
Also exist a problem - i divide materials to different shine and damage states, so now for that used additional 12 textures, and they fixed - 5 for differ shine reflection imitation - models, brushes, water, others for rusty or scratch effects, where no reflect parts of textures.
So, they fixed, but all textures for now not complete, there must be work.
Engine ready for shiny effects, but not all textures i make
Added lot of shiny variations and effects, available edit shiny effect by texture sets, added png support and improved some else (but i forgot).
For now i just fast prepare sample textures, they not so superb, but with that textures you can see how it work.
May be in future better make external file with configfor lighting, shiny, fog, ectparameters...
Hello Jeank and Inkub0, first and foremost thanks for your engine and your great textures, respectively, however there seems to be a bug with both :S
I'm running the engine on an ATI HD 5770 with the latest drivers.
Jeank: reflections work worse for me with 1.20, water reflections used to do this and if I turned them off, it was fixed...now whenever I'm underwater, I get the picture in picture effect, no matter whether reflections are on or off, if I turn reflections ("chrome") on overland I get the same picture in picture effect (see attached screenshots). I thought it was due to Inkubo's textures...but it happens with your original ones too.
Inkub0: that particular road texture (green grass and err yellow brick road) looks wrong both in Jeank's engine and yesterday's nightly build of ftew (see last screenshot)
Any help would be appreciated, since both these efforts breathe new life into a game I love.
I have an ATI HD4830 w/ 512mb and it works fine... I have not still tried Jeank new 1.2 engine, maybe tonight i will.
Look at my previous screenshots: the grass is normal
I attach example screen of new effects, unfortunately most effects i just cant take by static picture, for example statues in demo1 or romeric1, monsters or powerups, ect. all this cannot seen on static images.
For now not all of objects chrome tuned (i just fast make example shine and rusty textures, and put over ten differ formulas for shine run, but hard tune all of it in short time).
So, try explain, how to use new version.
1 - Shiny models.
Exist 3 texture for brushes (shiny, shiny2, shiny3), thats shine from glasses (shiny), metas (shiny2), to marbles (shiny3).
Exist 7 textures of decay - 2 scratch for glasses (scratchglass/2), 2 (rust and rusty) for metals (rustmetal/2), 3 crack for marbles (crackstone/2/3).
Each shine brush also divided by shine quality (perfect, scratched, more scratched, rust, rustest, cracked, more cracked, of texture rust, for example, rust texture be put over shine texture, and rust parts not be shined.
I think its work some like Q3 method of chrome effects.
So, about shine models:
Exist 5 shine textures for models (Shinymodel/red/grn/blu/yel), textures depends from models shine types.
Models shine types divided by:
WEAPON - (player hands) - used Shinymodel depended from player pos and angles.
POWERUPROTATED - (mystic urns, ect) used moved shine texture Shinymodelyel
WEAPONROTATED - (swords, bows, staffs, ect) moved shine texture Shinymodelred
BONUSROTATED - (health, ect) moved shine texture Shinymodel
PAZZLES - (crystalls) moved shine texture Shinymodel
MONSTER - (archers) fixed texture Shinymodelred with differ blend mode
MONSTERTOXIC - (spiders, ect) slow moved Shinymodelgrn
MONSTERSHINED - (golems, ect) fixed Shinymodelyel
MONSTERWATER - (hydra, ect) moved Shinymodelblu
STATUE - fixed Shinymodel
ARCYELLOW (bells, ect) - - fixed Shinymodelyel
INTERIOR - fixed Shinymodel
So, each mode have own presets, and hard all tune in closer time.
May be exist reason make external file with preset lists, if somebody need that.
But for now exist lot of tune with shine and decay textures, i just cant do it all in one time
i Have ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT (PCI Express) and i have some problem like "piture in picture" when i disable bloom, it works good. But i except one day coming when you fix bloom for ATI's =)
I have an ATI HD4830 w/ 512mb and it works fine... I have not still tried Jeank new 1.2 engine, maybe tonight i will.
Look at my previous screenshots: the grass is normal
Yeah it was normal in some FTEQW nightly build that crashed on select video (can't remember when...but not long ago) and Jeank's previous build
Maybe it has something to do with how that scene is rendered...or maybe it's also a Bloom problem...
Originally posted by jeank
Bloodbat, it is not reflecton (chrome) problem, is bloom problem on ati cards, i try fix that problem, but for now i have only NVidia cards
Thanks for clarifying that...I'm basically with WhiteMagicRaven on this one
inkub0, please, continue work on your pack, i reall like many textures from them, and i create "rusty" system special for your "clean" textures, so with proper "rusty" and scratched textures available create "dirty", "bloody" ect. world in your pack, and even without any change of your textures.
About PK3 - i think it easy can be supported, but if you please, i give little suggestion - use textures with sizes "pow2", like 256, 512, 1024, 2048 (2048 too much, but i tell that little later)
Any engine will convert your textures on fly, but its poor way - better if you convert this textures by soft like Photoshop, they be load easy, take optimum resources for provided quality, and may be even look better. Because textures 640*640 ni any way be resized on 1024*1024 or 512*512 (depended by presets).
And second thing - please, compress extra high dimensional materials like some green/magenta flags to normal sizes, because in all 3 engines exist max level of textures.
If your texture too large, engine just cut it to 1024, for example - as i mean it default value for most Qbased ports.
(My engine in old redactions just was have bug in resize function)
So, for little or middle objects better use little sizes under 1024.
Except for models textures - they must be big, because only one texture on entire model.
P.S. For example your packs with gl_maxtexsize = 256 run smooth even on my old machine P3 600MHz GF2 32Mb
Each Hexen2 level take average 70-80 textures, large levels take even 100, small take about 40.
And we need add sprite, model skins textures, they will take 300-400 additional textures, and most of them must be loaded.
So, 512x texture take 1Mb each one, 1024x textures take 4MB, 2048x take 16MB.
If all textures be 2048*2048, only level textures without models and sprites taked about 1.2GB and even 1.6GB of videomemory. Its HUGE, very HUGE values.
inkub0: so, please, resize textures like rtex151/152 from giant sizes 1300*2700 to 512*1024, for example.
Better save place for great big textures like big window texture rtex018 - there really needed big size for cool quality.
With best regards, and sorry about my poor English